Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/1600

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INDEX. Xgiji P€7l3’i0N»3—(]0DtiD\lBd.Paw ‘ Pemim•e·—Continued. PNG- incrcased—-coutinued . incrggggdjcontinued _ Prebkz '1`¤¤¤¤r·¥ ----------..-·. 2596 Ramsey, Rebecca ... mo Preisinger, Fred ... 1458 Bamgg , Robert ____________ __ 2264 P\’€¤d€Yg39t·, JOB€¥h H . - .··- . . . . 2404 Ruud3H, Darius H _____________________ 1579 Prendevnllv, Char es .-.. 2754 Randall, Oskaley ...,.,.,_ 2230 Prentnss, John M .. 1858 Randolph, Amelia 3, ___________________ 2454 Prescott, Roswell ... 2255 Randolph, Harrison ,._,_____, __ 1931 PIGSIQY, ADUIODY XV ... 1559 Randolph, Mary E _____________________ 2347 Preswu, Aurqu 2539 Baney, James E ________________________ 2107 mu, ¥9·V1¤; - ------------·-.--... ]l;1l'1, lgavig ..c 1660 es 11, rancxs .. . . in i ..._,.__,___ 1861 Preston, Hannah A . 1713 Rankin: Rgivxmd B _,__,,_.,___________ 2477 Preston, Nelson S .. 2110 Hardin, Jacob C ..__,,_.,,______,__ 1582 Preston, gamuck ... Buick, Oériu S ... E ,.. 2214 u ... Raschig, ustavus F. , ...,,... 2332 Prcttyuiau, James . 1550 Rassbach, John G . 2114 £l'lrQCB, éndrew I ..,. gthbunbgléexargc C .._.,_,_,__._ 2343 'cc atc ttray, ar as . .. 1765 Price; George . . 2329 Rauch, John .. 1649 Price, James A . 2128 Baudabsugh, Emanuel . 2370 Price, James C ... . . 2627 Rawles, Harriett A . · ,... 1942 Price, John G ... - . 2650 Rawliug, John ..,... . . - 2165 Price, Joseph W ..,. . .. 1444 _ Rawlings, John W .. 2797 Price, Lev; ... 1232 Egy, `Denngz W ... 2002 Prime, Edw B . . I Y, .. 1678 Pri , Thomas H ,... 2351 Ray Malcolm .. , .. 2062 ygmwiu H ,____,,... . .. 2213 R.ay;mmd, Nellie . . 1550 muqggvid Ik .. gg'], gaymcng, gagnluel G ... fyi; , egg ,,,,... . . aymon e .,. Pyigghgdy Pm-kg; _,______,,,.,., 1831 Rayner, Jblm W ... 1890 mba'- S°"“;{’k ···········*·········· $224 %°“S* £""i"" E ················*······· ¥£ Pmctor Dani . - .---·------- 0*1 , 9 GH -----------··—--·----·-· Prose, jS ___________ _ _,,.,..,_ 1989 Reagan, George W .. 2346

 _____,________,_.,..,,. 2342 Rem, Benjamin B .,..,... 2359

Pros", Richard ________ _ ________,_,,__. 2602 Renngy, Annie 2401 Pmutm Thomas J ________ _ ___,_,_,,_,, 2532 Reavps, Leomdas W ... 2514 pmvgme, David ____________ _ __,_.,_,, 2474 Reavm, Sarah Arm . 2250 P1-nit, Nancy ___________ _ __________,_,, 1955 Reber, Jonathan B 2544 mum, Deborah J .. 2120 %<>cwr, 3E¤<>¢hi ----------~---------·-— $:0; Pmnkardy David ___________ _ ___________ 27 7 echor, ages ..,. 7 J A ___________ _ _________,, , 2570 Rector, J ulms . NO2 £Q’_Q§‘§n°§’§§jmi,, J ________________,,, 2589 Redding, Johq . . ... 2599 PugS] , Frank .,.. . . .1 1920 Redfiel , Dgmel W ___,_,__,.,,___ _ _____ 2269 Purceiifkobert . . .. 1516 4 Rcdic. Olive;  ;§17 Purdy, George E ...,... 2733 Redmond, Wxllmm E .. ...71 Purvis, Georgia W . §ec:ri¢,ATl<;}(K•é{v. 6 -.·--~. 5 , J _ _ _ ____________________ , oe · · _,________.,,_,______ _ , _ .,

 W ___,__,_,___,,_.._.,     ]g}(;h_|{1[l1\D D ,,.,.._,,,..  

Jsgiah ________________________ 155 ,_,¤,ygs__; ______________,________ ;,?·

 Jose him: E .. . ... 1563 Reed, George W --.---.---·----·.·.· M0-!

Qugrmbeqk, peter ________________ _ ____ 1843, Reed, Hgnry ______________ _ ____________ Quin), Geo 0 _,_.,.__,,._,,,,,_ _ _.__,. 255; 1 Reed, James.; ..,...,. .. `bi) Qui Dav!5 H . . .. 1432 i Reed, John W ... . , lg49 Quiggéy, William C ,,.. 1847 Rm-d, Surah J . Qégg Qui lv . William S 228Q , Reed, Thomas . . E Quia giivhucl 1946 ‘ Reeder, George H7 ... . .. ..245 Quimby, John J .. . })62[ ~ Reeder, George \\ .. Quinn. Bridget ... . . QQ4Q l Rvcdeir, James , :,292 Quinn. Timuthx. .. 2621 · Rcedy, Peter ..,..,._,,. 1883 Qvinwn. Mm A .-.-... . .---.·.-.· $104 . Reese. H¤¤¤¤h 0 ·-·------—------------- 0615 Quiwt. Andre-w P . .. gg; · g;;;:?. -..·.---··. 1..4;.; 5018 “»2§'$}?’1uEYL“¤ ‘.‘.‘. :1i1::1;1ii:111::1:1i M = Rm-1»yi¤¤s%m . R· em, Mary June . 2244 } Reese-quug, Noah ... $..03 Rggglvl Gon o W .. . ... 1430 Reese, Elizabeth S ... . . Ag?) mm _Mm°{» _______________ _ _,______ msn } Reeve, Leander C ..------·-------» 19 Rukéxz Martha-v} D., jr. 1557 · Reeves. Christopher C .. @32 _ ’ ·· -, ________ __ 1747 * Reeves, Samud ..·--» · --------—--- -*18 R=*=¢¤¤~ “ ¤¤~·¤¤ »--------- »-- , 3 Y Im _ 0586 Rambo James T .. ZIS}0 [ Reger, Heqr) r ..· 7 " ,____ 22;>9 Remh Emxhe Grace ,...,...,,,,,____.., 1844 R¤¤¤¤··y- “¤¤¤¤*d S ---··-- - ------- . . 7 0195 Ramsev James . . .. 2129 # Regd, Eugb ... ;_ R 2*, Iames . .,.,.,,, 2083 2 Rmd, hanc * G , ..290 ngmm:g»` Mm} 1h `````' , ______________ 2021 1 Reidy, Briqgget ,.,,._...,..,... 1482 v *' '