Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1513

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INDEX. lvii Electrical Depdrtment, D. C.——C0nti11ued. 1*386- Employer! Liability, Common Carrier, P¤S¤· apfropriation for lighting . . ... 496, 1133 for injuries to employees through neglect of or electric arc lights ... 497, 1134 officers, etc ... 232 deficiency appropriation for. . 641 Employment Agencies, D. C.,

Pgémdwn for Vaults, etc., Public license; required; application requirements;

u` ings ees ... ‘ ... 304 ` appro riation for . 700, 1306 bond; issue of license; posting 305

 Units, gnternational       locations prohibited; child-labor restricappro riation or ex enses 0 e egutc . 44 tions . 306

Eleventliibight-House £.¢t1··ict, , register; references, etc ... 306 tender for inspector, limit of cost increased- gig fees allowed; receipts; contracts .. 307 appropriatxon or. - . e .. restriction on employments .. 308 reliepliggtwessel for ninth and, to be equip— enforcement of regulations- 1 .. · 308

 pad wxh rgomr power . 996 md%fo; Qiglsgcns .,.. , ... 308, 848

uabeth . ., Engr appropriation for public building . 632 appropriatign for enlisted men; longevterms of court-, - : ... 12 ity 242 1160 ‘ El,jmb,m N _] ‘ for pay of oiiiqers; longevity. . .: . . 244; 1162 limit of cost increased, public building , . - 7'Zg Officer gg be fn min?;:;;;;;? a pro riaticn for .. 129 mm? ,' . , . Sm. P · · the MISSIEIPPI in Minnesota ... 457

 gr iépmvemeut of  1079 Ewimvr Demwmm, Army,

"EfizabeLh," Schooner, apgiropriation for expenses of depots. . . 2.56, 1173 éppwwggu for paying damages ________ 1292 or pgghme of inst.rument.s, etc., for 0%% ap;,;Z;};,m{A for ugmng _.___ 713,1320 for r§¤)¤i¤ét¤¤;:;§<5_¤f ¤¢h<><>L Wvbmzwéigai 1 or improvement of 1081 h é1 “m;?§;d -·---··~···-·· ¤ Elk River Tenn., · ````'`'`'`''`‘ mum; 8 . tion OL tdbc le 1117 for equipment of troops .. 256, 1174

 William, or Rum Bmw, Indian Azzauu, E fzjgiijjs wl; bla- - -  i --------- 25% 1174

iee·simple title to - .. 356 - · ’ ian ’ Eu. CM l Indian Almm apfuruprranon for cler s, etc 420, 966 81;* . el/’ · - ’ or clerks paid from rivers and harbors ap-

1€]\8.tl0l1 restrictions removed ... 345 Pmpmmom etc 420

E"" I*"”F’ {"*"‘}9’“"‘1;g‘“?‘(ffg fi'? Kr hw . amumeu, ml, w {QI3Q1E }£6¤§{§{>§»2>Z appr0p (?lT' jr W w 1317 El-igzious fg]; yivgrg gud hg]·h0l·g’ m% for remodeling main building .. 1317 - '''`'`'`'``'``'``f ’ . - - · · Engmeor School, Army, deficiency 2. propnutnon for two psvxhom. 842 . . . . Mp, 4~<·;¤»t}f;<¢·g· A¤~m» 380 °""’°"§.?€f3£’T.fTTY .““‘““? . ’T“T'T?'?.’T`T‘l-`T‘?T”£6, mg °°`“"”p ° ‘ ° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ { b ud" ; __,._,._,,____,_,,,,___,__ 1173 Elm, Ch¢”l€8» Indian A”°”“> 1Epcr·i1rwn£al Station, Naval fee-simple title to ... 380 Academy El"'» R¤¤M» [nd"'"' Au°““> appropriation for salaries, investigations, fee-simple title w . . . 380 me _____________________________ 575 1197 Emanuel Protestant Episcopal Church, D. C., Engimmx Chief OL l;?-’¥i%/;{ 870 action on plans for improving channels on taxes YQ un ···---·-· _- ·_ -··-··-·······-- New Jerse cout, ..,,,,,,,,,.,_,,_, 800 Embkm of F'“i””“l Somtmr l authorized to sell,204 L street NW., Washregxstrypf, as trade-marks, not allowed 1251 l ingwm D C _______________________ 820 Em”9¢”’~'L?-*’ , U"f°"“"Y'· . i to approve plans, etc., of dum across White approririatnon for dnplmnatic and ¢©nsu@ 1 Rivem Ark _______________________ 628 m` -········· ········· : ······ . · E1•gi·ne¢rr‘s 0 ice D. C., deficiency appmprmuon for diploimmc appmpriaggm ’ for mlm,k_S record divi and COI1Sul3.l‘ \1I1fol'€S0<’Il , I . 2; z Si(m ____ ____________ ____ 485 1122 not i»0 1*6 11S8d {OI €XP€¤¤€B» "*°·» m _ for engineers, superintendents, etc .. 485,1122

 D1?!'!;;} ZX<€PU0¤ ···-—······-·—·- 2’   for gontingent Ecpenscs  I 488, 1125

""*”9em`?l V · · · I Englan (see Great r1tain)t appropnation fur ---· i · ···---·····-··- 508v 1147 E1; [and, Tillman, Indian, Allgugg,

 Fund, Nayy Department,     alienetion restrictions removed  345
de mem;-Lap]gr0}>r}z;.t1gn for ... 646, 1.584 i Engnwing afd 1);"L1l.l’|,1|,g Bureau, Treasury Dem 7 , .,par men ,  

7;”gri>ncrqiatile%r;r care, etc., of indigent pa- { appropriation for Director, assistant. etc. 408, 955 pp llients .,.,...,. 510, 1151 limitation .,. .., 9 55 for mpam, and equipment . 1151 for administrative forge paid fr0rn en- Emmons, George T., graving and printing; limitation. . . 408 deficiency appropriation for reimburse- 4 lor salaries ·.-.-·-.--..- 783,1;% t .---.----·-----·------»—- or wages .. , Mspmuzims, Fmzfcmimg, requirement for hand press work reapproprmtmn for moderuizing Oldéf - - ~ 462, 10¤8 pealedi ... 1313 Em l , H R esentatires, or materia. s 703, 131 dgfilgegngcy agagdaggn for additional pay, _ for custody of dies, rolls, and plates. . 707, 1313 em., a.uthorized~by resolutions . 1397 l deficiency gpprrfpnation for emgloyees de- E R `l oads, [ tai e to reasurer; reim ursement. ’

 lgboinbgr, limited  1415 1 for wages; balances transferred . 637