Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1464

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mimx. Appr0p¢*iations—C0ntinued. P8-gw { Appropriations—Continu0d. Pagefor condemnation expenses, etc., extend- for policing, accommodation of visitors, ing W and Adams streets NW., D. C . 1008 etc., Jamestown Island .. 766 extending Park place NW., D. C. . ..,.. 1012 for exhibit of progress of negro race, Jamesextending Monroe street, D. C . 1222 town Exposition . . 767 extending Albemarle street, D. C .. 1226 for expenses, New York postal situation opening Mills avenue, D. C . 1244 commission ... 786 {Or Isthmian gam] ________________________ 5 for relief of sufferers, San Erancisco earthfor ptuiogise of coal claims, Batau Island, dquak?1a‘l;{1 iongagézlmin-  ; —-—--- ·· · ________________________ 23 m eavaa eormeica supnes ..., · for mrkiigpgfses of Confedemtes who for further relief of earthquake sufferers; died in Northern hospitals oi prisons 56 f €Xtf9· QXPQHSQS ·---·-- ; ·—··--··--·· 828 for expenses, opening C0lv1llo Indian Res- fg" ILFQPWEHS $lt€» et?; lL0H8N3U0Vé $32*19- 830 er-mtg0H, “laSh _____________________ gg r ommission on o aware an esafor bridge across Tongue River, Fort _ P€3k€ Canal ·---·-·-—-—-----— _· ; ·-—- 835 Keogh, Mont _____ ________________ gg for Digopq of Customs Laws and Decisions. 840 for rcclassi yinv imblic lands in Alabama. . 88 for addltloml €XP*?¤§€$, Interstate 00m' for purchase oi, our field guns, etc., from meme Commission---; --—----···-·-— 840 Qonnecticut ________________________ 106 for transfer of school fund Saint Helena and for public crematorium, D. C ,,,,,. 124 $6Uit Luk?? DMI5h9S to Smith C3T0· 893 i , ‘ ‘ , t . an i ‘““ ········ . ······················· or €Xf§;':;_SBr:§)g1§;l§r€at§§ ’ E 125 2; ciistoéns bfarding looa,t, G?lves{011, Tex. 1011 for improving month of Columbia River, re `taxes? fm m emu ir°v°Du° 1221 -°'T"g· ““d ““l‘·r ·············· ·· · · 131 for ex nsos ii0¤ebud`i1i£1iAh` iiésehéiiéii for bringing home remains of naval officers, Iignds 1231 °*°·# dying "‘·b’°"‘d. ··············· . · · · 132 for moniunciiiltio `SZIJJ nbiitél for naval and postal service, San Francisco my Cal * 1408 earth ..,.. 168 . . ’ ’‘‘‘ 2 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ for expemwqillgngtmed alcohol act 218 §°r mmgm°&B,t;t1°D’ New bg‘g;am’ La 1409 for monument to Commodorelohn Barry,. 224 · °r m°¥§5“°D ’ lpp°°°u°° 9 gmun * 1410

   N. J: · l - • _ · — ·: - I gg: for m0U\1!I;éi1lI·     i m-     it; li;;;;.

nuagng giggle Pugmm, em., Province- M {gigfffff °‘ N"' O"°“”“, lm own ass . · - - ‘'‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘`‘' ’ _ f tt t lt T 1412 for ,,9, mm, FOX and pac mm, Rich- {Zi EEE; §i2n1‘2,‘3i§‘i.$`T“.Y??.?’?i . T?. .. ms =»}rd¤<>¤ Count? hgbr ·--—------··-- 263 for immigrant station. Charleston, S. C 1415 for dmwage “*}6SSm€mS> FOX and Sac In' for site, etc., Stephenson Grand Amiy Medians, Rmhardson County, Nobr . . . 263 mmm] D C _______________________ 1424 for drainage assessments, lands of Iowas, Aqueduct Bridgéx D C Richardson CPlmtY’ Nebr- -; · - -_ --·- - 263 appropriation for reconstructing pmr ho. 1; for Oklahoma election and constitutional balances for repairs Qu. ___<_________ 1130 convention expenses 271 A d t W h· I W h· A ,_ for common schools, Oklahoma, in lieu of que ucéucg my on (Sw as mgmn qui Indian Territory lands . . 272 Aquia (freak, Va,, for bewh Of ¤<>m¤¤<>¤ ¤¢h<>¤1¤, Ar¤¤<>¤¤ ---- 282 pmamimy examination Os, to be made., uu for Arizona election and constitutional com- Aransas pa_,_, Ten Yemlou GXPQPBGS -----··------··--·- 285 appropriation for improvement of* confo1‘ n8.i)lOI1al quarantine expenses .. 301 tracts _____ ____ ______ ____ i 737 1091 f<>r Ki;z;m}¤<>¤¤¤¤i¤ Mme z¤>¤¤<1 ¤¤¤¤¤- 286 sm im{»m»·9mm of Turtle Cove crm- ’ , ·······'· *· ·········· j ·······• C Ch i i, f ; - for traveling expenses of the President 454 g.gct;i wit l 1091 fm HW') p" °*?“t °i Pmcceds °f public kmdsv for improvement of inland waterway to to California for common schools .._, 518 Pass Cavauo; contracts _____________ 1091 for expenses, xéatumlizatiou act; restriction Arapaho and Cheyenne Indians, Okla., l'€H10V€ ... 606 , a o iationf rsu t, etc., of .. 362, 1043 for lands in Utah fmm Le Grand Young. . 613 I ATB p§hd’i07l8,0N0Tg;lIL?I('?I; Cheyemw and, for medals to volunteers serv1ni bey0nd { appropriation for fulfilling treaty with. 354,1035 enlistment, to suppress P Llippine l Arlritratwn, insurrection ... 621 I appropriation for expenses of, railway emfgr damages, change of grade, etc., on line ploygesf differences _,_,_,_,_.,,__ 705, 131] of Ifhiladelphio, Baltimore and Arbitration, International Bureau. Permanent VVashingt011 Railroad, \Va.•ahmgton, Court of, D. C., from District revenues ... 625 appropriation for share of expenses .. 291, 921 for expenses, preservation of Niagara Falls, Arcadia, Mich., GW .-··...-------··---.-.- z ·--. 628 i appropriation for improvement of harbor. . l09" for expenses Government exhib1t.James- Archaeological Institute of America. D. C. I

  t0ynm Exposition  I.:  764 incorporated; powers and duties .. 203

for buildmgs, Government exhibit, James- Archquetie, William, Indian Allottee.

 town Exposition ... . ... 765 feosimple title to. . ..,... 381

for piers and basin for small craft, James- Ardmore, Okla., tOW`I1 Exposition ... 765 terms of court ___,,,_,,_,____ 275 for aid to Jamestown Exposition Company- 766 Argentine Republic, for permanent pier, Jamestown Island; appropriation for minister to _,__________ 286, 916 present pier . . . 766 or secretary of legation ... 287, 917