Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1521

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mnnx. hw Far: De Som, Fla., _ Pm. 1 Fm ywgmg, ,9_ gu nys. ¤PP*°P¤¤W>¤ for ¤¤bl€, ew-, VJ III8H11B11d- . 464 apkpropriation for wharf, etc _,___________ Q 743 Fort Dodge, Iowa, or protecting wall . 1059 terms of court.., .. 912 Fort Niagara, N. K, Fort Natwnal Qbmctery, Term., deficiency appropriation for buildings; use deficiency sqgnroprmtion for road . 644 of amount for land . 644 Fort D<mg_la.·r, tak, _ Fort Niobrara Military Reservation, appropriation for post hospital ... 1172 dam authorized across Niobmm River at. . 297 exclmx$e of lands, etc., with Le Grand right of way for trolley line, etc., through. . 297 oung . Z .. 612 Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., port of,_ granted Utah University; condi- 5 appropriation for land, target mage ... 742 twns, _ ... - .. 1 95 Q Fm Peek Agency, Mime., Salt LakeC1tygmnted right ofway through, = appropriation for support, etc., of Indians F Engoibploulevsrd ... 927 at ... 353, 1034 ort _' , _ tario, Furl Pickens, Fla., · clasification and salary of consul . 100 ] apipropriution for ea walls .. . . 1059 Fort Games, Ala., _ j I. or replacing ammunition, etc., damaged appropriation for reglgcing ammnmition, I by storm .,.,_.,,,,,...,... 1060 etc., damaged y storm .,.. 1060 ; Ferl Porter, N Y., Fart Greblg, I., R tunnel under grounds, for Buffalo water spprouprmtnon for watensuppl ... 1348 , supply, authorized . 532 Fort H l Rcawvatwn, Icgho, 1 Fort Putnam, West Point, M Y., appmprmtion for support, etc., of Indians l appropriation for restoring . 531. 1073 of ... :-:-.._ .. 334, 1023 1 Fort Rice Military Reservation, N. Dah., for surveefr; plans for irngatmg, etc., ‘ homestead laws extended to abandoned-. . 808 Sed land! 1 . _ . . 334 selectnon by North Dakota in lieu of school _ removal of Lemlu Indians to _ 7 30 lands entered on abandoned 1218 trngmon of lands of; lands for reservoir- . . 1024 Fart Riley, Kam., water rights; lands of Indians, etc .. 1024 · appropriation for cavalry and field artil- 8g1l'0 for; reimbursement ... 1025 · lery school ., 240, 1158 Fort all ’ , Fort Robinson Militmjq Rumation, Ncbr., appropriation for fulfilling treaz with. 338, 1024 grant of portion of, to Crawford, Nebr., for FW! Keogh ]Hlitary Reservation, ont., _ park, etc ... 461 appropriation for bridal) acms Tongue j Fort Saint Philip, La., River, by Custer unty ... 88 1 appropriation for rebuilding protecting part; may be used as experimental horse- j levees .,.. 1069 breeding station 252 forreplscing ammunition, etc., damaged right of way ?.uted thrown? . 187 by storm 1060 Fort Lafayette, . K, Novel agnzim, i Fort Sam :Ho·uaton, Taz., Fapmdatiougoyublic works ... 568 I F;pp,ropr?tion f6•;I:iditions1 land .. 252 em venwort , am., , an um, , appropriation for General Service and Staff use of transport "Sumuer" to convey Com- . College .,.. 240, 1158 mission, etc., to dedication o battle for military prison .. 743 monuments 821 deficiency a ropriation for military prison 32 Fort Scott, Kam., Fort Lewis, Ceilg., appropriation for road to national cemetery: Fappiypriatilon {or Indian school 334, 1023 F S condxéions 1347 crt c mos , ex., crt crcvm, a., . appropriation for land, target range ... 742 appropriation for seo wall . 742 Fort Mackenzie. Wyo., Fort Shaw Abandoned Military Ifeserrahan. appro riation for post hospital 1172 Mont., Fort Masks, Fla., disposal of lands in ...r... 228 gp mpriatimi for sen walls 1059 lands reserved for Indian s<·hool .,... 229 ior replacing ammunition, etc., dam- under reclamation art . 220 nged b stomi . 1060 Fort Sheridan, Ill.. Ibrt Marion, Fla., additional land for, mnthorizod; funds deed of "Tho Lines." for school purposes to available ... 1348 Saint Johns (`ounty . 913 Fort Sherman Rum·atio·n, Idaho, right of way nted across ... . ... ]2]9 strip of land for highway to Kootenai Fort Mason. C15? County 456 appropriation for general depot for army Ibrt Sill Milita1t·phReserwation. 0l:la.. _ supplies; contracts for construction. 257 · right. of wzgr rough to Wichita Mountain Fort Mijlin. Pu., Naral Magazine, und rient Railway_(`ompan7y.. . I . . 613 spplikopriatiop for public works 567. 1190 Fort Smeg and Van Burm Bndge mul ractzon Fort i 'are, ria., ompomy, _ Fgpplrpoprmtiorn for Indian school 332. 1021 may bgulge Arkansas River, Van Buren. H t onroe. ¤., r --.--·»»... . ... ~ appropriation for artillery school ... 240, 1158 penalty for violations of orders, ctc 22 gi; additional land ,,_.. 742 Fort Sno ling, Minn., {oi- wharf px rise; _______,.. . .. T43, 1348 approtion for drill hall T43 for repairs oimroads, etc ...,. 743, 1348 for Iliiiidge across Mississippi River to for sewer system ... 743, 1349 Saint. Paul .. 1 .. 1346 Fort Morgan. Ala., construction of bridge authorized across appropriation for re lacing ammunition. Mississippi River between Saint etc., damaged hy storm . . . . 1060 Paul and ...-.·--»~·-----·~------~v· 66