Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/754

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724 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3914. 1906. the Government shall be incurred by registers and receivers in the conduct of local land offices, except upon previous specific authorization by the Commissioner of the General Land Ofhce. D¢P°¤*'*¤8¤°¤*>Y¤· EXPENSES OF DEPOSITING PUBLIC moNEYS: or expenses of depositin money received from the disposal of public lan s, by registered maii bank exchange, or otherwise, as may be directed by the Secretary of the Interior, and under rules to be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, two thousand dollars. .'*`*’*"’°' d'?P'°d°· DE1·REDA·r10NS ON PUBLIC TIMBER, 1·RoirEcr1No PUBLIC LANDS, AND iigglnhixliigicucrliihgud SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS FoR SWAMP LAND AND SWAMP-LAND INDEMNITY: To meet the expenses of protecting timber on the public lands, and for the more efhcient execution of the law and rules re ating to the cutting thereof; of protecting public lands from illegal and fraudulent entry or appropriation, and of adjusting claims for swamp lands, and rndemmma. nit fdr swamp lands, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Pro- Asents per- diem. vidgd, That agents and others em loyed under this appropriation shall be selected by the Secretary of tlhe Interior, and allowed per diem, subject to Such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, in lieu of subsistence, at a rate not exceeding three dollars per day each and actual necessary expenses for transportation, inc uding necessary sleeping-car fares. m§ggi¤8= *¤ lend EXPENSES or HEARINGS IN LAND EN·rRrEs: For expenses of ` hearings held by order of the Commissioner of the General Land Oilice to determine whether alleged fraudulent entries are of that character or have been made in compliance with law, and of hearings in disbarment proceedings, nine thousand dollars. 0,¥$u$v’gdy;*°’¤8 Plm REPBODUOING PLATS or SURVEYS: To enable the Commissioner of the General Land Office to continue to reproduce worn and defaced official plats of surveys on Hle, and other plats constituting a part of the records of said office, and to furnish local land offices with the same, three thousand five hundred dollars. gxefsggggfg Mw EXAMINATIONS or DESERT LANDS: The unexpended balance of the mucus. appropriation of one thousand dollars made by the Act of Congress V°1‘38·P 483* a proved April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and four, to enable th>e Secretar of the Interior to examine, during the fiscal year nineteen hundred, and five, under such regulations and at such compensation as he may prescribe, the desert lands selected by the States under VM- 28- P- 42% the provisions of section four of the Act of Congress approved August eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, is hereby continued and made avai able for expenditure in such examinations that may be grxwwuém made during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven: Prom'ded, WThat if such examinations be made by detailed clerks or employees of the Department, they shall be entitled to actual necessary expenses of transportation, including necessary sleepiug—car fares, and not exceeding t ree dollars per day in lieu of Subsistence. ggfyggdrgivggvw- l.ESTORATION or LANDS IN FOREST RESERVES: To enable the Secre- ' tary of the Interior to meet the expenses of advertising the restoration to the public domain of lands in forest reserves, or of lands temporarily withdrawn for forest-reserve purposes, five thousand dollars. mf;a·:¢¤¤*¤ f¤>=¤ TQANSCRIPTS or RECORDS AND PLATS, GENERAL LAND OFFICE! For ` furnrshing transcripts of records and plats, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, eighteen thousand seven grogévggémnn hundred and twenty dollars: Provided, That persons em loyed under ' this appropriation shall be selected by the Secretary of the Interior at a compensation of two dollars per day while actually employed, at · such times and for such periods as the exigencies of the work may B¤¤*¤¤¤¤¤- demand: Promded further, That not more than one-twelfth of this appropriation shall be expended in any one month of the year for which it is available.