Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/684

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3404 INDEX. Forest Service, Dept. of .4grieu.lture—Cont’d. Page- i Fort Dade, Fla., Pageappropriation for agents, labor, etc . 684, 1270 1 appropriation for cable, etc., to mainland. . 464 or rent; leaves of absence .. 684, 1270 4 Fort De Soto, Fla., for protecting range for buffaloes, Wichita appropriation for cable, etc.,'to mainland. . 464 f bGu?11§1e Prgserva. ., 696 Fort Dod%e, Iowa, oring isma iver Reserve . 696 terms 0 court ,.r.. 912 for permanent improvements ... 1270 Fort Donelson National Cemetery, Tenn., detailed re rts to be made .. 1270 deficiency appropriation for road ...,. 644 receipts toliiia deposited ... 1270 Fort Douglas, Utah, permanent appropriation for refunding ; appropriation for post hospital ...,... 1172 deposits ... 1270 1 exchan e of lands, etc., with Le Grand ten per cent of receipts to States and [ Ioung 612 Territories for schools, etc . 1270 g part of, granted Utah University; condino further reserves or additions except { tions ,.. 195 by act of Congress . . 1271 x Salt Lake City granted right of way through, deficiency appropriation for protecting ! F E forbpboulevard .,_ 927 reserves 667, 1403 art rk, tario, for investigations ,. 667 classification and salary of consul . 100 — protection of cop ighted matter in “Rules Fort Gaines, Ala., and Speciildations for Grading Lum- appropriation for re lacing ammimition, F had ber, 1ptc."-T ... 836 F G Sacjedajmaged by torm ..,. 1060 or Deer iver, enn., ort re e, . ., appropriation for improvement of . 1093 appropriation for water supply ... 1348 preliminary examination of, to be made. . . 1117 Fort Hall Indian Reservation, Idaho, Farked River, N. J, appropriation for support, etc., of Indians ' preliminary examination of, to be made. . . 1115 of . .. 334, 1023 Forman, Henry H., for survey; plans for irrigating, etc., pension increased . 1804 ceded lands . . .. 334 Fornshell, Frank L., ‘ for removal of Lemhi Indians to 730 pension increased . 1960 irrigation of lands of; lands for reservoir. . . 1024 Fornwalt, Isaac, water rights; lands of Indians, etc .. 1024 Fpen§£p .. . 2579 F appppprigtion for; reimbinsement ... 1025 art m 'nao n i itary eservation, art a n ians, N. Dah., appropriation for fulfilling treaty with. 338, 1024 selectipn gy Nortrl;dDak0tab§1n gen ecg school Fort Keogh Lhlittpry Reservation, Mont., an ente on, a on ...,.. 1218 appropriation or bridge across Tongue Fort Assinniboine, Mont., River, by Custer Count ... 88 sale of army subsistence suejéplies to Mon- part may be used as experimlental horsetaréa cjiitigpns permitt 1421 preeding station ..._..,..._. 252 Fort Bayar , 1 . ex., right o wa nted throu h . 187 appropriation for water supply ... 1348 Fort Lafayettg K, Naval lllagazine, admission of Navy and Marine patients. . . 1172 appropriation for public works . t . 568 patients subject to army rules, etc 255 Fort Leavenworth, Karts., special ration allowance enlisted patients ] appropriation for General Service and Staff at ,,,,,..._,.,,_._.__,,,.,,,,_. 250, 1166 1 College ._.,,,,.,_._.,..,.., 240, 1158 Fort Belknap Agency, Mont., _ I for military prison .,...,,,.._...,... 743 approprgation for support, etc., of Indiaggg 10% Fdcfifiencygppmpriation for military prison 32 0 .. , 2 art ewis, to 0., Fort Belknap Indian Reservation, Mont., appropriation for Indian school 334. 1023 lease of lands for sugar-beet culture, etc.. Fort McIntosh, Tesr., permitted; conditions .. 1034 1 appropriation for land, target. range ... 742 Fort Berthold Agemy, N. Dak., _ , Fort Mackpngie, Wyo., _ approprpation for support. etc., of Indiaigigo 1049 l Fapplgoygiatgp for post hospital ... ; 1172 o ... . , .. or . c ee, a., additional allotment to Indians of 1042 I appropriation for sea walls 1059 Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, N. Dale., { idr replacing ammunition, etc., damcertain entries. etc., on ceded, validated. . 894 aged by storm ._,,,,.___________ _ _ _ 1060 Fort Brady Military Reservation, Meh., A Fort Marion, Fla.: part of, reserved for public building, Sault , deed of "Thc Lines," for school purposes to Sainte Marie .. . 190 Saint Johns County ...___,,_,,,_,___ 913 Fort Big/`gyd Abandorwd Military Reservation, § right of way granted across ...,,..,... 1219 · Bak- i Fmt umm. cuz. <»l<*fl¢?i9¤€Y il _ FoPYl9-UGH {Of SUYVEYIHE -··· 47 i appropriation for eneral de t for armv FOC! Clinch Mll§m’T*/_R€$€Tl`”tw"· Flap Q supplies; cogtracts for Egnstructioni. 257 title of certain claimants to lands in, con· 3 Fmt Mmm, Pa Nam, Magazine Fm, C 404 appropriation for public works 567, 1190 right of way granted through ... . ,__... 926 Fm`! M0}a?€y_·’17“*~?·, _ ‘ Farr omrmzm Matam, Reservation, mah, r ¤p1>¤>p¤¤¤¤¤f¤r Indmn school --.----- 332, 1021 general land laws extended to, abandoned. 808 ” Fort Mzmroe, W1., Fort Crockett, Tex., , appropriation for artillery school ... 240, 1158 appropriation for sea·wa]1 embankment, for additional land ,..., 742 etc - . .- .. . 742 1 for wharf ex enses . 743, 1348 Fart D. A. Russell, Wyo., E for repairs ogroads, etc .,... 743, 1348 appropriation for post hospital ... 255 for sewer system ,._..,.,.,, 743, 1349