Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1606

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cl INDEX. Public Printing and Bi·n.di·ng—Coutinued. H86- l Public Schools, D. C.—Coutim1ed. YN58- mmua.1 estimate to be made of probable a.ppropria.tio1rfor teachers not to be used cost of regular publications . 825 as clerks or librarians . 1139 allotment to e set aside solely for such lor night schozéls and lribdeégartens- . {$3, use 826 or jauitors an care 0 ui mgs . , use of balance . . . 826 for engineers, technical schools .. 501, 1139 in effect July 1, 1906 .. 826 for medical inspectors .. 501, 1140 documents for Congress may be printed in for rent, repairs, etc . 501, 1140 two or more editions; maximum .. 826 for plumbing repairs; estimates . 501, 1140 for Departments, etc., may be supplied for manual training expenses 501, 1140 in two or more editions; maximum. . 826 for fuel, light, and power ... 501, 1141 full quota authorized if required ... 826 for furniture, new buildings . 501, 1141 Joint Commissiourto examine, continued . . . 762 for contingent expenses . 502, 1141 to rgport on abolition of branch printing service as cadets required; exception. 1141 o ccs in Departments, etc . .. 762 for free lectures ... 502 expenses of office of superintendent of doc- for pianos ... 502, 1141 uments to be specifically appropriated for text-books, etc., flags; playgronmds; for . _ 1014 telephones- 502, 1141 postgoned one year; estimates, etc., to for school gardens . 1141 e made ... 1399 for commission on consolidation of school, copies of publications to designated deposi- etc 1141 tones, State and Territorial libra- for buildings, sites, etc . 502, 1142 ries; allotment 1014 limit of cost; plans, etc ... 1142 land-grant colleges constituted deposi- forexteuding Manual Training School. . . 502 tories 1014 for site for future normal, etc, schools-- - 502 orders to print to lapse after two years; sub- for additional to McCormick ... . 502 sequent editions limited .. _. I01g gr grightwood Park. ... gg; repeal rovisions 10 r eanwood .. Jomt &>mmittee on Printing to remedy deficiency appropriation for fuel ...,.. 31 delays, etc ... . .. 1012 for jamtors . 31 repriuting of documents ior Congren; re· for contingent expenses 641 smctiou .. 1012 forfumiture, etc., manualuainiugschool 641 printing for committees limited ... 1012 for adjusting accounts of teachers ... 1377 priutingof extra copies; estimates required 1013 general regulations of salaries, etc - 316 not applicable to Horse and Cattle Dis- scholars :§boge second gmde to have eases reports .. 1013 w o e ay sessions 6 "extm copies" construed 1013 board of education to control; appointestimates to accompany orders to print ment; to serve without pay 316 documents . 1013 meetings; secretary . 316 reports from Departments to Congress; appointments, etc., subject to recomexception . 1013 mondation of superintendent .. . 317 documents to be paid for from Congress general duties; estimates 317

 allotment-  1013 appointment of superintendent; term,

stationery, forms, etc., for Congress, com- duties, etc 317 gttfesketc., to be furnished by asist;nt sgperinteudent for white ic 'uter 1 13 sc oo ; uties . binding for Senators and Regresentatives. . 1013 asistant superintendent for colored publications of Congrem ced as Re- schools; uties - 317

 ports and Documents; numbering. . 1013 director of intermediate instruction;

desfnntiou of Departmental reports, etc. . 1014 · duties 317 bin mgof numbered documentsand reports supervision of manual training ... 317 of general public character . 1014 salaries clssiiied 318 not of general public character distribu- allotment to fades, etc 318 tion . . 1014 clamification of igh and technical schools L 319 documents to besent to libraryof Philip- teachers to be arranged in classes and

 pine government ...,.. 850 groups .,,,.,.,..,.,. c ,, 319

Public Property, etc., appointment and promotion . ... 319 money arising from roceeds of, ho be re- annual increase in salaries . 320 ported annually ... 763 rincipals; Yay, authority, ctc .. 320 Public Roads, Director v_/Z girectord sa aries ... 320 appropriation for impéoving roads in De- pay of officers, superintendent, assistants, partmeut grouu . 681 etc ...,... 321 P¤b’*R~¢*.°f*;»,D;P¢"M¢¤fA¤m’*~*¢# 1 °°“°"°I$22J£;2i’f$§‘a$§‘£¥}§‘}.TY.’TT‘?7‘T‘T‘F'? 321 “"¥;§°£’§‘I?§;‘;';t%$imiiegggeeiiiiiizi 3*32:1%% ¤¤¤l¤¤;c¤;;;;·;;g<»¤~¤>1»¤f¤r¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤g 321 Public D5 C. (see also Education of freetuitionifpupilsorpareutsare taxpayers 113 en , appropriation for oflsicers ... Z - . 498, 1135 Publications Division, Department of Agriculboerd of education to serve without ture, compensation . 498 spfropriatiou for mlaries ... 689, 1275 for teochers I ... 498, 1135 or general easenses. . . . . Z .. 690, 1275 iilling vacancies .. . .. . 500 farmers' b etms; distribution of 690 division of salaries prohibited . 500,1138 for distribution, etc ... 690 unused balances available; restriction. 1138 for anistaut editors, artists. etc .. 690