Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/446

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416 F IFTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3514. 1906. For incidental and contingent expenses, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. ¤·*¤¤·<>¤*¤·M°- Assar orrrcn AT SAINT Louis, Mrssornuz For assayer in charge, two thousand dollars; clerk, one thousand dollars; in all, three thousand dollars. _ For wages of workmen (including janitor), one thousand dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, seven hundred and fifty dollars. “°“""’·w°°“· Assar orrrcrx AT SEATTLE, WAsmNoToN: For assayer in charge, who shall also perform the duties of melte1·, two thousand seven hundred and fift dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; one clerk, one thousandbsix hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, ten thousand four· hundred and lift dollars. Pyor wages for workmen, and not exceeding twelve thousand dollars for other clerks and employees, twenty-eight thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars. _ _ For incidental and contingent expenses, including rent of building, eight thousand dollars. nil'»°E`Z`Zi"m°°°i°T°" covnnumnnr rs THE TERRITORIES.

  • ““"“· DISTRICT or ALASKA: For governor, five thousand dollars; three

jud es, at five thousand dollars each; three attorneys, at three thousand dollars each; three marshals, at four thousand dollars each; three clerks, at three thousand five hundred dollars each; in all, fifty-one thousand five hundred dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, clerk hire not to exceed two thousand dollars, rent of office and quarters in Juneau, stationery, ` lights, and fuel, to be expended under the direction of the governor. _ five thousand dollars. ‘“"‘°“‘· Tmmrrour or Aarzozu: For governor, three thousand dollars; chief justice, and four associate judges, at three thousand dollars each; secretary, one thousand eight hundred dollars; interpreter and translator in the executive office, five hundred dollars; in all, twenty thousand three hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the Territory, to be expended by the governor, one thousand dollars. For le islative expenses, namely: For rent, messenger, postage, stationery,$uel, lights, printing, and incidental expenses for secrctarv’s ollice, for pay of members and officers of the legislative assembly, mileage, rent of rooms for the legislature and committees, furniture, stationery, printing, binding, fuel, lights, and incidentals, twenty-four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. N" ”°**°°- Tamuroar or Naw Mnxrco: For governor, three thousand dollars; chief justice, and five associate jud es, at three thousand dollars each; secretary, one thousand eight hundred dollars; and interpreter and translator in the executive office, five hundred dollars; in all, twenty-three thousand three hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of Territory, to be expended by the governor, one thousand dollars. _ For legislative expenses, namely: For rent, light, fuel, telephone, ice, water, stationery, record files, record casings, rinting, postage, clerks, stenographer and typewriter, messenger and) orter, and incidentals in secretary’s office, for pay of members and officers of the legislative assembly, mileage, rent of rooms for the le 'slature and rommittees, furniture, stationery, printing, binding, fuel; lights, and Ok mcrdentals, twenty-four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. ""‘°‘“’: lrcanrronr or Oxmnoxa: For governor, three thousand dollars; chief justice and six associate judges, at four thousand dollars each;