Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/5

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TREATIES AND CONVENTION S. Treaty between t/ae United States and certain powers for the arbitration Jmuuw 30. 1902- of pecuniary claims. Signed at Mexico, January 30, 1902,* raéyfication advised g the Senate, January 11, 1905 ,• ratified by the resident of the nited States, Janua1%v28, 1.905; ratification deposited with the Mexican Government, ebruary 10, 1905 ,· proclaimed March 24, 1905. BY rum Pnnsmnnr or mn Unrrnn Smrns or Ammucx. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Treaty of Arbitration for pecuniary claims between the rmambie. United States of America and the Argentine Republic, Bolivia, Colom- V bia, Costa Rica, Chile, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipoteu— tiaries at the City of Mexico on the 30th day of January, 1902, the original of which Treaty ID the English, Spanish and French languages, is word for word as follows: Treaty of Arbitration for Tratado sobre reclamaciones Traité pour le réglement par . Pecuniary Claims. por dafics y perjuicios déciaion arbitrak des Ré- pecuniarioa. clamatiuns de dormmages péczmiaires. Their Excellencies the Sus Excelencias el Presi— Leurs Ex cellences le Contracting part-ies~ Presidents of the Argentine dente de la Republics. Ar- Président de la République Republic, Bolivia, Colom- gentina, el de Bolivia, el de Argentine, celuide_Bolivie, bia, Costa Rica, Chili, Colombia, el de Costa Rica, celui de Colombie, celui Dominican Republic, Ecua- el de Chile, el de la Repu- de Costa Rica, celui du dor, El Salvador, the blica Dominicana, el del Chili, celui de la Repu- United States of America, Ecuador, el de ElSalvad0r, blique Dominicaine, celui Guatemala, Hayti, Houdu- el de los Estados Unidos de l’Equateur, celui du Salras, the United Mexican de América, el de Guate· vador,celui des Etats-Unis States, Nicaragua, Para- rnala, el de Haiti, el de d’Amérique, celui du Guaguay, Peru and Uruguay, Honduras, el de los Esta- temala, celui d’Haiti, celui dos Unidos Mexicanos, el de Honduras, celui des de Nicaragua, el del Para- Etats-U nis M ex i cain s, guay. el del Peru y el del celui de Nicaragua, celui Uruguay; du Paraguay, celui du Pérou et celui de l’ Uruguay, Desiring that their re- Deseando que sus paises Désirant que leurs pays spective countries should respectivos fueran repre- respectifs soient représentés be represented at the Sec- sentados en la Segunda la Seconde Conference ond International Ameri- Conferencia Internacional InternationaleAméricaine, · can Conference, sent there- Americana enviaron zi ella, y out envoyé, dument auto duly authorized to ap- debidamente autorizados torisés pour approuver prove the recommends- para aprobar las recomon- les recommandations, décitions, resolutions, conven- dac1ones,resoluciones,con· sions, conventions et traités tions and treaties that they venciones y tratados que qu’ils jugeraient utiles aux I might deem convenient for juzgaren ritiles zi los inte- intéréts de l’Amérique, 2845