Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/815

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x rirrrmimu ooueasss. sm. 1. ou. 3916. 1906. 785 Sec. 11. That to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to make pro- L°“ A“¥°1°*= ****1- visions for a Federal building in keeping with the needs of the public Sm cmd Sm service at Los Angeles, California, the Act of Congress approved ‘,[g;f3·g3§"*· April twenty—iirst, nineteen hundred and four, is hereby so far amended ’p' ` as to authorize and empower the Secretary of the Treasuily to sell the old Federal building site, being lots sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen, in block C, Rivera and Vignola tract, at the southeast corner of Main and Winston streets in said city, at such time and upon séuch terms as he maybdeem to be tpl th; best interelsits of the Umteci f 'tates an to a ly the net rocee s thereof towa the erection 0 H °' “°" the neiw Fede1al)buil:ling to be erected upon the site which has been giiiidiug 0 domlm donated by the citizens of Los Angeles, and the limit of the cost of c,g?‘.§{_ °* °°°° “" said new ederal building and the site thereof is hereby increased by an amount egual to the net proceeds derived from the sale of the old Federal buil ing site herein described. Sec. 12. That the Secretary of the Treasury be and he is hereby Wmrirawre. N- Y- authorized and directed to cause the United States post-office building nig iiiiwiiliiiuuiaid at Watertown, New York, to be taken down and a new building to be °“§,‘j}f*Q,f $§,f“°°· erected on the site thereof, at a total cost to the Government, including the removal of the present building and the construction of a new buildinghwith fireproof vaults, heatbilng and ventilatingl appargtpsfl and approac es complete not to exce seventy-seven thousand dollarsand the Sedretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to provide for teyhiipwiiivn of in the use in the construction of said new building, of such of the telth p e t tructure as he may deem suitable for ma ria composing e r sen s , the purpose; or, in his discretion, to dispose of the same to the best advantage to the Government, and 'to use the proceeds derived there- ` from toward, the cost of constructing said new building, and in case of c Limit of cw in- _ the sale of said material the limit of cost hereinbefore fixed for said 'um" new buildin is hereb increased by a sum equal to the net proceeds rive rom said sa e. ded f g 'd l y Sec. 13. That the Secretary of the Treasury be and he is hereby F-i¤*¤¤;>¤¤·V¤· _ authorized and directed to begin the work ot ,reconstructing and :n§·;a°3°$i¤i.t;:ti°° °° enlarging the public building at Richmond, Virgima, on aplan and ·" design that wil? provide a suitable, commodious, fireproof bui ding for the accommodation of the post-office, United States courts, customs, and other Government offices in said city with heating apparatus, elevators, and mechanical equipment, deiplolishingi mild rlempiving, so fpr be necessary, the present bui ing an the ui ing on t ie Slidlielii lot adjacent to the old Government building and now owned by the United States; and the Secretary of the Treasury, for the purpose of beginning the construction of the building aforesaid, is hereby hgyimcw ¤¤¤¤¤*— authorized, to let contracts for so much of said work as shall not exceed ’ - in cost the sum of two hundred thousand dollars: Provided, lwmwgr, €{gg:•g,m,_ That this authorization shall not be construed as fixing the limit of cost of said building at the sum hereby named, and the building provided for shall not be constructed or planned so as to cost, when completed, including heating apparatus, elevators, mechanical equipment, and approaches, a sum exceeding eivht hundred thousand dollars. _ Sec. 14. That the Secretary of the Treasipéy be, and he is herebyé ggggggagidgiygfd authorized and directed to d1Sp0S€ oféhe F erall building pt (ynin ggpmgzgetma. Rapids, Michigan, now used as a postio ce, court- ouse, an or other M, pm. ` ntal r ses at such a time in such manner and upon addjdliltldldliilis as liiaumliiy deem for the best interests of the United States, ' and cause to be erected upon the site thereof a suitable building, including fireproof vaults, heating and ventilatingjapparatus, elevators and h lete, for the use of the mted States post-office

gg;t·;caiid’othed·Igovernmenwl offices in said city, at a limit of cost {oi- Limit ci wen

said building of not to exceed five hundred thousand dollars, and in case of the sale of the old building the limit of cost hereinbefore tixed von xxxiv, rr 1—50