Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/56

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2896 PARCELS-POST coivvnnriox-swnnEN. of origin and to the office of ad- saval till ut-vaxlingspostanstalteni dress in the country of destination. inlamningslandet som till adress- _ postanstalten i adresslandet. Descnpuveiisz. Each dispatch of a parcels-post Hvarje paketpost, som afsiindes, mail must be accompanied by a skall atfol]as af en i twa exemplar descriptive list, in duplicate, of all upprattad karta, upptagande sanitthe acka es sent, showing dis- liga i posten befintliga paket samt tinctl)*theIist number of each par- innehallande uppgift, for hvarje cel, the name of the sender, the sarskildt paket, fi dess lopande · name of the addressee with ad- nummer, afsandarens namn adresdress of destination, and the de- satens namn och adress samt paketclared contents and value; and innehallet och dess varde. Denna xm, p.zsxx$. must be inclosed in one of the karta—se bifogade formular 3- boxes or sacks of such dispatch. skall innesluttas i en af de till [See Form 3 annexed hereto.] posten horande lador eller sackar. Airricma VIII. Aizrixnn VIII. R¤¢<*·*P*°f¤¤¤¤· As soon as the mail shall have sa snart posten ankommit till reached the office of destination, bestammelsepostanstalten, skall that office shall check the contents denna granska postens innehall. . of the mail. Pmelbm In the event of the arcel bill Medfoljer ickc niigon paketkarnot having been received, asubsti- ta, skall en sadan genast af mottatute should be at once prepared. gande postanstalten upprattas. Em"- Any errors in the entries on the Om felaktigheter upptackas hos parcel bill which may be discov- paketkartan, skola dessa—-efter at ered, should, after verification by afva konstaterats af annu 'en a second officer, be corrected and tjansteman—rattas, och skall annoted for report to the dispatching malan om desamma goras till afoffice on a form “Verification cer- sandningspostantalten medelst en tificate," which should be sent in a besvaring, som skal afsandas i special envelope. skildt konvolut. ce1;<>¤¤¤¤*v¢ <>f lm- If a parcel advised on the bill be Saknas en psi paketkartau upp- ` not received, after the nonreceipt ford forsandelse, skall, efter det has been verified by a second o — forhallandet konstaterats af annu cer, the entry on the bill should en t.nestcman, den si kartan om be canceled and the fact reported forsandelsen Ejorda anteckning at once. utstrykas, oc anmalan genast goras. ¤¤m¤8¤d v¤<=¢*¤- Should a parcel be received in a Mottages ett paket i skadadt V damaged or imperfect condition, eller bristfalligt skik, skall utfar— full particulars should be reported das besvaring, med angifvande af r on the same form. de néirmere omstaudigheterna. C°¤'°°°m*’·*l‘*· If no verification certificate or Erhaller den afsandande postnote of errorbereceived,aparcels- anstalten icke nagon besvarin mail shall be considered as duly eller anmalan om felaktiget, skail delivered, having been found on paket-posten ansees hafva blifvit examination correctin allrespects. vederborligen emottagen och vid granskning befunnen riktig i alla afseenden. _ Anrrcmz IX. i Airrximr. IX. F¤¤¤~ wdefiver- If the packages cannot be deliv- Kunna paket icke bestallas en- - ered as addressed, or if they are li t angifven adress, eller v ‘ refused, they should be recipro- adressaterna att mottaga dem, cally returned without charge, di- skola paketen 30 dagar efter framrectly to the dispatching office of komsten till adress ostanstalten exchange, at the expiration of kostnadsfritt atersandas direkt till