Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/1552

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INDEX. Km. Frank. P¤z¤- 1 Lafontoim, Ream, P¤·Ym¢¤€ V0 -------··--. . 2661 i pension increased _.____________ KM. BOM! T-. Q Lakiag, Gem-ge W., KPSHBIOH l11GB3S8d ... . . . . 1470 ’ pension increased ______________ 06h, C'¤¢h¤*"lM (widow), Lambert, Calvin, KP0¤¤i0¤ i¤<!!‘6¤·S0d ------. 2751 pension increased ,,_,_,,,., M och. Eva B. (whlow). Lambert, Mmm u. (wwwa, "K[>€nSi0H .. . . . 1587 i pension increased __,___________ ohl;uJ(a;o?é 2400 Lambert, Samuel, ... · nsion increased ,_..., Kgliler, Elizabeth (widow), Lgw Jo"?]. pension . 1977 I Pcmifm increased ______________ Kohler, George W., i Lamoreau, Daniel R., Kpcmiou increased ... 2064 I pension increased .. olb, E. J., alias E. J. Kalb, S Lanwreuz, Pardon B., Kgmntcgl honorable discharge .. 2154 pension increased .. raut, ., 1 Lam here, P , Kpayment to . 2413 E peiision inacrrelissed .. reger, Andrew F., 5 Lamprey, Daniel, Kpension increased . - . 2017 pension increased .. reidler, Samuel G., g Lomaon, Edwin IC,

 ... 2256 [ pension inckrpased ..

rea, 1 nam, , , Kpension irlberggeii ... 1491 i pension increased . . "¢¢¤'l'¤9¢T. G i -» Lander Francs:` . P°¤¤i0¤ i¤¤'°¤¤°d ··--·—~--·---·-—·-----· 1625 pension increased . . Krieger, Peter C., ( Landes, Henry F., pension increased ... 1807 , permon increased . . Kriner, Fredenbk, g Lane, J, Kpension increased ... 2496 { pension increased . . rom, John H., . Lam, Corel, Kpension increased ... 2390 pension mcmlned . rueger, August, . Lane, John D., nsinn increased ... — 2256 pension increased . Krueger, C. W, { Lam, Billy M (widow), yment. to . 2661 = pension . . Klilger, Nettie G. (widow),Lane, Wilbur F., pgngign increased ____,_,___,_._ . .,.. 2390 pensnon increased . Krumduk, lleinrick. Lam wait;". W., pension iDCf6$$0d -------·---··- - -·—·-·-- 1686 pension increased , .Kub·ak, W F., * Lana. Jrroyrrr. payment. to . 2661 : pension mcrvasod . Kgchln, Mary (1,-[dow), a Langdon, Surnuel J., pension increased ... 2544 pvmnou nwrwuwel ... .. . . Kuhn, Estelle (willow), Lang¢·._.Ioh¢mn¢ (mother}, pension .. . IMM pomnon . . Kuhn:. Dowll U- (WW). · Longman-k, lima!. pension . M59 p,.m,(,,,, (m.,.,,",.,; ________ Kumler, Sarah A. (zmaow). _ Willimn. pension increased ... 2460 msqnpnt in _____________ Kunkel, Ferdinmtd. _ Longford. John W.. pension incyggggd ____ . . . . - - - -·—·—--- 202** pennion inorvnsed ___,__,_ Kumi, Jacob, Orlando H.. Kpemnuinjnerlgeased ... 2547 pe,,,,,,:; gg,.,,.,,? _____________ mz, me . Lamp aan . s amne . pension increased . . ..-.---·----- 27m pension in¢*rv·u.··wi . [Apt. Philip. L, nsion imreased . La ma, mmm:. __ Lai;. }”ll•*¤·· J-- pension increased _ I _ _ _ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ _ _ 2;;,2 pension ll1(‘]'$’28\"(i . Lu Fleur, Laurette (wud0a'). FQ__ L“"*£_`;:”?A;h~K` ' __.,. , Ln a \ --»—»--···-- ·

  • "’"“‘°“ ‘··‘‘‘‘ 3 ‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘`` · r,.;;;.., gm,. .1. ..psa¤.¤.

La. Forge, Andrew , __ . . _ pensioniu _·_--_--_______________ pépiilhfi \ll1Yt’$\S(‘(l ... . La pm"', John H Larkin. (wore! T.. penslorl incrggggd _ Q ____, . , , , 2652 p¤}°l!N‘I\¥ I0. I; · - .. Labatt, szawbm. L. 11. (umn.. __ _ l.¤¤··#. EU~{ >- g·~*¤¤·— mion increased ________ _ ____ _ ________ lolz) pension me nwlnki Lapcgy Bam.] M K" Lurrrzby, Willénrrw, pmgsiun _ _ _______ _ _ _ ________ _ _ _ $213 pension i!\¢'i\'3$Q:¢l ..». Ladd, Wesley J. _ !»·¤~···r··- l~·r·’* ·*·· pension incmased _______ _ ________ _ ________ 32,9 pension anon-seul Ladnzr, Frank J. . L‘~""`"z B'Y!"`· , (md patent isued m ________ _ ________ _ _ _ 23,24 pension mu r¤*·a¤¤¤.·<l