Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1559

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INDEX.oiii L0uis·lana—Continued. Page. M. Pmtitle to certain lands within claim of Isaac M Street NE., D. C'., Crow, asignee of Vincent Michele, deficiency appropriation for extending 1377 confirmed . 896 Merilester, Im. T., . LWmhM’ Mon additiorlral boeréd issue for schoolhouses au- 027 4 ii ‘ * 5 5 mi iid. t vriz .-------·--·--.-.-- 1 Q_ cwilig 1375 consolidatioonl of South McA1e¤tei- with, bridge authorized across Mi issrppi Rivet H m12H ~-—} —----- A --—·---·-----· 91 at . 933, wtoria,ouec, Loui.wille,_ Ky., f of Om Mfzepmplwiple to ... 374 appro nation or im vement "o c a rey, i iam, pRiver at ... 1096 deficiency appropriation for extra services. _ 1396 Lourcme; Lucy A., Indian Allottce, MsC' , William F. M., , fee-simple title to ,,.,...,... 365 deglctiiancy appropriation for expert serv- · , Lgurgnpg Marquez, Africa, — 1C8S .. 669 classification and salary of consul . 99 gcggdyimq gcnm; gwyg, 3_, Lame, Martha, Indian Allauee, appropriation for expenses unveiling statue' alienation restrictions removed from home- of .·-- 736 stead ,,,,,,___,,. , , 346 McCldlam·vill¢, C., of Lgwgn, R,, appropriation r im vement waterdeiiciency appropriation for reimburse- I Cook vga5L' between (galeston and ... . 1084 t . 1388 c , e ., Lower Br£?énAgemy, S. Dah, terms of court at 998 a pro ‘ tion for Indian agent at .. 369, 1046 McCoy, B. T., and others, Trustees of Church, `Lo¢iv)er£i.4’;'eI1adianRe•e7·1>a¢iorn,S.Da|=., D.C'., disposal of portion of _,,..,, I _,____... 124 Iéilllld of hX8B to .. . ---· 870 opepine w ¤:=¢1•=¤;3¤; ¤¤¤¤¤¤. ew -------· Eg M;C'oy, rape, qndian Axiom, 365 0 pl'00 H .··---··-----·---- ·- ·s1m tit e to . .. appropriation for expenses; reimbursable. 125 yciiioy, 5;:,/, [,,4;,;,, Auome, regulations, etc.; sale of uDdl¤p0S€d of fee-simple title to . .. 365 buds-';} -··— i J ················ · · · 126 McDaniel Savannah River, 1238 Thororug are, ., dam aut iz at . ... preliminary examination to be 1118416 of ][gDer·ma¢, E H., al cliannelat Deals Islzflhd ...----- U-13 deficiency appropriation for extra services- 43 L¤9\°'•iy*W“'!0’d". v ~. . emald, Arm' Nval Cnscrzwt ,.7 Loplunishment for unauthorized wearing m- MCD Mp]. E_ mm a 0 or 0- ¤is¤i¤ ¤f. i¤ Di¤$¤¤*·‘ ·---·-—---·-·— 62 gin or miami for miasnipmeii, by family Lwxrne, Switzerland, ’ of, accepted .. . · . - 916 CI8$i5C§t1QB 3i1d Stlafy of consul . 99 McDawdl’ Al“and"’ “PP“3P“?“°“ for clerk him ‘‘‘·‘‘‘*‘‘‘‘‘ 294* 924 deficiency appropriation for expenses, con- "L”·€!I· · . tested-election cases, House of Repu=3;_P¤'0P¤¤UQ¤ {0T !’°P°“‘ bY °‘"“" ········ 1293 resentatives . . . . 662 L nywm MM-. _ Mrcuzpin Poem, Mich., appmpnationgr ¤¤¤I>¤>*’*`=m**¤* of h°»'b°’} 1097 light. station discontinued 996 °°¤*¤° -·--··-············ · ······ ll Hm John W Lu,kenbach,Lke, ‘c g' " ·· . ·- _ approppiatiiirb fo;] cost of repairs to barge 1292 d°n°‘€;‘§5’n;pPmP"?f}°¥ 1381 Lum !`“€· · ·· Mmmq. onmrii/. ````` `

hg;         <lvfi<‘i¢*¤<‘y approprimiou1'ormmii pi·i·vi4·i:;n 1395

Lutheran CLWCIFC" l{rKay Sleumshi Lim ` taxes mhmdcd ·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’``‘```' sw A a proprintion grr rvfund to ... 722 L¤·’¤¢mb”"!fi N"”'*’l“’*d’.“”d· Mega. James M,. ¤P‘PmP“°·ti‘*“ fm` ‘“i“*·7“"` to ········‘‘‘ 286* 916 deficiency appropriation for payment to L or sevrelgvy of Ie8W0n ······-·-··-·· · 287· 917 admimsmurix 1374 1/Twhb 1 av . . ' °¤‘°’;g“‘j,’“ °* P“*’“° ’“"""“g “‘· ’“‘"‘°" ,,5 M;§;:i;;:ii£$`k0i pibiii- bonding . ssa me - ·--------··-—--·- _ - , ¤P£’°li’!'l“Pl°“ fo? ···· ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 790* I MgpgmpiixuxgrUpenitentiary, construcre rmrt m<>d¤fi*>d ·------------·- iijjj 54, g mm _____________,_,_,,,._. .. . . 751,1257 Jew COUA'; it ······ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Maehm, Hqlliam A., f md 657 no wer, . .'.._ _ d ficieucy a ropriation Of ..-- - —--- aéppropgption for improvement of . 1084 ) MJMM qum7P‘E7_myy t ts t 463 1059 ., . base, . C-- - i Lionvgixicticrn of dams, GW-. ¤\1Y·h0¥'lz9d Maplggolz-:.;;,10; Mm; e across Rock KiV€l' N7 ··------- · ---- 933 M -' ar’ 357 Lynn Mah . fee-simple title to . . ..-··.·.·.--- - - - - ' · ~ . bo.. 738 M- bS¢r tNW,D.C., _ aggzxlxgtl0z;;l;;?,§g£,;eg?€;;$£.£·?rgo rbe i ptrongeedings to condemn land for opemng. 853 . P mag ______ _ _____________ , _ _ 1113 g appropriation for .---------·--- - - - - $53 Lyons Maco·n,_Fra1u.·za A.. _ _ _ _ Ciuéiiimiiéiil and salary of consul .-... 99 I deiicwuvy ;ppr¤p¤¤¤¤¤ im ¤¤d¤¤ ¤= ¤°· m appropriation for clerk lure ..-·---- 29% 924 °°“¤ ------······· · ···········‘‘‘‘