Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/1564

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( INDEX. Mover, _S¤"U/ud, Y¤·B¤· ‘ Murphy, Edward, Page. MP°¤m°¤, U!°*'€”°d ···----------------- . 2275 ensmn increased ,..._.,,,._.,,.,_____ 2405 vw, _W·¥!•¤·m· H-, grphy, mm G., MP°¤“°¤,m°Y°“°d ---·----------------- - - · - 2371 fensxon increased . 2314 Wh", $#08, urphy, Jawws, MP°P¤i0¤ m¢¤3¤·¤0d -----------------. - - . 1862 femnon increased ...,,.,__.,.,._..,,,,__,_ 2200 wv, Avqdmv J., wpny, John E., JGUEOH U1Cl'€8B9d .. . - . 1917 ps3_Q]; incyggggd _________________________ 1878 vw, Bufqrd P-, Jrepny, same 1-1. (widow), uP°¤¤°¤ 1-¤€¥¤¤¢d ----------------·----.-.- 1472 {GMIOD increased . 1580 ' my -I•rme·•, urray, Charles T., {6N10D I-¤€!'€3¤€d -.-..-.·. . . . . 1823 . [yension increased _,______________.________ 2236 cw, 4mm B., - w-my, Elizabeth (www), Llpeumou increascd . · 2479 emion _______,__________________.________ 1669 WW, ·Tv7m, Mgrray, Francis, JSDBIOB increased . 1740 emigm iuggggggd _________________________ 2750 R0]", T-, Mgrray, James C., Mpvnmcn mcrcanvd ...-.-.-- 1828 femion increased . 2503 ousert, B., urray, John P., llvenswn mcrumcd . 17 57 usion increased .. . .. 2687 mumg, Bqltzar, Mgenuy, Man; (widaw), femxou increased . 1941 ugiqn ____________________ _ ______________ 2433 orwcrz George W, M, Thomas W, lfoN10D 1HON2S6d -..-------------·--... z - - 1675 cusion increased . 2259 owrey, garky, Mzrray, William A., nmoq xncreascd . 2018 migm imggggggd ____________,____________ 1323 lgefgalsb, Joseph, . Mxrey, Elizabeth A. (unklow), went to -·-------.-.. 2662 femou increased ... . . 2489 lIgerg, Herma·rm, urtha, Jamu, ixensxon increasod . 1954u increased ,_________,_,,__,.,,,__,, 2510 udler, Haz, Musgrave, .Du.ci11da C. (widow), rmion increased .. : ‘ .. 248 9 msion iuereased .. . . . · 2555 uhimgfeld, umm E. (mw), gm.,-a,., (widow), _ inenmon - .-------...- 27 60 nsion increased ... . . 2080 ulford, James B. Mggrs, Eugene A. (sem), granted honombie dxscharge .. 2305 maiou ...,... ; . 2235 Mull, Edward K., Mggra, George, fmion increased. . . -.-.--.-... - . . 2480 ension increased . - ... 2616 ullally, Nancy J. (wedow), Myers, George C., pension . . ..-.- · -.-.. 2420 ensiou increased .. . . - 1672 Mullen, James P., Myers, Kate (widow),

g€D§i.OI1 increased ... - - 2355 ension increased . 2287

llm, John H., Mgcra, Noah, lfeusion increased . 2227 femion . 2081 ulleri Fritz. , yen, Thomas E., feusxon increased . 1531 5 pension increased . 1742 ullin. Rose V, s ‘ nsion increased . 1898 ‘ NZ Hlczglin, Shlncy F., Naddy, Patrick, nsion increased . 1551 granted honorable discharge .. 2816 Jllglilins, Calvin S., Nagle, William S., nsion increased . 2513 [ pension increased .. 1766 Mgcrwher, Joseph, , Nahrgaang, Charles, nsion increased . 1912Wyman; tp . 2662 Hgengry, James W., l umn, Wallmm A., pmiqn increased . . ... 2680 pension increased . 2542 Mgmly, Mary E. (widvw), Narron, Rqbert L., onsicm increased . ...---.-.-·- 2205 } pension increased .-.------ 1816 Manger, Ixrael E., : Nash, Albeyt H., ‘ gngign increased, . . . . 1860 fnsion mcteaséd . .. . . 2441 Mgnns, Brake P., { aah, Alley: J, ngion im-;-eased ... . . 2290 I pension mcrcased .·. · .--·- 1453 EMI, Rhoda (widvw), i Nash. Charles V, gngion ______ _ _ _ ___, _ , , ., . ..  ! nsibll i¤CIB2£d. . . . ~ ..·· - . · . Mgnaan, Francis M., _ [ Daniel D., using increased _____,_. , . . .. 1040 fension increased r . . .. 1608 mason, Margaret ( widow), ~ ash, Mary Amanda (zmdaw. ewuion increased . ..··----- · ----·· 2223 { pension lI1Cl'€$89q --·--·---»»---· - ·——----·- 2086 Igrch, James A., ; Nash, $u.sqn E. (wwdcw), gngion increased ___,_,, . ,.. . . 1942 g pensnon mqeased .. . .. 2000 Jrdoangh, Sammzl C., · Nations, Ogredwh B., pension increased ,.. - . . . - --··----- 2692 * pension 11101*9886d .-·-·-- - -·-·»··----»- 2338 Murphy, Damhl B., Mm Wh DS'g· Amd A· M" 1516 granted honorable di¤Ch8IgG ------·--··--- 22 21 X Peuswn mcmased ······‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ "‘ f ’‘`‘'‘'