Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/128

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2968 rxRc1~:Ls-rosT ooxvnxriox-nizmixiik. $;*;j·gg‘;;f;,€ Amicnn V1. Anrixian VI. N°"°°'°“d""°°“°°‘ The addressces of registered Anbefalede Pakkcrs Addressa articles shall be advised of the ter skulle af Bestemuiclscsposb arrival of a package addressed huset underret-tes om Ankomsten to tnem, by a notice from the af cn til dem adressvrct Pakkc. postollice of destination. Pakkerne skulle i Bestemmeli><¤Hv¤r>·- The packages shall be deliv- seslandet undlevcres Adressaterne ered to addressees at the post- pan Bestemmelsesposthuset nden oliices of address in the country Opkrzevning af uogeu Porto; men of destination free of charge for de paa Pakkerne hvilende Toldaf— vo~tage· but the customs duties gifter skulleindkasscresved Udleproperly chargeable thereon veringen overensstemmende med shal be collected on delivery in Bestem-melseslandets Toldforsk— accordance with the customs rifter, og det staar de Forenede regulations of the countr of Staters Postvaesen frit for for Bedestination; and the Post-Dilice fordringen aa dets Postomraade Department of the United States af ankomneEakkersamtforombaemay, at its option, levy and col- ringen at o krazve hos Adressaten lect from the addressee in this et (iebyr, d)er ikke maa overstige country for interior service and 5 Cents for hver enkelt Pakke delivery a charge not exceedin uden Hensyn til Vzegten. , five cents on each single parcg of whatever weight. Arrrrcnn VII. Airrrxml VII. V ’fr•n¤p¤r¤•¤¤¤· The packages shall be consid· Pakkerne skulle betragtes som ered as a component part of the en Bestanddel af de mellem Danmails exchanged direct between mark og de F orenede Stater the United States and Denmark, direkte udvekslede Poster, og de to be dispatched by the country skulle fremsendes fra Afsendel— of origin to the other at its cost seslandet paa dets Bekostning til and by such means as it provides, det andet Land med saadanne but must be forwarded, at the Befordriillgsmidler, som det raader option of the dispatching office, over; Pa erne skulle efter det either in boxes prepared especially afsendende Posthus’s Bestemmelse for the purpose or in ordinary fremsendes enten i ?ecielt for mail sacks,to be marked "Parcels- Ojemedet indrettede asser eller post," and not to contain any i almindelige Postsaekke, der other articles of mail matter, and mwrkes “Pakkepost," og som to be securely sealed with wax, or ikke maa indeholde andre Arter otherwise, as maybemutuallypro- Postforsendelser, og som skulle vided by regulations hereunder. behorigvforsegles eller lukkes paa anden is, hvorom der gensidig treaties nzermere Bestemmelser. ¥=~¤·¤¤··<>f*>¤s>···*¢·?· Each country shall promptly fivert Land skal uopholdelig return empty to the dispatching med naeste Post til det afsendende office by next mail, all such bags Posthus tilbagesende alle saadanne and boxes, but subject to other tomme Swkker og Kasser, medregulations between the two Ad- mindre anden Aftale traefles ministrations. mellem de to Postbestyrelser. P¤i<:¤¤i¤s. Although articles admitted un- Skont de efter mervterende · der this Convention will be trans- Overenskomst tilstedelige Genmittcd as aforesaid between the stande skulle befordres some exchange offices, they should be ovenfor nzevnt mellem Udveks— so carefully packed as to·he safely lingskontorerne, skulle de dog transmitted in the open mails of pakkes saa omhyggcligt, at de either country, both in going to trygt kunne befordres stvkkevis the exchange office in the country med den almindelige Post gennem