Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/256

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Chs. 3061-3063. 1906.

sachusetts, and the president of the Cape Cod Pilgrims’ Memorial Association; and the money for the erection of said monument shall be expended under the supervision of the Secretary of War, the governor of Massachusetts and the president of the ape Cod Pil- °'"°"'°““°'·°“" grims’ Memorial Association: And provided further, That the responsibility for the care and keeping of said monument shall be and remain with the Cape Cod Pilgrims’ Memorial Association, it being expressly understood that the nited States shall have no responsibility therefor.

Approved, June 8, 1906.

J‘}§f’&8},§°‘ CHAP. 3062.—An Act To provide for sittings of the circuit and district courts of H the southern district of Florida in the city of Miami in said district.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United 'j.‘}§‘j‘},§§"°.,§,‘j‘Q{,‘,;",;'j, States of America an Congress assembled, That in addition to the times ussnm. and places now fixed by law for the sitting of the circuit court of the United States for the southern district of Florida there shall be a session of the said circuit court in the city of Miami on the fourth Monday in April in each year hereafter.

gxé? Sec. 2. That there shall be a regular term of the district court of the VP- ”·m· United ,States for the southern district of Florida in the city of Miami on the fourth Monday in April in each year hereafter.

Approved, June 9, 1906.

J“[gf&,},°{"· CHAP. 3063.jAn Act To create a new division of the western judicial district of

 'lczstxss, arglfto piéplvpdplfor terms of court at Del Rio, Texas, and for a clerk for said

»* · , RD OYO C Pp0S8S.

Be it enacted by the Senate and Jfouse of1tepreaentatéz·e.¢ of the DZ1 {ted l,{,’g$°g,§§Q}j§_°,f.g;*jé States of America in Chngreac assembled, That the counties of Uvalde, wtpesgzaasngyi. Zavalla, Maverick, Kinney, Valverde, Terrell, and Pecos shall con-

 Tm stitiute a division of the western judicial district of Texas.

° °‘ bcc. 2. That terms of the circuit and district courts of the United States for the said western district of Texas shall be held twice in each year at the city of Del R1o, in Valverde County, and that, until otherwise proyided by law, the ]L1(l§`0S of said courts shall tix the times at which said courts shall be hcl at Del Rio, of which they shall make Mmm of M H publication and givedue-notice. m; " "** 3. That al (51Vll process issued against persons resident in the said counties of U valdc, Lavalla, Maverick, Kinney, Valverde, Terrell, and Pecos, and cogmzable before the_United States courts, shall be made returnable to the courts, respectively, to be held at the city of Del Rio, and aliprosecutions for otfenses committed in any of said coun- Prom', ties shall be tried in the appropriate _United States court at the city Pending cm, of Del B10: :Pl‘0U2d6d, Phat no process issued or prosecution commenced 0; s1ptd1r€)st1311ted before the passage of this Act shall be in any way a ec e y e provisions ereo .

°m°°’°°°‘ _Sec. 4. That the clerks of the circuit and district courts of said division shall maintain an_office,_ in charge of themselves or a deputy, 2; tlie saidtcity <;ftl1)elbR1o, whicp shaéldbe kept open at all times for e ransac ion o e usiness o said ivision.

Approved, June 9, 1906.