Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1610

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eliv mnsx. Receivers of Publu Mo»neya—Continued. Pm- Red Hook _C}tannel, K, PBS6- refund to, from contingent expenses, psy- appropriation for unprovement of. r 736,1344 ments made for earings and depos- modr cation of improvement of, authorized 1077 iting from rivate funds 1245 Red Lake Rwer, Mmm., limitation, regisstions, etc .. 1245 dams, etc., authorized across .. 65 Receivers, United States Courts, Red Men, Great _Courwit, Improved Order of, appeals to circuit coprt of appeals from incorporated in District of Columbia .. . . 117 %¤Yi¤*·<>1'l<><¤{*·°YY 0**}*** ¤PP°i¤*i¤8- U6 Red River, La., Ark., Tex., and Okla., RMWWW Ad. N¤Wm¤l» appro riation for improvement of. 1090 establishment of farm units for fruit and for Eghtiog mouth ________ _ __________ 713, 1320 3i13d6D buds unda? ··-··----·--·--- 519preliminary examination of, to be made at subdivision surveys; entries of lesser areas- 519 Boyce Laodio , La ______ _ __________ 1113 additional glgerrlies allowed for lands re- 519 thug gxtgnrizi ior iridging, by Shreve- _ 55 . mqu ····· · *‘··· . ···· : · · :· P01T, ----------·--------------- 9. 12 ·vv~;_Bd§_1;1dp¤,;tggyw¤ ¤¤¤¤ *¤¤¤·¤ M- 5,9 no River of the Noor., nom. .1 N. pot., ¤¤=*¤*;dg>hg¤¤¢1¢¤·H¤yb¤I¤ ¤5¤* Rupert M, i‘3.*.i§.§"£TK.I1£’§o"”oo.o.s’”"T‘II.°’1?o‘Z{fii;iot; mz wnuamws1s,` o£io§&o'éiioé iiiéiéoéé oi b ggd M, ,¥““”°‘“ ····-·-- · ····--··-·-- ig? ‘ limit 520 Y . °* ····· a"}" sooomond entries mono irrigation projleuct P‘°l“'“““'c0,,,,’9c‘{‘“"‘- {mgm R§;‘“w,§,, °' m4 not to have time computed w e · mg dchvcd _ _ _ _ _ _ 520 in North Dakota . .. 1116 it projects abandoned, credit allowed for Red RMP Lake-v 1?¤·~·v¤•r. Mw-, _ I hqpmvcmcmo ctc___1g]; __________ d 520 lands within site of, restored to publrc do- 150 lf "”`ooso.“i°`f;o$¥.'..°b”é&;Y`-..?¥??Y . soo ¤¤1¤¤°¤;>¤¤` i·1`1iéi£.`i>¥ i•ii·i£¢£·i·£.`·3€¤i$ér1=l lm owmngwaterin notacceptrec - --; ··--···· - -·-·-··-·-------··-- nmtion oorriditions . 520 Rd Wintb MFMM _ _ , , disposal of lands in Colville sooo.-vsuon, mums me msi ¤»¢¤¤s public bwkims Wash., under ... 82 **6 ?“‘Eh°‘“°d ···--·--------·- - --·-· 780 irripble nods oo Yakima Indian nosor. =~1>v¤>r>¤¤¤<>¤ f<>r ---------·--------- 793.1302 vation, Wash., open toentry under- . 53 Redemption of IBZUTWLRCUODUG Stamps, provisions extended to Texas .. 259 deficiency appropriation for 29, 638, 1375 mles of restricted Indian allotments within Ree, Frances, ndtan Allottee, projects of, permitted .. 327 fee-simple title to . 374 town sites; withdrawals in connection with Reform Scfsool, D. C., projects under . 116 appropriatrop for care, etc., of boys com-0 50 sales; proceeds . 1 .. 116 mitte to .. 1 , 11 public reservations for towns 116 for new buildings: .. _. - . .. 751, 1358 water supply; charges .. 116 for additional family budding ... 1358 power privi ; leases-. 117 for maintenance . . . . . 758, 1364 withdrawal giwlands on abandoned Fort deficiency appropriation for plans for new Shaw Reservation, Mont., for pro- building; imit of cost ... _ .. 40 Rx jects Fnlnnder 229 ;or rgplairs, etc . . . 40 ' . or owance in accounts o . . use of, for dam across Rio Grande under irri- . Curriden ...,... 656 gation convention with Mexico .. 1357 juvenile court to make commitments to. . . . 74

 Service, Irrigation of And Lands, Rqbrm School for Girls, D. C'., .

appropriation for expenses 728 appropriation for salaries and expenses. 510, 1150 for books, etc . 1336 juvenile court to make commitments to .. , 74 deficemy smrrvpristwn fvr mit psysble zaqomzing memo:-zzooeooo Tmces Mm Nc1am2U9B mild --·-~--------· 663 deficiency appropriation for, illegally col- ‘ allowance to chief dxsbursing officer, Geological Survey . 729 Rf .. . . . 29, 638, 665,1375 ···--····-·-----··—·- e use, . . ity, °“}P1?Ym€“* °f Illdums °“ --·-··········- 1015 appropriation for removing .. . . . 495, 1132 printing ordered of fourth annual report of. 836 R - M of me nmum R¢$)dr:pqr{ag;‘;bi0£) l 9f book t ft"; Bgpisfnnt, Cl8!’kS, SKC. . 407, 954 vm9m; use for recording ‘ '‘‘‘` *89 appropriatiim ior index etc 1126 recopying old records by, permitted; limit. 994 Reggsergl Mau * ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ · Rem" *1** of.""? R"b‘m°"‘· ‘"’fl· appropriation for indemnity for lost. I . - 476, 1214 “·PP}"?P¤“m’“ fur Publicimon Of --···-··- 423, 969 de ciency appropriation for indemnity for R¤¤‘*¤¢m9o Mw?/· . . _ lost .. . . 668 appropriation for; restrrctronastoage- . 550. 1177 Rcgwyed N,,_,_,e_,_ D_ C_ R¤¤¤»i#·¥¤a; MMM Cerro registration roqorrodj .. . - .- -- ser 8FP"°Pm‘U°“ for ··-·--·---· _ --·-·-·-·· 581» *202 nu.rses’ examining board; qualifications Cross Conference. International, and appointment etc ______ __ __ __ __ 887 <1¤f¤¢i<>¤¤v=i>vr¤1>ri¤¢i$>¤ f<>r d¤¥<>s¤¤==¤ ----- 118 · certificates of registration; examinations. ass Red Cross Socuty, American National, fee for registration; requirements of appliappropriation for representatives at con- cants . . ..., , .,,, , . , ,_ , , 888 ference in Lon on 1357 examinations, etc., excepted .. .. .. ,, __ 888 Red Earth, Henry, Indian Allottee, revocation of certificates; hearing, etc 888 fee-simple title to . . ... 373 expenses, etc ,... ,, ,, ,, 889