Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/639

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· INDEX. 33.>9 Clinton, Iowq, _ Pm- Coal, Navy, Pagereconstrqctiop of bridge authorized across appropriation for, and transportatiouu. 560, 1182 _ MlSSlSS\pp1 River at ... 879 e ciency appropriation for, and mms- Clmtmi, _Mo.,portatnou . 35, 666, 1385 acquiring site for public building at, au- "Coal*inga," Bark, tholjizqd .. 783 change of name authorized ..,. 626 approprxatum for .. 795 Coals, ignitea, etc., ' Clinton River, Mich., appropriation for testing, etc.; collection ‘ a propriation for improvement of . 1098 of materials for examination, etc- 728, 1335 Clogruige, Selden C., Coast and Gegdetic Survey, Zpensmq increased ... 1675 appropriation for; advances 713, 1321 C oe, Emile, or field expenses, Atlantic and Gulf mpcnsion increased ... 2332 coasts, etc .. 714, 1321 other, Asa J., for Pacific Ocean surveys 714, 1322 lpcxrsion increased ... 2595 transportation to Manila, etc., Filipino C othmg, firqny, employees . 714, 1322 aptpr0pr1at1011 for . 254, 1171 for hydrognphic researches, etc ..__ ,, 714, 1322 or indemnity for, destroyed for sanitary for Coast ilot, etc .. 714, 1322 K reasons .. 254, 1171 for magnetic observations, etc ... 714, 1322 for uudrawn, enlisted men 245, 1163 points to State surveys ,.,_, 714, 1322 balances 011 discharge payable from for special surveys .. 714, 1322 regular pay fund ... r ... 246 for miscellaneous; Maryland oyster beds, 714, deficiency appro riation for 46, 646, 666, 1401 1322 Clothing, Mamm Cgrps, for delegate, International Geodetic Asappropriation for . . ... 580, 1202 scciatiou .. 715, 1322 . Cloud, Abby B. (widow), assignment of pay by employees . . . . . . 1322 makin increased ... 2062. fur vessels, rgpmm, etc ... . .. 715, 1322 C Chkf, Okla., for vessels, 0 cars, and men .,... , 715, 1322 · Washita. countyseat changed {mm; to New`for swriuteudeut, assistants, etc . - . 715, 1323 Corqell .. ; ... 1 50 for 0 ce force ., . ... 715, 1323 Clough, Wflham, · for officqexpenses: . - : .. 716, 1324 pension increased .,. 1712 for printing and bmding 760, 1368 Cloulicr, Ada, Indian Allottec, dcficencig appropriation for repairs to vesfee-simple title to .. . . 374 so ... _ . 42 Club and Plantation: Creclrs Canal, Ga., for office ex enscs .. 1393 apgrofpriatiou for constructing .. 1 . 1085 for Aug. F. Iilodgers . 1393 Cl , lbcrt G., _ to cooperate in survey, atc., of Maryland lpeusion increased ... 1684 · Oyster beds ... 202 C ul¢y,_ Jolyn F., Y Coast Artsllcry, Army, L gengxgn increased .. . . . . . 1614 duties d§8C!'lb¢d . . 861 ‘ Iyzu , _Yqcht, _ to constitute a corps .. 861 ap ro r1at,1onfor paying damages to owner. 1291 · number of officers; band ... 861 Coax Jgmeg 0,, composition of companies; limit ... .. 862 pension increased _,,,,.. 2225 i assignruent of officem; promotions . . 863 Coahowm County, Miss., _ _ ; fi ing vacancies I .. , 86.*% may bridge (`oldwater River to Quntman ¤ pay an allowances of eulnsteylmeu ... 863 County ___,___,, . .. 631 [ ext.r:;_ tg casvuxate electricians, etc.; 863 Coal ; xpm , _. ..,... . . » 'niresti tion ordered of ownershi , etc., ’ C0¤·¤¢_A"“€‘¢"!I» Af”•}I» CW Q}: I or properties, by milwulés and [ designation {1f (ihuef of {rtxllvry changvd Omcials ________ _ _____ _ ____________ ggg 1 to,§1g y l, l908 .. f .. 861 combinations, etc., to mmwpclizc made 2 tv be *;2§;§:_<;¤9·l ¤¤°¤¤b¢¤' 0 G¢*¤¢*¤\l · NYY, Bm car-¤Yn];iplQ··§yi§e§iiri:;:...-.-.1;:Z:Iiiiiiiii gz? { C r<·¢ir~·d nmk. crc --- $61 Coal, Arm , E ·’ · — · sale to vii izens_ of Npme, Alaska, pgpmittgi 59 * C(;l;¥;;2PE;3;;;_¤ ;;>;`a;‘&m£11?1g . . . . 714, 1322 C"' Cl“i"*8· P}"l°;pp°"°‘°* - a m riation for naiwallraining station 556 1178 appropriation for purchase of, in island of PEN Qaval WM com B556 1179 Hmm `'`'`‘'°‘'``‘`‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 23 for A public wm·ks_ n;i¤{{¤QS}Q{{1§K;;;; 567; 1189 Coal' D' C" . . _ _ I Nlggvgl “`gg· College _______ _ _ _______ _ _ _ 567 · penalty for_del1vering without certificate fm. Service Of architgctv barracks ________ 1292 Of weighf etc ’‘’‘'‘‘‘‘··· · · ···· · · · 94 deficiency agpmgriatign fm- building; Coal Lqnds, N==vq1\`ar_ 011egv ...»...-- 6·§0 locations of. on unallotted lands of Black- for I'(’Pl8C1I1§ buildings destroyed by fire. 6:10 fee; Inqigm Resgrvatiou, Mont . . 1038 for War (`ql ege . 1385 Coal Lands, Inrlum Territory, _ _ Coastvnq Dxstnrts, Great, _ reserved from sale until expiration of established; first, atlantic coast ... 190 lease; etc __, . ... I .. 142 i 580*01141, PQITO RICO ..., . 190 Coal Lqndgv 0,; e Indian R€8£7'1‘flt'LO/ll, Okla., [ third, Pacific coast ..., 190 pmvisious foglleasing. royalties, etc 543 { fourth, Alaqlga ., 190 Cgal M(mqp0Z»ig,g_ _ _ _ · fifth, Hawaii -. 190 approprmmion for exammatmris, etq _ , . . 700 Coastugg Trade, _ _ _ V , degcieucy appropriation for examinations restrictions not applicable to Plulxppmes imo ______,,. . 119 until April ll. 1909 .. . . 154