Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1579

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mmcx. cxxiii North Carolim Eastern Judicial Dimiez, Page Northan Indians, Cal., nge. te1:Jg§;urt, Ehzsbeth Cxty . appropriation for support, etc., of .. 333, 1022

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      ce; lmmwu mL         884 N fqr   ¤f1<>g¤¤¤¤ --. 287, 917

w M .<>~·1e<mv. ·’ . ’ · · · - - may budge C01umbm R1vcr between Ben- dchmeilgg ppmprmmm for Public build 30 {gu md Fmmm qmntigg, wash,, , ssc HN I S. ‘’` i, '’‘’’‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘ Wdlawalla and Benton counties ... 866 08 m wma . "me . B“"k» Nm.", Elm mw M (L appgoprmtxqn for rexmbursing owner .. 1292

r:g£rBpd¤¢ion for improvement or ,________ 1083 N££¤b!w, g&CB       

apg>priati;>n my mam service in soo, 1041 °mP °Ylj· ****3 *°*‘>*dd¤¤ --···-·-- 621 mcidentul expenses, Indian Service may practice °r° €p"tm°°t’°· °t° ••·‘· 622 in . 360,1042 N¤¤···sh¤m MM. for surveyorjgeneral, clerks, etc .. 435, 981 ¢]¤·¤¤¤5¤} t19B Md fihi'? of ¢0¤¤¤1l . 99 buds, authmzcd :,,0;, R,-,4 giver 5,, Nnppwjgntwu 1;¤r c1¤¤i hm . 294, 924 M]'nDg)tg3u _______,,_,_,,_, .,-,. S20 _ e, r www - cmu mma, em., m mas of mw Fm ¢1¤¤¤fi¤¤¤¤¤ wd ww of ¤¤¤¤¤1 . 100 gg-zxéliold Indian Reservation, vali- Num, 1:-}:7-. t _____________ ______________ 894 8 GD Y 011em 0B ure 0 bomutead hq, gxtgndga fg Qgudoned owner ···········-·•···---·- • --·--- 114 Font mw Military mmmn sos 909* ¤¤¤¢¤¤¢d M .¤¤ --------··--—-----·- 114 homesteadem allowed leave of absence 1419 P¥°S°°‘m°“ “°*· °*H‘°9*°d -~·- - ---- 114 time m prove rcmdencg €tc iyh ex- suthontyto enter upon pmmmestocorrect, mded ________________________ _ ____ 1421 FW ---—---·-·------ j ------------... 115 hud, exchanged with Mjjwu Low;-ie and  ;;\};1;¤hg*¤;P f°;PYiV*;¤*1¤S ·--—-- - ··-·-- motor ________________ ___________ 1 1 0 once oaae ., grunted for State Historical Society . 1241 Nurcmburg, Germany, may select school lsmds in lieu 01 erroneous classification and salary of consul - 99 entries Fgt Rico mdjm Abu- ;ppr0priatiou for clerk hire ,... - ,., 294,'924 bam co abandon reservu- wm, Army, tions ... 1218 approtxon for . 1163 Williston land district created .. . . 148 Nunn! v0., 245, yo"], palm, j,";,,;,] p;,;,;,;; prujmous for examination hud registry of. 887 divided in five divisions .. 609 Nutntwbn Invcstayatiom, ` counties constituting; courts ... 609 appropriation or expenses of .. 694, 1279 terms of district court . 609 transporting apparatus to Washington. 1279 jurisdiction of divisions . . 609 Nynham, Catherine, ndiom Alluztu, terms of circuit .. . . fee-simple title to ...,. 380 gp moment an utieqo epqty c r . . N nba , E1` beth, Indi Alla , ` NcrrtX°Dak0ta State Hictorwal Socwty, Q ¥e0_,l::,p]81i€u0 to ____ _____ fie? __________ 380 lands exchanged and granted to North Da- Ny,,Mm Sch“yl" Indgan Ayoum N m 15¤¢¤;g;¤eS¤f? ; -·-----··-·—---·--· 1241 fcc-simple title to . 381 reliminary exavnixgatten of, to be made. . . 1117 Ngrth Mississippi Traction Company, 0- msy <£pstrug1; dams, etc., across Bear 0,,;,,, I,;,,,,,; Hawaii W9!. IB! ·-·--···----··------ ·—- · tfl`lt: t'*,l.h tf - Nm pm, M., “° ° ci1%;Z1£'L57?§dK‘T%.TT.T?.TT? ITE`. 309 terms of court at . 998 Oakland GGL North Riv¢7’ (866 H¤d¤¤¤ River, N- Y·)· :1 my riaticu for im mvement of lmrbo · Nvflh Twwwqnda, N- KL _ _ pp pcontracts .. ... 7 39, 1;.66, 1315 3N0K?? 91*9% fo1' Public bmlding °t· *·“‘ _ 8 ) deficiengy appropriation for repairs to post- Oflzé . . . . . . j - ______________________________ 63 ¤·P§[0I»2¤'i¤U0Y} for --·-······-···-·---·~- 795 coopexgticss with mayor, relief of earth 9 N07m "h"'W· w“h·» _ _ _ quake sufferers . 827 acquirigg sig for public bmlding at, au- I Oa;,,,wm pa ¢<>ri¤ -------------------------- b'd nr (1 Ann pq »pp~p¤m·»»· rm .. M " g°£“¤.Ii{LT p3$';.,...-‘?¥-?T‘X - . ET? 848 Northampton and Halinagc Bridge Ccrrr$an5;, Q Oath;. may bridge Rmmo River at el 0n, 1 authority of interstate commerce examiners N, _____,, - - . 197 3 to administer .. 595 Northern and Northwestern Lakes, l Ober Brotlgerv Brewing Company, apprgprigtign fm- survey of .,.. 744, 1350 aypmgnatmu for refund of tax .. - . . . , 1221 Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho Igedimgs, { OUWF Rwqf, T¢M•·, gp mprintnou for fulfilling trcatxes with- 354, 1035 ¤·PP1'0P¤¤¤•>¤ fvfjmprvvéméuf Gi - 1093 gr purchase of cattle for ... 354 { O’Brk·n., Dan., Indum Allottee, for Irrigation system, Tongue River Res- { fec·simple title to . 365 grvgtign __,,__, . .. 1035 * Observatory, Naval (sec Naval Observatory;.