Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1605

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INDEX. cxlix Publ€c_La·r1da—()ontinued. Page. pubpgc p,-,;,,,,,, p,g,,_ receivers deposit unnamed fees and un· ap priatidn for, clerks ,__,,,,__,_,_,,,,_ 397 gfgéal money in Treasury after five degli; deputyhclesrks, eké ... $3 ... . .. 1245 u ua 1 ca 10 .. payment to parties entitled; time limit. 1245 toliubiiiili estimates Ifoillall clleigs, etc .. 393 receivers refuudedfor expenses of hearings Public Printing and Bindi , and depositing paid out of private appmgadm for Publicngrinter, clerks ... 896 _ . 1245 or blic Printer, deputy, clerks, etc .. 943 hmoir kiaé--ig--·;·-.;(;&. 1245 depuéyé appointment, qualincauons, an utnes ..,..,,_,___ _ ________ 943 homestead_entry..-; ... _ . 1 95 estimates for clerks, etc. to be subresurvey of certam townships, Annan; _,__ 726 mitmd ___ _ _ _'; ___________ 397 £l°‘&,€°“” ············---···-- Q {or :¤¤1>eri¤t¤¤;<liq¤t of <!¤¢¤rl¤e¤?¤. etc - - - 943 a111mm1a .. ZIIIIIIZIZIIZZZZIZZ sis °' ‘f,}"‘“°“‘? “"“‘°““? *'“P°'“‘°°“d°“* right of settlers on Northam Pacino Rail- for up°t;lE·°;Lé‘;£éK ‘é£é ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘· m g;t:¤l3:dd¤ to make other seleouom 197 f£;l;;1m_ks’ eta.; - d wl ····· l ····· J ······-···-·--· use D ..,,_,,_,__,,___ _ __ 943 right bin yéntlasllgi, · __ ’ l ug l cm" for opm1ons of Assistant Attorneys-Gem 11111 111 1411.111 $m1rw1 ```````‘‘'```` Sm ml P¤¤*~0¢¤¢<= Devertment 1205 13 M, 1..°3..1.§’.-.1...:.‘.‘.‘.;:;:::;:; 12% fe ¤=¤>¤?¤¤¤¤ of -------··-·------ $?ifi5=>,1=»¤<= nm of yvay through, forfeited by railroads for i · ·| : ···· 1; · QB 115% 1369 ' to construct in live yearn 482 . ‘ dewggo, wy0.,1¤1p.111, ew .. so m-me -~------»----- · -----·--..· 7601 me Johnson County, Wyo., for poor farm, hm m$é& -·----·—-··-- gg'} lggg I - .,,,., .___,_ ',_, "" *'····· 1 Mem?,;,-k_ é _________________________ fvf l€§V9:`:7 e(Tglos;:res.I;;`;él;;££iL. Bnzgl, 1368 Mlllllll t¤1ctinDakotaCoun -.. 7 °mm“. r ·». Rockmgitk, F111., M1310D8W Bdgtist8 . ****,:*9** *0 C¤P¤¤L.¢¢¤ -----·-·--·--- 1368 Church _________________ A ___________ 634 1}¤¤ ¤dse¤¤>]mectmgupper¤oom.. 1368 nles for cemetery purposes' authorised; d6i01¤¤¢Y ¤PP¤>P¤¤¤>10¤ for 48, 665, 1405 limit, em .,,,.,..,..,,_,,,_,_,,___ 1052 for leaves is employees ... A4, 120, 130s San Diego County, Cal., time for makin' g *¤\¤¤Y¤_ _ ¤ .- -. 44,1398 _”¤|um¤; ctc_, 0;;;,,404 __________ 1g5g for advertising nle of documents 1398 £.l0C'b.W'IlB by N'¤1t11 bmw 111 neu or ¤¤¤¤¤s¥¤t¤¤¤¤¤¤¤3ser¤¤t0@- --.- 663.1398 ¢moneousen¤·i•¤inschoolhnds-.- 1218 f°1'HYd¥°E¤ h160E0G ·------··-·-. 1398 by owners,I€t(;c(i, of lanldtskrelinquished gg<m¤of = .,, wiBock as Rueyvojy ureau enum u `os . site, Mont  : ... 151 ordered; annual report 1905, beet Buggy in. 1'0C0l1V6y€d 18DdB restored to public dustry; future rgpgng ____________ _ _ 839 1d_ dpmggri: . . .i1- . . . 151 Charters and Constitutions, new edition. 759 soiersaxxona omeau as- ·- · · signed m 11. J. W1111-1, v111r1m11 49 °°m*j,"§,,°{Q"},‘§”5,'}Y" ““d h"'b°' ""P'°"°' mg

 and sale of certain, in Wash- 229 mmpmkr of tix;    

· · : -······· : · · ·. ·--------·-- · m 1 creased ...,, survey ogtdertam townslu in Montana. . . 726 Digg:;,, of psués Report time extended for establisgugresidence on Gul R ’ ut. 'G '°'‘ ceded 1311411 or cmw 111 11111 RM1-wl. 843 °§g'rg“ °P'°°°° "° ° · · 8% tion, nt-_--'_··..--·-I---------- •_·····:··•····1·., g30e;,?:; R€5€t;vhation’ Wyo' _ _ _ _ 843 extrsbc;p;e(s,u1)1gest of Customs Laws and 840 final (proofs desert land entries in Benton F°mg2rv{A°n°°l R°p°”* R°°l’m“m°“ tounty, Wash . 1 . 1057 Hinds, ‘ · · ‘P· ‘ · ·········· 836 openang S oshone Indian Reservation, 825 Laws and Sui: rl; D °:l’” · · 1365

. .. , 95 9F QW m¤¤ 0

town sitdso reserved under irrigation proj- Pan -lust}?-- ----------------·--·-- ·- 1,,., _______________________________ 115 ems ana message ..,..._, mct fg: buHal0 pasture' to be [eased in Precwus Metals Statistics 1905 . 1425 Stanley County, S. Dak 61 preliminary examinations under river Umatilla Reservation, Oreg., grazing lands and harbor act, 1905 ... 839 ma be atented to purchasers . 611 report: of Director of the Mint, 1906 . 1424 HIl8ll01tG(l,l2»D(£(gl8Cl(fBE{ ndian Reserva- 037 second—class mail matter document . 1426 tion o ene to sett ement .. 1 · { ll · · wuiasum, Nl) 11311., 11i11d dam-ict mma.. 148 °°°""“f,§‘§,,§’,§,§`,.,’Q{’B°,§,‘$,§‘,l{§§,fQ’,§l {‘}_"{‘{'l{'f"‘l ,.62 Wyoming may exchange certain of,. 92 no other fund to be used after fiscal year ands reconveyed restored to public do- 1907 ,.. _., 762 umm -·-·--·-·----·---------·--·-· 93 cost of composition, illustrations, etc., of Public Library, D. C., Free, documents to be charged to Departaprropriation for salaries ... 487, 1124 ment, etc., preparing ,,.,,__,_,,___ 825 or Sunday and holiday opening . 488, 1124 printing, binding, etc., to be charged to for books, fuel, etc._ ... _ .. 4 88, 1124 allotments in proportion to copies deficiency appropriatwn for contmgent ex- delivered . 825 penses ..,. 640 documents otherwise distributed ..,,_,_ 825