Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/851

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INDEX. s 3571 Publab L¢mds—C0ntinued. Page Public Lands—Continued. Pagegrant to Clay, heirs of J ames W ,, 2823 laws extended to abandoned Fort Critten- Colorado, of desert lands in former South- den Military Reservation Utah 808 ern Ute Resewetion; payment . 1056 Fort Shaw Military Reservation, Mont. . 228 Colorado State Agricultural Colleget . . . 1246 reservations for Indian school and irri- Durgngg, Colo,) for water supply; pr1cg_ 1053 tig]; ____________________________ 229 Epmcopal Church in Utah, from former Shosiime and Arapaho lands in · · Ugnmh Rgggrvgijon ________________ 6]] Wyoming _________________________ 78 Mmnesota for consumptive sanitarium. . 195 lease of, to Montana College of Agricmtuxe, _ H0W$·g9 Tights 1F€S€1’V€d - . ... `. . 195 etc., for dry land fgnning experi- Nez Berg? County, Idaho, gchggl (hs. ments _____________________________ 552 trrct ¤- 57 ... 549 me in Uintah xmuau Gmzi R , Okluhorna. for eommon schools .. 272 Utah, restored to publidlgdomiinsfixrirfg. 3228 ifmf uérrvervrtnes, Gm -------·---... . . 273, 932 Louisiana, coniirmation of titles to lands lil ernmty . 274 withit is d 1a' f I Umvers1ty Preparatory School; sale, Crow? 5 _ _ fi _ _ 896 _ QW ---·-------------------. 623 unsurveyed, to be surv ed _.,,, Q_, , 199 T1rxcup,_C0l0., cemetery 796 Mesa Verde National Parl;yCo10., created. - 616 Wmconsm for forest reserve; reversion. . 517 Montana may exchange certain school insa1e;>f agtgteultural lands, proceeds for 518 N _ diamnity for other . ,.. 150 rg Orgs mn ________________________ atwna, mo t i; 'd , D `lg homestead allotments to Alaska natives. . . 197 Tower, wg? . . . fi (T . 3236 entries allowed on certain lands in Ye]- E1 Morro, N. Mex . 3264 low;stone Forgstmgeserve . 2862 Montezuma Castle, Ariz .. r 3265 entry o Larvgm on con , 17 Petrified Forest, Ariz . 3266 laws ertended to abandoned Fort Rice Nebraska arid land provisions extended. . - 1224 M1ht.ary—Beservat.1on, N. Dak .. 808 Nome and Fairbanks districts, Alaska, homesteaders allowed temporary leaves of created 1232 absence in certain States .. Q 1419 officers, fees, surveys, etc ... 1232

 extension of time_to establish North Dakota, lands exchanged for State

resxdence, etc., in certam States .,., 1421 Historical Society .,.,,.,,_,...,, , . 1241 in Alsggimlz: given lands for entries can- openin%din1inished Colville Reservation, ce y rauld grants 1408 ash. to settlement, directed ______ gg to be repaid excess of lawful purchase Rosebud Bteservation, S. Dak.,0penedt.o money ..., e 1248 entry .. 1230 to make cash entry payments only after 1245 pagengkissrued to Anna, Johnson ... 2818 approve .. m . er .-r 2824 hunting, etc., birds and eggs, in game pre- Martha Sanders ... 2822 serves unlawful; penalty ... 536 proclmnation opening to eut,r¥{ceded P0;- not apphcable to Black H1lls Forest Re- tron of Crow Indxan eservatxon, servation, S. Dak .. 537 Mont ... , 3200 irrigable lands Yakima R€servati0H,W$_Sh_" · Shoshone or Wind River Reservation, open to entry under reclamation act. 53 Uimgllgilh} · -  ; - - - -·---· . - · · _ rva. non, .. mhteilrgeilmnighlig glgggubhc °ucu°°’ 517 modifying proviiions lfor dguwings. . . 3140 La me Ccung, coe., need m P. F. U. ’°°1§E$§‘¥0r“f‘.Z2¤€¥i¤$‘T‘?. . ?T‘. . .T‘?‘T‘T`T‘{‘T Bm Rubber ¤mp¤¤y ··---·--.-····---- 88 reservoir site diminished 3143 lands excluded from Baker City Forest town sites reserved .. 3139 Reserve, Oreg., open to entry .. _ 3195 addmonal 3143 Battlement Mesa Forest Reserve, Colo., Walker River Indian Reservation, Nev. 3237 open to ent . 3078 proclamation opening to homestead em; Big Belt Forestrigeserve, Mont., open to certain Indian pasture and wood 12 entry 3283 serves in Oklahoma ,,,,.,, 3213 Bitter Root Fmest Rewver Mom-, °P°¤ reuppraisement of suburban lots, Port An-

  • 0 muy --·--··-··-···--··-··-· ; · · 3049 geles, Wash., town site ,.,,,. 167

G”Z°L£°`T»y§§r1E¤Z'§T§€.§`??'Y'i’-.3Y‘Z :1223 receivers tv d¤r¤¤i¤ uzwemed fee Md un- Little Belf, Forest Reserve, Mont., open money m Tmasury after five 1245 M8d;§O;n%£’gréé' ‘ 3277 paiyment to parties entitled; time limit. 1245 entry ____________________________ 2997 recexvers refundedfor expenses of hearmgs Lincoln Forest Reserve, N. Mex., open ggigdgepositing Paid rmt of private 1245 to entry .. . ... 3177 _ _ , ·-—--·~··—--···~·-—· — --·—---- Park Range Forest Reserve, Colo., open 1¤m¤¢e¤<>¤ —-··- _ --··- ; ---··-·-·~·---—---- W45 to cm,-y __________________________ 3285 reservcgr Lands dm Mmnesota restored to Uinm Forest Reserve, Utah and Wyo., 0¤¤€¤@€=1 _€¤¤'Y--.; .». _ . 1 95 0 H to entry _____________________ 3208 resurvey of certmu townshrps, Anmm ____ 726 Washrprfgmn Forest Reserve, Wash., 0p33r;6 3297 g1aE:lg;’;($Y· CMO ····-----···--- · -·-- to entry ...-.------------- · ---- y . ; -·--····- - ··--·——---------·— Weiser Forest Reverse, Idaho, open to m Nebraska ·-—·—··-—---··—----------· 518 t entry 3294 right of settlers on Northern Pacific Rail- ` Yellowstone Forest Reserve, Wyo., road lands to make other selections Wash., and Idaho, open to entry. - . 3291 extended ..,,, , ,,.,,,_ 197 , f