Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1587

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INDEX. cxxxi Pearl River, :M·iu.—Qontinued. pq;. Pensacola, Fla.—Continued. pm, appropriation for improvement of, between appropriation for marine barracks, officers' _ Edinburg and Jackson . 1088 qumm __________________________ 1 191 bridge authorized acrom, at Columbia, 933 for road to national cemetery, Barrancas. 1347 . MI5 ‘‘'‘‘‘····· *· ··········-··--··· Pbici mts, P“I"hu# ·. Kr . appgriipidiition for salaries L . 133 1407 Pgppropriation for improvement of harbor. . 1077 HP0"; in be made on the reduction to one ’ 11., I., deiciepcy gppmprigtipu for public build- P . bo. - - ir- - l . . l · - . · · - t - - I ‘ · 1407 mg. . - 30 ri mm} m {rrr 427 _ re-em, cm, _ _ _ _ ""'.,...,...°"'“m. XL t..°‘f; mi;.;:;:;:;::;;;.- ll? deficiency approrpfnatxon for legauon build- pm,.;,,.,, Aummqry

 Im   __•_>_.·_ __-..- · » . · .

Pg¤~·.·4¤·;·¥·»·g,~ L indi?-¤rr»····.‘ 27 '°°‘°’£$.‘§",;1€.§.{’§°}f‘}."?f’f‘i‘f’Ei?‘?.‘f’TT"?é3 no Pm §€2n; gh -Xrr -··-· 7 ···-----··- 365 not mag fees for procuring service pen- 879 fee-siuipie title to . 365 P . O ````'`'`'``''`'‘‘’`` pmuy uuye me rum, _ mm r . . . . » record Or, wm by Departments rrr Wg8h_ appropcriiatgn or Commissioner, deputies, _ inezn July 1 to December 31, 1906, Yr J °m ···· : ·······-—· . ··-----· uw •97u r I ip rep0rmdwC9n8r€“__________ 473 re•|:nct10:1ippiillingva¢:ancres,etc.. 431,977 P n orbgticles entitled to .. 477 for mi; · · · E ···· . · E; ······· imlggg my °”•”W8 P 0°’”rrrr3Pgr¥v°r’ Big ser ssaiuonn special examiners .. 42.1, 977 F r wah; _ ___________ wg P¤mom(g¤:_a1ui PART 23rd N 133 lm m, dgm Md » · · t g· appro ion or Army nvy _____ , Y mis, won ... .1.-} zos 1l¤w,f¤>m wml fund, ... 133.1406 in stevens Count; Wash ...,.,,,.. 031 veperete accounts required _133, 1406 Pmd d’0rzille River, aah. , *§° of 62 end °V¤Y» 9 P°¤¤¤¤€¤lP ¤P¤¢lH¢ bridge authorized across, at Big Falls .. 199 dliibihliy-; ---------·- . 133, 1406 dam, etc., authorized acrom at Big Falls, ¤°YVlc°_ P€¤¤°¤¤ ¢¤¢¢¤•i¢d V) P1‘€¤€¤l> Wash ______________________________ 295 pensioners, etc __. , _,_,_ 1406 in Stevens County . 931 f°¥`·f9u¢:;i*;W·, GX1mi11i11S ¤\11'g¢011; exupéa Pmd Orcille River Wash., i —. M ······ ::···: ······· · ·--- rggzvmi j·¤,,€·§;_*·=v~*¤·¤¤¤* ¤* -------- ¤°° §‘“”“.;.p¤c1%2‘.}°3P‘.pec'“°‘£ri“£¤‘.‘§e;s·‘ £“’“°” a propri t" · for, constrncti , Leuven-·P°'l°"";··‘··:·~··*·* ········ · ···- .1%)-1407 P w¤r:l(i?Kans ... ..,,,_, 750, 1357 •W¤’¤¤,¥¤ Spgridden tfees for special Adgnhgr qq. _,___,________,______, 751,1357 r -11*-9**9* .· wml Y ··--·~--—-- $3-1407 MCN.,11 nano, wm. _..., 751, 1357 °’ °8°;’t“r0°°l”bc *°°·r ····- - ·----- 1$3·14°7 for maintenance, Leavenwortl1,Kans. 756, 1362 r°p° · ° °“ r “ mn m °n° sums, Ga .. 757,1363 for c’rgr°r;**irfié; ——--·- ---——-- r —--——-—- i- 1497 deiiciency appropriation for maintenance. 657 v °P£° ‘°“m‘m. ----—-- 3a: 1507 Pennington Comm S pa]; l0!' wht, New Yor and Waghmgum _____ 134 ‘ retrictions frormentry in certian 2; ;m2b§°w igk ‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘·'·‘······· i£7 Pmwlvzgshiw in-- U H I I U · t · l h'```` 888 f°’,°”mi;lg9¤ oi I i 1 IZ 1341140; a ropriatibn for Indian service in .. 369, 1046 d°6°l°§;y °PPmpmm°° f°' Amy lmgg 1389 dpegciepfcyspppmprhtion for claim of, war 29 for Mm? ‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘······· · uv 1403 Pmmylvqnw Md N~¤<¤¤= !i¤¤~<=d Cmwyr igireggyoéhiisiii hl{»géM.ZZQ I I I I I I 'iv 1403 may bridge Delaware River, Tl'€!\t0I1, N· - 64 for contingent expenses, agencies .., Y 47 Pm1¤y¥1¤¢!m¤ R¢¤l'°¤d C°’{”·P¤'**m allowed at age of 62 for 90 days’ service in ma budge Delaware Rrver. ¤¤>¤, N --1 - 64 civil and 60 days in Mexican war. . . ave P¤wg¤<¤>¢ Bw MM . , rating .. an prelimipprliyuriirézimlneiivn of, @0 be m¤d9, H13 presizntigpensioners and applicants en- -··-·-············-······ t . Pcnobewf #:00. {V6? m ment of 1074 double piplsionsfexcluded .. a rormton orlmp ve _ . g' " - Pnggwgr and Nvr¢fw•¤¢m• Rmlrvad Cam- i no Six! iiié?. Pi?. 879 Pfmy, _ _ _ _ — rank t 'd ed .,,._,,, 8 may brirge Escambia River in Florida 1239 im, p2gh$:ee:i _____________________ 9'gg P¢1A•¢w0l¢l Gy- Flaw _ _ effect of Gna.1 discharge on military record . . 836 preliminary examination of, to be made, extended to commmiomd Omcers ______ 836 to quarantine station ..., 1112 Pmmms Cdmminiomr of Pemac0l¢l._Fl4¤-, _ T a propriation for, deputies, clerks, et . . 430,976

  • PF"°P"°’ti°" f°’ Public w°rkq’ mwY'Y"d‘ 566 I Pmgimw Police and Fire Department Dc C

Or naval m°‘g°'zm°’ mmdplpc ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘ 568 i rovisions extended to mothers of members for sea walls, Forts Pickms and McKee. . 1059 · P who died dor to Much 1 1905 95 for repair, etc., of defenses . 1059 _ P ’ ‘‘‘‘ ' for im rovement of harbor . 1086 P"”’tw“l”¤. . for rrrrglic works, ri,rvy_yai.d; repairing y appropriation for improvement of harbor. . 1097 hurricane damages . _. .. 1188 i Pearse. Lrzzu. Indian Allottec, {Oy public works, naval hospital .,.. 1191 r alienation restrictions removed ... 379