Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1650

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cxciv INDEX. Wintonz Charles F., P¤g€· Wrapping Paper, Postal Service, PREC- claims of estate of, against Mississippi Choc- ’ appropriation for . 476, 1215 taws referred to Court of Claims . . . , 140 i Wrecks, — Winyah Bag/ N CV I registry of foreign built, repealed . 17 appropriation for improvement of . 1084, 1344vessel for ¥€¥P0Va1 of, authomzéd ·---·--- Q — 190 www Tezegmpn smumw, =»¤ppr<>p¤¤¤<>¤ f<>r -·--·--------·----- ·03,1309 apzropriation for naval, on Pacific coast . . . 560 l Wight, Henry John, Wire ss Telegraphy, l appropriation for services . 722 appropriation for installing on revenue { Wyjght Judd Cutmm -·——-·-· · - -- - · - ; ·_ ---- · ·- ·- - - 1309 may,da.m (irow Wing River, between Morstation at Jamestown Exposition may be ABOH and Cass coumiex Minn _______ 296 W_ _€’°°‘6d ·········· ·· ·· ·· ···· ·· ·· 765 0 www, Wuzmm John, mcmmnz 0 d5· · ‘t‘ f · ,· ‘- appropriation for Indum scrvuzc m r 379, 1051 8 cx€;;¥i2£%g?%;é?? 660 g'2§1FBZf}>”§“$gZ?a{3€£ZQ'iBH§Y.S€§Y `{;Z°;ZZSS°€L; 517 S @*j{gjdS*gg;j*tQ~7#tjg$,S reforestation of State reserves .. 518 { W Com}; in criminal C; S “P“’m° 1246 wimzawocm Ri1J€r,FZa., f d . . d m “ ···· i·· i-£·i- appropriation for improvement Oi- con- mm "°‘*’¥°“*’ $’“ ." “"‘*"# as ° S 2* “ ° tracts ’ 1087 on wh1ch md1ctment founded .. 1246 _ f`°’''‘'‘`'`' sfd t fHif . www Hem Sm CWM - ""€$§d¥€€1dEn€“i,ZE€d°§§‘§?§m€$T’T‘?Y T’. 1246 ¤r>pr<2r>r¤t¤¤¤f¤rf¢¢¤-_ ------ ---- 7551361 moaning special plea in nm, as ded€6°l°¤°Y 2PP'°P¤*m°“ for f°§gi - foudam; not in jeopardy ____________ 1246 7 · , v to be takd ,..._.. 4 ¢<>¤¤v¤¤=·1¢{ <>f· ¤> *<>¤<>w SW6 <>r Tm- bail n12z7g menggxgélifgtormimtion {$42 . tfma ]“}"> inhcivu °?S°S· ···- ·· ·· ·· 618 not allowed wnen verdict in dofendsnos unmumty of, m antitrust, intcrstato com- favor 1246 _ I ····························· ggcgmgtc., cases, to natural por uvmdotw I F. ` ``'`‘`’`’'`'`` Kansas City Kaus. to be s0ldwobum, Mw., °°”"’*°"' “" f - * * · acquiring site for public building at, author- [ pm. `````` ized--. ···· . -····-·················· 783 T settlement of fcrrv claim .. · 348 IV ;%1>r<2vr2¤¤<>¤*¤¤·- ·-—- - -- -- ----------·- 795 . wymn, Mary, zmzm Azzmm, 0 Nv , y.. ‘ fc-1o—sim le title to ,.,.. 373 bridge authorized across Tug Fork of Big W?/O,ningf)

     S”·“‘;Y RW" at -··-·· · - ·-·----· -- - · 1002 appropriation for Indian service in . 383, 1051

0 iver, L Les., or incidental expenses Indian service appropriatgon for imfrovomen of . . . . . 1088 in ___,___,,,_,,,,,,,______,,___ 384, 105] Woman and hild War ers, for surveyor-general, clerks, ctc. . 436, 981 appropriation for investigating conditions,for marking, etc., southeastern boundary. 1334 etc., 0 . .. .. .. .. .. 1330 Q certain lands in Yellowstone Forest Reinvcstigatjon diricted of industrial, etc., [ serve, opened to homestead (BDU}'.. 62 COH mon 0 . . . . . . . . . . . 866 $ forest reserve not to be created or adds to FVama·n’s Relief Corps, D, C., in, except by act of Congress ... 127l punishment for unauthorized wearing honmestcadcrs allowed leave of absence 1419 insignia of _________ __ __ __ __ __ _ ____ _ ggtune to prove residence, etc., m, ex- Womevfs Clinic, D. C., I I d I t°nd°d··aé(i ········ . ······· ······· 1421 appropriation for maintenance . . . . . . . . 510, 1151 an awa °xt°° LO °°SS*°n of S 08h0n" Wrmmer and Sons, and A”’P“h°? ········· z ······-···· 78 approéuiation for services _ , , _..,,_ 1291 lands g£Etg? ;€?;;i§ g2S£‘t§ ;“g C;;' Wood. meat E., . ' deficiency appropriation for contested- °h°‘°g°d for °?h°’ Public lands ····· 92 electich expensei 661 may exchange cort;2.111 lands for other pub- W¤¤d'>TM9¤ Gm N- J-,- `·—’``'°'°' sale O}`}T,l”i,‘iSf"1;I;(1g1;.1;;,;.;;;,*5;,;** W apgropriation for improvement of . - . - . 1079 g authorized 186 W '"`y· N: J·· { time extended for opening Shoshone or obsolete cannon donated to General Howell ; Wind River Reservation 82» . ... 0 Pmt, G. A. R., for monument.. .. .- . 829 1 . W k H I V z Wyomzpg Avenue, D. C., °° °.€· .· “‘”··. g deficiency appropriation for extending 641 approprxauon for improvement of channel. 740 g W · - - · · , . , yaming Jiulmal Dzstrurt, W°°d8t“k· gw B~¢¤~¤~¢ky · 5 term of court Evanston 111 classification and salary of consul-. . .. -. , . 100Wwhedm vh ’ ````'`''‘'`‘`` Woonsocket. R. I.,`* · " · .. acquiring sitcgand ogocting public building appropriation my Hgh hatchery ```` {gl at, authorize .. ., . . 781 ‘ , a propriation for. .. .. -. -. -. - 793, 1305 X ‘ Wmkfome, D. C. (see Washington Asylum). Y¤'·‘M·Yy_ Working Bqyy Home and g7,{gd,·m·, AM A,- gusolme for lsnnches, allowed onjressles wmatgm, p_ (]__ not carrying passengers for hxre . 204 appropriation for maintenance 512 * Yachts, Steam, Wospiwguzniwiq, Indian Allottec, subject. to steamboat inspection require ieommplc mk: to . 357 > ments .._,__ _ ________ , _ 194