Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/1638

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FIRST SESSION FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. For holiday recess. December 18, 1905 ..,..,,,_,__________ _ __________________ __ _ ________ 2829 For return from the President of bill authorizing dams, etc., at Muscle Shoal, Ala. February 13 ww Z 2829 For rogum from the President oi bill relating to Elijah Spnngler, Feb,-uuy gg, 1905 _____ _ ______ 2829 Drrgchng rgpgrt gu Amwgehg Flgtg, D, C,, to bg made, February 27, 1906 ,,,,,.,,,,__,,__,_,_, 2829 Correcting enrollment of bill relatin to Colville Indian Reservation, Wash. March 8, 1906 . 2829 For return £rom the President ot bill relating m David A, Jung, Much 12, 1Q)6 ______________ 2830 For return from the President of bill relating to John B. Parker, Mgrgh 13, 1906 _____________ ,_ 2830 For return from the President of bill to open Kiowa, etc., lands in Oklahoma. March 20, 1906.. 2830 Ampngnyxuon to attend celebration of two hundredth smnivcnuy of birth of Franklin. --·- • -··--- · ----- · -··•·-··-·-- ¤·-•--·-·· -··-·-··--··---- - ····· - ·.·... .. 2830 Ordering println? of testimony on railroad-rates biIL April 4, 1906 _,_____________ _ __________ 2330 Extending time or Printing proceedings of unveiling Rochnmbeau statue. April 7, 1906 ... 2830 Ordering prumng 0 medical report on Japanese-Rumisn war. A ril 7, 1906 ,,,,,,,,___________ 283] Ordering printing reports on naval eilicienley of coals. April 7, MSG ,,,,,,,,,__,,,,,___, _ ______ 233] Ordering printing testimony on hazing at avnl Academy. April 10, 1906 ,_,,.,,,_,,_,,_,__,__ 2331 Directing conferees to insert amendment to bill relating to officinl misconduct. A ril 13, 1906 . . 2831 Dirgctiggs changes in enrolling bill for final disposition of Affairs of Five April 1 , 1 . . ... 2832 For return from the President of bill relating to John W. Hammond. May 9, 1906 ,.,,,,_,_,,, 2832 For return from the President of bill relating to Byron K. May. June 14, 1906 ,.,,,,,._,,_ 2832 Directing survey, etc., of harbor at Duluth, Minn. June 20, 1906 ..,,...,..,,,, 2832 Creating a joint committee to consider, etc., revision and coditicution of the laws. June 25, 1906. 2833 For return from the President of bill relating to Columbia Reservation lands, Wash. June 25, 1906 . . . - .. 2833 For return from the President of bill relating to Helen C. Sanderson. June 26, 1906 2833 Ordering printing of index to reports of Commission to Five Civilised Tribes. June 28, 1906 M3 Ordering printing of Treasurefs report 1905. J uno 29, 1906 ... 2838 Ordering printing of addremes at John Paul Jones celebration. June 29, 1906 .. 2834 For mmm from the President of bill relating to John E. English. Juno 29, 1906 . . . 2834 For return from the President of bill relating to umn C. Smith. June 29, 1908 2834 Authorizin conference committee on deiiciengg appropriation bill to provide for public buildings gmuibusgnill and railroad-rates bill. June , 1906 . 2834 Authorizing conferees on public buildings omnibus bill to include Albuquerque, N. Mex. June 29 1906 . . ..··- - -.--.---·----------------·-·-----·-·------ 2834 Bgaunesting the President to hold a naval and military review at Tampa, Fla., during Isthmian gl Exgodtion. Juno 30, 1906 . . . . .. 2835 Directing u journment. June 30, 1906 . .. 2835 SECOND SESSION FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. For hglidg |·e¢x. DcCClI\b01’ 17, 1906. . . - · -.--·--·-···---·--··-- · -----··· · - - $7 For returnilrom the President of bill relating to Charles E. Henry. December 20, 1906 . &7 For ygturn {mm me President of bill relagng to John Ingram. _ Janulnry 11,  % Orderi rimi of testimony onuying, etc., companies. muary , ..,,..., po, ,.,€$,,{° ;,,,m°€he president of mix manu; m mugs cmmegw. Jmwy 21, um 2838 For rgtuyn {gpm me President of bill relating to Daniel G. Smith. _ January 21, 1907 2838 For return from the President of bill to amend District of Columbia Code, sec. 878. January 28, 1907 . .. . ..---···---- · -----·--- · -----·---·----·---—- · •------······ · ········ 2838 eri 'nt.m3' of testimon on second-clam mail matter. January 29, 1907 2838 Igcligmgigmprfiom e Presidentbf bill relating to Lorenzo F. Harmon. February 1, 1907 . 2838 For return from the President of bill relating to John McK1n¤¤¤. Februlfy 5. 1907 ·-----·----- 2838 For return from the President of bill relating to Reuben A. February 6, 1907 .. $38 For return from the President of bill relating to John W. MQW1H18m!. February 15, 1907 .. 2839 Directing correction in enrolling bill relating to John McKinnon. February 16, 1907 .. 2839 (i)