Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1601

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INDEX. cxlv Publk :By.ildir1gs, Omnibus _Act—Coutimrod. P•8¤· Public Buildings, Omnibus Ar,·t—Continued. PMB1- acqumngllgrte and erection of, authorized acquiring site and emotion of authorized aps3cm 211 .4..·. 5532, 1% at Salisbury, N. 0 .. { ... 7 80 r . appropriation or . 793, 1303 Logan, . 781 San Kngelc, Tex ... 781 aptproprration for . 794, 1300 appropriation for . 794, 1303 Lon on, Kyti. . .. 779 San iego, ... 778 apgopna or: or - 792, 1% Sslrgnmprmtgwgl for . 792,1302 appropriatioufor .. a ropr1a` ,ti 1303 M¤·£0¢¢00. $0110 --···----·-—----·----- 770 Schlgncctndy 08. 1T ’ 780 ¤1>pr¤1>¤Me¤¤f<¤ --·----- , ··---·-- 702.1000 appro riation for ```````````'``````` iis 1:114 "1';',€‘.§$;.£.$.‘I.‘;.;;:1:1‘.‘.‘.‘;i;i:;::::1111353 0*0*0¤·P1’0--. -··· , ·`·'· Y??Y??Y??¥???-·- ’ 700 Mmmm. wu .-...-.. 781 m?£..1..."‘°",‘“"w,}’Jf-?T:11i:::::::;:::::F7321 appmpnguon for ,,,,,,___,_,,,,,, 794, 1300 appropriation for _____ _ 794 ly)4 m'·¤°“°.G°; —--~-····------··--·-··-- 778 Sumter S.C.. . - ’ 781 =2p:01>rgL<>¤ for -··-------·------ 702. 1000 appropriationfor-.-...1:;;:;;:;111: T90s, 1so4 M111'10 7-0. _ _0 -··-··-·--·- - ---------··- 700 Texarkana, Tex ... - ... 781 gppggpugpgn for _____________ ,._ _ _ 793, 1301 op · *011 for 794 ly)4 1i»¤10¤. 01119 -------·-------—-·-------—- 700 T1i11i’ o Y ````'``'`'``'`ws =;•£3>_y¤¤¤¤¤ *01 -------··—------- 700. 1001 ¤»pp¤>p}i»¢1<>¤ for " ```````'``"`` 702 1304 101 JC! ------------------------·-- 770 Versailles Ky . I '````````'``'`` ·`779 3yr3mm for . 792,1301 ,.P ,,;;,,10;. '°‘``°‘‘`’‘‘```° 792 1304 M v' 0,10} -----—--- - -·--—-----·-—--· 780 Wmliiiirm N.0:-.*1 _``````°```'` ’ no

 for -------·-------·- 700. 1001 appmpriaiion ro}.`.   ZZ ZZ I Z i iii ZZ`9132, 1304

Michigan Qpty, 1:111 ... in 1772 Watertown, S. Dak . . . . 781 a prop;-ra ion or . , . IP !0P.Yl8· ti fol‘ . 794,1305 mngma, 131:6; ié} ... iw lg? , Wauhcgarr, ... il. 779 g rum - . ¤1>p¤>1>¤¤ 011 r ----..--·-------- 02.1005 M-; ··*·········’‘‘‘ i 64 lg} WuHm$Dtjc,_C0n¤ -··-----·-·-·-·---··-- 778 ‘‘‘'’‘‘‘‘’‘’'‘‘ - 8. ,__ _ _ _ _______ 11..1‘i.‘I..,‘¥i’T._ . . . ’ ws w..£’5.'2."““r‘€‘,5T?T. M7 W?. ¤PP1"9P1'19·t1°¤ for --—-·-·--——---·-· 79% lim •ppropri=;¢i0¤ for-- _:- — U _ _ - _ l — - 1306 1i¤¤¤¤w.1;i•1¤>.H ------ M lg? w1¤¤1¤.¤1qr,Y¤.5 .. I.IICICIIIZI...’ m """ ’‘'‘‘’' 7 I IUPHS .- . ·. Mmn Term .·--- 781 Woggmokottlg I: . -. . 794, 1% ’·PP”’P"i’·*'°“ 701 -—--------·------ 704.1001 ..m..¥.·¤· 1...1... . I..IIIIZZI-I'9é¤ ms New Britain, Coz: .. 562 lg? Yazoo ty, Min: .. ’ 770 ¤ npr1s` tion . , 11 t' f . 793 1305 ¤..£"m..., m, .,... aé goo; r...‘I{’§¥£‘r'~$i ¥‘f-f’T ’ .80 appropriation or . 3, 1 appropriation for . 793, 1305 Newark, Ohio .. 780 restrictions as to sites ... . 781 appropriation for . 793, 1301 · · · · · N¤w*l7>¤?K¤¤¤--7 ,,2 gg “°““”`§T%?TT? FT?. ??‘}‘f“??" .7*. ."Tk°“’ ...4 aproriatiou or . ,1 o · · _____ ``'` N110¤Ij1£¤1¤ -·-----—--—--·--·------— 770 Am£{°;.°.?.?-ij11i11i})? ig? ¤1>vr01>r1¤01¤¤ 701 -------------·--~ 700.1301 ap mprmion for . IC vs:. North Adqmg, Mus 779 Applgton,_Wis .. 784 approlprratron for . 793, 1302 appropnrration for 796 Olean, . Y 780 Anhtab , Ohm 783 appropriation for . 793, 1302 appropdriation for 796 Owensboro, Ky.: ... 779 Austin, inn .. . .,_, 783 appro riation for . 792, 1302 appropriation for . 795, 1295 Paris, .. . .-... . -.-- ····- 779 Bguinghgm,Wggh____ _______ ___ _______ _ B4 appro riatiou for . 792, 1302 o Pm pinion for ______ _ _______ _ _796 M, 1% . . m Belhrt, 3... .., 1. .:tt ..4 ¤1>1>r,pri¤¢i¤¤ for -----·----------- 702. 1002 appropriation 1..1 vos Pans, erm ... 781 Bgvgrlyy Mm _________________________ 132 appropriation for ..,.. 794, 1302 appropriation for ____________________ 795 Pittsburg, Kans 779 Bloomington_, Ind . 782 appro riatron for . 792, 1302 appropriation for 794 Pimtaolg, Mass.; . 5éB 177; Bmdfo ,1*; { ...,., 7 ss ‘tinor . , aronaonor .,.. "95 ¤2{’£Z‘?IiZT¤€r..‘ ,,4 lg; 1a...‘f.£’...5’,1rgi ... 983 3 'I,-X10! .. . .. , RPIOHBODOY ,. . . . ... T5

·m‘$*.§f°r‘}{‘,’i.T? .. m <
E¤..J’..1.., Pa ... . . $83

appropriatiou for . 794, 1302 applropriation for ..,. 795 Rawgps, Wyo . 781 Cano ton, Mo . 783 3 wpyigriou for , 794, 1302 1 appropriation for ._,_ 795 Rq·rY¥Vi¤gI Minn ... . . . 780 Cat etts urg,_Ky .,.. 782 approprrtiori for .. T 93, 1302 g appropriation for ...r 795 Saint Charles, Mo .. 780 4 Centralra, ., 782 appropriation for ..,.. 793, 1303 · appropnatrou for 794