Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/60

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30 FIFI`Y-NINTH CONGRESS._ Sess. I. C11. 510. 1906. Se1;g::¤¤¤-¤¤¤¢¤¤ imvmwu-corrmn snnvron. E*P°¤¤~ To su l a deficiency in the appro riation for ex ensesof Revenue- Cutter Sdiwiice for theliiscal year eluded Jdune (thirtiieth, nineteep laund d and four one thousand two un re an seventy-seven dollars Aww. arid fifty-two cents: Provided, That the office of Captain of Engineers m?¤$§e¥:;i>°oisi:t€4?f in the Revenue-Cutter Service of the United_States IS hereby abol- °*·¤·P· 1**- ighed from the date of the death of the late incumbent thereof, and gigggviigtgbjgg 0* E¤· that ontagd aftgr tip;] of this Alot, the Trgsigpnténaytselectgnd ' in an wi e a vice an consen 0 e cena c a c IU giippneei oi said service who has served not less than three bears in ‘ a` e as g1neer-1n- IC o e evenue— u er ervice or a thetlgrad En` ,` Ch`f fth R Ctt S A f periodi of ’four yegrs, anddnoblpnger,1 yugless iigappccpntled ormsoppler R¤¤k· NY- ¤°¤· retire by reason o age or isa i ity· prom e rt er, a e Engineer-in—Chief thus appointed shall thereafter receive the rank, pay, and allowances, while holding said appointment, that are now or may hereafter be prescribed for a Captain of the Revenue—Cutter Service, but nothing herein shall operate tosincrease the number of Chief Engineers now in the Revenue-Cutter ervice. P¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤i¤8¤· - rmsuo nnrnnmos. §,°,‘{{°’· °°l°· Denver, Colorado, mint building: For amount required to meet outstandin obl` tions incurred as a result of an a arent available balcedtheaa priat'odtol`lppthdd an un er e p ro 1 n ue a c erica error wo un re and twenty-eight dollars and one cent. , ' N°¥W*¤¤· C°¤¤· .Norwic Connecticut post-office: To pay to the Buckley Construc- Icgzggdgiigfmoglgi tion Compagpy the balance due for shelving placed in· the vaults of the ‘ new post-o ce building at Norwich, Connecticut, twenty dollars and ‘ six cents. · ' A- *****1***- Credit in the accounts of George A. Bartlett disbursin clerk: cr. t in ummm That the accoueréting officers of the Treasury be, arid they aredierebv, irected to cr it in the accounts of George A. Bartlett di burnin · glegik of ;hedTreasury De}partmenlt, the slum of glue hundred anii fifteeii o arss n incrarrainst imonteboorsoft eT ‘ d ·th following appiibpiiiationsz Post—office, Pekin, Illinoi;?5tlli1Ii{y-elin lib dol? lars and thirty-t ree cents; United States mint, Philadelphia, Igennsylvania, thirty-eight dollars and thirtvthree cents; custom-house, Portland, Oregon, thirty-eight dollars and thirty-four cents. "*fg;}"" *""‘ ¤"“°" Credit in_the accounts of Thomas J. Hobbs, disbursing clerk: That grgrgssig. pcgzbpau the accounting officers of the Treasury be, and they are hereb , directed or. to credit in the accounts of Thomas J. Hobbs, disbursing cliark of the Treasury Department, the sum of twenty-one dollars standing against him on the books of the Treasury under the a propriation "Repairs and preservation ot public buildings. nineteen hundred and five.`, d_Thzt(;he accgizntiizg ofbcers tif tlEe1£reasury E, and they are hereby, irec ocre i in eaccoun so " omas. . o »bs,disbursin¢r clerk of the gfgeasury Dlepabgnllentgtlile srpm of six hunldred dollars standing agams _ im on e o s o e reasury un er the appropriation ggepairs and preservation of public buildings, nineteen hiindged and _That the accounting officers of the Treasur · be, and they are hereby, directed to credit in the accounts of Thomas .l. Hobbs, disbursing clerk of the Treasury Department the sum of eight h l d d ‘ t f- five dollars standing against,him on the booixs of li:herTreiiilsuis·ii·)`1i‘ri]di’e1· the appropriation "Heating apparatus for public buildings nineteen hundred and five." ° _ That the accounting officers of the Treasury be, and they are hereby, directed to credit in the accounts of Thomas . . Hobbs, disbursing clerk of the Treasurv Department. the sum of one thousand four hundred and fifty-four dollars standing against him on the books of the Treas-