Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/198

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168FIB TY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 2078~20S1. 1906. Mw 3- im- CHAP. 2078.-Au Act Relating to the transportation of dutiable merchandise [H' R‘ 11037*] without appmiscment. {rumic, N0. 14:;.] _ _ Be it enacted Qy the Senate and Hmm ofRri£*reaenta¢zvqs of l/ze United §‘{,“°3'§?‘0, N_ y__ States ofzlmerwa in Congress assembled, at pho pmvnlcges of the Z¤¤—¤*¤drt_t§¤¤¤=¤d*¤¤¤ first section of the Act approved June tenth, mghtacn hqndreyl and

 °° emu eighty, relating to the transportation of dutiable merchzmdnsc W1th0Ut

"°‘·”·’·"“· séppmiscment, be, and the same are hereby, extended to the port of uifalo, in the State of New ¥0rk. Azpprovcd, May 3, 1906. . Mw 3. 1906- CHAP. #079.-An Act Extendingto the subport of Spokane, in the State of Wash- [K R· 1m7·] ington, the privileges of the seventh section of the Act apgroved J upc tenth, mghtepn {mum, N0. 144.] hundred and eighty, governing the immediate trsmsportation of dutxable mercbandxse without sppraisament. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative:s of the United mge Wm] States of America in Oongresé assembled, That tpc pr1v1lcgcs of the gmgwa ixixmediptg seventh section of the Act aglprovcd J unc tenjzh, mghtcqn hundredand {"“‘*‘°"“‘°°“ P""' eighty, governing the imm mta transportauon of dutxubla merchan- QQ':?- 21- v· 17* disc wit out a[g>miscmcut, bc, and the same are hereby, extended to the subport bf pokauc, in the State of Washington. Approved, May 3, 1906. M¤¥‘3. 1906. CHAP. 2080.-An Act Making additional appropriations for the public service [K · 187°°·] on account of earthquake and attending conilagration on the Pacific Coast. [Publi ,u .14:..] _ _ _ c 0 Beztenacted the Senate and Ilmweo R esentatweso tim United P_g;“ti{?"’f°·°“··°“ States of America m Congress assembled, That there xs hereby appro- {xdgiirionsl appro priatcd, out of any moneg in the Treasury not otherwise ulpproprmted, °'}£'§X'{§;_827, 8% the following sums for I: e objects herein specified, name y: Navy Department- NAVY DEPARTMENT. 3;;:% mend. 011.18 To enable the Secretary of the Navy to employ such additional b,,,e,{ 3E?"" °laborers and mechanics as may, in his judgment. be necessary for . immediate service under the Bureau of Steam En inaarin in the . . . g g. navy-yard at Marc Island, Cahfornuz, to rcmsun uvaulable mmtnl June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Poml»ervlce.<‘¤¤l. POSTAL SI·1RVI(‘E. !i¤¤¢**¤·‘¤*‘*<=*·*¤- Tq enable the P0stnm.ste1;—( }f‘ll(‘l‘2ll, in his discretion, to meet, em¢·1·- g0ne·1cs m the postal service in the State of California occasioned by earthquake gud iizie. to be pgid out of the revenues of the postal scrvicc and to remain available unt1lJunc thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, p;*g{af.}g;j* °' *"‘· the surp of sqventy thousand dollars. A detailed statement of the cxpenduures of this sum shall be submitted to Congress at its next regular session. Approved, May 3,, 1906.

 QHl%§éu23%;(;)é£a¢;;.T0 amend the laws of the Ynited Staten relating to the

[P br ,N .144;.] _ u w 0 Be zt enacted Qy #{0 Senate and House of Rqw·e.9e7ztat5ves of the (G2 fied 'g’{‘;;’:;'*;} laws Stales of .-lmenoa vn. (, u~se212b/e:/, That section one of the Act gf. ;<> inrersme <·<>x¤~ entitled "Ar{ Act to z1uth0rizc the registration of tmde-marks used in ° °°‘ commerce with foreign nations or among the several States or with