Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/307

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1906. 2 77 court, subject to the same right to review u on a peal or error to the Supreme Court of the United States now allowed) from the supreme or appellate courts of a State under existing laws. Jurisdiction of .uf,9s‘aQ'j,0g* °*i€i¤¤* all cases pending in the courts of ori `nal jurisdiction in said Terri- J_ tories not transferred to the United élates circuit and district courts shall devolve upon and be exercised by the courts of original jurisdiction created by said State. Sec. 18. That the supreme court or other court of last resort of said su**,E§,f,‘;'f,§;,,,Q* 5** State shall be deemed to be the successor of said Territorial appellate iliwkew. ew} courts and shall take and ossess any and all jurisdiction as such, not herein otherwise specii;icall)y provided for, and shall receive and retain the custody of all books, dockets, records, and files not transferred to other courts, as herein provided, subject to the duty to furnish transcripts of all book entries in any specific case transferred to complete the record thereof. Sec. 19. That the courts of original jurisdiction of such State shall ju§,‘;g§}j,0Qf °“8*“•*l be deemed to be the successor of all courts of original jurisdiction of Dockets. éw. said Territories and as such shall take and retain custody of all records, dockets, journals, and iiles of such courts except in causes transferred therefrom, as herein provided; the files and papers in such transferred cases shall be transferred to the proper United States circuit or district court, together with a transcript of all book entries to complete the record in such particular case so transferred. Sec. 20. That all cases pending in the district courts of Oklahoma m£m°',u°*mj&*jgQ Territory and in the United States courts for the Indian Territory at and mmm rm-awry the time said Territories become a State not transferred to the United °°j»,"§j p_m,y_ States circuit or district courts in the State of Oklahoma shall be pro ceeded with, held, and determined by the courts of said State, the successors of said district courts of the Territory of Oklahoma and United States courts for the Indian Territory, with the right to prosecute appeals or writs of error to the supreme court of said State, and also with the same right to prosecute appeals or writs of error from the final determination in said causes made by the supreme court of said State of Oklahoma to the Supreme Court of the United States, as now provided by law for appeals and writs of error from the supreme court of a State to the Supreme Court of the United States. Sec. 21. That the constitutional convention may by ordinance (pro- oggg*<>¤°“¤'*$¤¤¤ vide for the election of officers for a full State government, inclu ing ` members of the legislature and five Representatives to Congress, an wmgrngggggjjyy shall constitute the Osage Indian Reservation a separate county, and em. ` rovide that it shall remain a separate county until the lands in the Osage Indian Reservation are allotted in severalty and until changed by the legislature of Oklahoma, and designate the county seat thereof, and shall provide rules and regulations and define the manner of conducting the first election for officers in said county. Such State gov- ms Leggggvrilnjnggg ernment shall remain in abeyance until the State shall be admitted into mmm. the Union and the election for State officers held, as provided for in this Act. The State legislature when Organized shall elect two Senators E‘°°¤°° °*S°¤*'¤”· of the United States, in the manner now prescribed by the laws of the United States, and the governor and secretary of said State shall certify Ofgggjgggmgggg the election of the Senators and Representatives in the manner required senmuvui by law; and said Senators and Representatives shall be entitled to be admitted to seats in Congress an to all the rights and privileges of Senators and Representatives of other States in the Congress of the United States. And the officers of the State government formed in g0‘;g°m'j¤“g,j}’gfc_S”” pursuance of said constitution, as provided by said constitutional convention, shall proceed to exercise all the functions of such State officers; and all laws in force in the Territory of Oklahoma at the time of the admission of said State into the Union shall be in force throughout said State, except as modified or changed by this Act or by the con-