Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/788

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3¤O8 INDEX. Pension Attorneys—C0ntinued. P¤g¤· , Pemi0m—C0ntinued. Pagenot. allowed fees for procuring service pen- gra11ted——c0ntinued. sions ,,,...,,___.,,, · ..., 8 79 gauks, William C .. lgég Pension opzce, =¤g¤r» smh A --·-=-—-------·-------- 1 appropriation for Commissioner, deputies, Bam€B» Joshua ·--··-··-·-··-··~-······ 1893 clerks, etc ... 42.0, 976 Bw, Maw, E- P- --—-·-----·-——-——-·-- 2481 R restriction on filling vacancies, etc. . 431, 977 gaH`ftt> Vgllham ——·--···-·-··—--·-···· suspended. . _ x _ ,... 1 ass Bartlett, R¤¤§=·¤l- L ·—-------·—---------— 1979 for per du-xm, special examxnersx . 431, 977 an env ac 9 -······—-···—-·····-- for additional special examiners .. 431, 977 ggizgorggxne C ·~·-—··—--·----·---·-· · , I'. . . ... -· P'·’”—“”’*—"» . . Baughman, Mariah ...,. 1482 apprlzprmtxon for Army and Navy . 133, 1406 Bausman Catherine 2196 avy, from naval fund .,. 133, 1406 Ba S Wihiam '``’```‘'`' 22.37 separate accounts required 133, 1406 Begcil wyillimilj ‘`'``'``'‘``'``‘' lggg age of 62 and over, a, permanent specific Baan klba B °'``‘'`‘’`'````'`` 1872 disability ----·--—···--—··----·- 133» 14% Bean, E1iza,bétR.R ``````'`'``-`'````` 1844 ‘ service pensions extended to present 406 Bemdslee Evelins ```'‘'‘'‘'‘‘‘`' 1518 pensioners, etc . 1 ’ `''```'‘'`' _ for fees, etc., examining surgeon; exam- ggaggg E§g1§n `'‘`‘`’`'‘'```' i°““°”S ·----·——-—·-—--—·------- 13% 1406 Bell Fguces` `````````'```'`` 1993 rating and condition in reports 133, 1407 Benign Rum ‘`'‘`'``'`' 1646 Q inspection of special examiners? re- Benson ’Charl9S ‘'‘`'‘'```‘'‘2010 ‘ P°’*S ——-··——· : ·-·--------—·-··-- .133» 1407 Bentley, David J . _..i,...___._.,, 2009 attorneys forbidden fees for special B8 QH Gugmvg 2008 r·¤¤¤i<>¤ M8; vemity --·----·--- 13% 1407 Bmlghahn, mum;1;‘(3j ij j Q Q j i 1 i I jj 1982 for agents’ salaries .. 133, 1407 Berry, William ________________________ 1877 report to be made on reduction to one R Bevan, Lydia B _____ _ _________________ 1711 _ agency -.·---·-·-·---·-------------- 1407 Birkhead, nrimnda 2230 for clerk hire; apportionment ,.. 133, 1407 Blackwell, Rittie .. . .. 2565 for rent, New York and Washington . 134 Blair, Henry W ... 2449 for rent, New York ..,.. 1407 Bledsoe, Smith . .. 2670 for stationery, etc 134, 1407 Blodgett, Edward T 2696 for examination of agencies . 134, 1407 Bocoskey, Michael 2369 deficiency appropriatxon forxArmy and Boesewetter, Otto ... e . 1964 > Navy ..,. Q .. 39, 1389 Boggs, James A ... . ..,..,. 2082 for Army . 47, 1403 Booth, Cora. Allie . . . . . 2563 for Navy ... 47 Borthwick, Isabel T ... 2824 for fees, examining surgeons .. 47, 1403 Bosworth, Alice ... 2283 for contingent expenses, agencies ... 47 Bcttchcr, Ulrika ,. 1637 allowed at age of 62, for 90 da.ys’ service in Boucher, Joseph H ..1..,.,. 2676 civil and 60 days in Mexican war. . - 879 Bowman, Jeremiah 2740 rating .. 879 Boyer, Emma M .. 1524 present gensioners and applicants eu- Boynton, Helen Augusta Mason 2350 title . 879 Brackett, Josephine ..,. 2456 double pensions excluded .. 879 Brady, Lucinda ... 2182 not available if receiving greater pen- Brady, Mary A ..,.,... 2680 ` sion .. 879 Bragg, Edward S .. 2153 rank not considered ..., 879 I Brenghner, John Lewis Bemard . 2095 fees prohibited 979 . Bremmer, Lizzie ..,..,.,... 1596 effect of final discharge on military record . . 8556 Brower, John J ..,. 1596 extegxded to commissioned officers .. 836 Bright, Mary G _._.,,____,____,____ 144.5 ntec —-· Brinkcr, Sarah A ... . . l886 gnkckley, Louise . . .. 1747 ‘ Bronaugh. Mary E .,___,____, , , 1942 Adams, Sarah. lf)85 Brooks, J oseph ,,,.,,__,,__,___________ 2468 Adkins, Jackson 2186 B1-Ott, Ilanigon _,,_________ _ __________ 1502 Agnew, Jarw .. 2670 Brown, General M ..._._,____ _ __,,_ 1676 Aikin, Emma (Y. .,. 2484 Brown, Lucy _____,_______ _ ____________ 2073 AIKIQTX, Emily J, ...,... 1937 I Bruce, Theodore T ,____,________ _ _____ 2359 Alelrcd, Emma .,.. 1534 3 Buchanan, Edna ____,,_r_______________ 2155 Aldrich, Julia G. . 1781 g Burnett, XI;-xdison M _,______________,___ 1797 AHM], (`°H.I’l'iP: May . 2769Burriss, Gideon M_ _ ______,__ _ ________ 2]]() Ames, Elizabeth A . 2164 j Byron, Eliza _________________________ 1878 Anderson, Emma (Q? .. . ..., l672 Q (`amemn, Allpn M ____ _ _______________ 2233 Archer, Howard William ,.. 2387 Cammergn, Maw Edna ________________ 1702 Archuleta, Antonio ..., . ..,... 2485 { Carpenter, Willikm H. M ______________ 2005 Arnold, Catharine .,..,. 2006 Carroll, Margaret ______________________ 1725 Auger, Emma. . .. 1519 r Carter, Isaac ____,,_________________ _ _ _ _ 2259 Bacon, Margarette R . . . 2476 Carry, Ida, ______________________ . ______ Ugg Ba§ley, Argnis ,.. .. 2112‘ Case, Anna M _________________________ 153;; Billfd, Jllhil R . . .., , 2449 Casey, Gathering B ___________ _ ________ 1595 Baker, Isaac .,,... 1743 Catlin, Robert ____________________ _ _ _ _ 1506 Baker, James W ...,._. 1697 Q Catan, Giles M ,_________________ _ ______ 2451 Baker, Parthenia W ...,_., 1653 g Chadggy, Susan H _____ _ ______________ 1464 Ballenger, Reuben R .,..,. 1900Chambers, Thgmag J ________ _ _________ 174]