Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/881

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· INDE X. 3 60 1 Shizegg Joseph, grgeé i Shoal Harbor, N,. J,, Page. ` H 0Il IIC! , ...,. , _,_______ ___ __,{ f ‘ ______ Skinoltj Jehu, Sigppéopjgnion or improvement of.-. 1079 Shlgenglon increased ------- - --.. . . . 2663 pension increased ________,______________ 2600 P am » Sho ker, W'lI' , COIl1miSSi0H to re rt on feasibility of bo. iggion iiicigéggfi ______________ _ _ _ 1 ,55 {K) v P · . 7 gvgeen De aware and Chesapeake Shoener, Samuel, _ YS -·------.-·. . . . 835° d ... 262 Sha p Canal, Lake Erie and Ohio River, Shgglzgg g;:i;§yzi€ 6 Shiucléority gl·rVa.n;;Ied for construction of .. 809 modification of Philippine custom duties P and r as ·> ‘` OH ---. . .·.·. . L . 26 construction authorized from Lake Wash- Shall, Alexander, _ i11gT»0I1 to Puget Sound ..,,_,_,__ 231 pension increased _______________________ 2686 delivery to Government on completion; Shook, Jonathan, USG .. - . 232 ension increased ,.,.,.,.,_,,_______ 1738 modification 3·l1t·h0l'iZ€d . .. . 1108 Sh?mti1r,g Ranges, gte,) Army, Ship I8la1td Hafbw, Miss., appro riation for _____________________ 255, 1172 payment for dredging channel and anchor- Short, Jgmzs L., 386 ba-Sin, Mississippi Sound, be- pension increased _.,,,..,..,,, ; _________ 2689 1·W€€H Gl1gg>01’t and . 833 Short, John, I llinois Volunteers, Ship Islam] Pass, iss., _ pension increased _.,..,.,,,,_,,,_,__ 2362 appropriation for im rovement of . 1088 Short, John, New York Volunteers, Ship, Sleurnbpal, and Way Letters, pension increased _,,,..,,,.___,,__,,____ 2645 appropriation for . 476, 1214 Short Pmc Forest Reserve, S. Dak., Shipman, L, . ‘ proclamation establishing ... 3129 pension mcroased . Q - 1616 Short, William C'., _ Skipping (see also Vessels in Domestic Com· pension ,..., 1723 rnerce),_ _ _ Shoshoru: Agency, Nev.,We.stem, authority 0; 123nar Mikkelseiii to act as mas~ appropriation for support, etc., of Indians , ter 0 merican vwse ...,. 481 of . 358 1040 clearances forbidden vessels marrying meat Shoshone and Arapaho Ind·ia·ns, ’ animals and roducts without cer- land laws extended to cession of in W o- _ P _ . I y tificate of inspection.: ., . 677, 1263 ming 1 . ... 78 Eve coasting districts established . 190 Shoshone [ndian Reservation, Wyo., ‘ head tax on aliens entering United States. . 898 apfpropriation for Indian school . . 383, 1051 license of masters, etc., of steam 864 fg; fxtenigyisg Lilrggation system .. 384, v e . _ , . V .. masters of sail vessels of over 700 gross leaseofland forsanatoriumauihodzed. 1052 tons 864 deficxencgr appropriation for opening lands of all passenger vessels over 100 gross ce on; reimbursement .. 205 tons ,.,,... *864 proclamation opening to entry, ceded porpotroleum ships may enter and clear at San tion of ... 3208 Luis Obispo, Port Harford, and Mon- entries for ceded lands, to be made at · 'tgrgy, Ca] ________,,, : T , . I ,,.,.,... 23 D Shoslwni v .,.,. 3222 provision for trade with_1’li1I1pp1nes .. 154 time extended for opening to entry ceded punishment for shangliaung . 551 portion of .. 825 extended to vessels on high seas or navi- 1233 hOIIl(‘BE(‘11dYl’F nr; establish residence on ble waters ,... 0 ene< unc s of 849 of mgilters, etc., illegally landing aliens. 900 Shoshone zndiam. Wyo., registry of foreign-built wrecks repealedu . 17 apipmprmugm for support, etc., of ,. 383, 105l space, etc., requiiéeiments for {migrant pas- 910 ghoshcgniulglgpg treaty with . 384, 1051 se rson eamvesses 1 4 ., on saililgg vessels ... 910 entries for ceded lands on Shoshone Indian penalty or violation ... 911 Reservation to be made at . 3222 _ in_ effect January 1, 1909 911 Short, [da C'., jndum Allottee, h Shzppring Qornmzsmmwa, fee—s1mple tiile to. .. 35b appropriation for office expenses ... 722, 1330 Shott, [roms Qzck, Indum Allottee, deficiency appropriation for rent, San feeeimlple pitle to . 356 Francisco .·.---... 42 Shraderj, and, 7 bond to bg approved by Secretary of (bm- pension increased ... 2023 mei-co and ·La.b0r ,_. 137 ; Shreeve, Charles IL {Gym of Oath modified ___,,,. . 137 g pension increased . . ., .,... 2343 Shippman, Pgmgsed 1640 g Shreve._ Manam T. (wrdow), 1480 ‘ ‘ crea _,.,.. . 1 pension .i... Sh}$;;§ri;4);l£e&nA’merican Seamen, etc., _ _ j Shreveport, La.. _ _ _ N appropriation for lifesaving testimonials; Q time extended for bridging Red River by. 9, 12oo l’€8CUiUg -----·-- _ --·-·—---·—-——-- 290, 919 Shrewsbury River, N. J, for reliéf and PFOKCCUOH Of- · -_ --—-·---· 295v 925 ’ appropriation for improvement of . 1080 deficiency appropriation for relief, ere., of, 27, Shrmlw JOSE h 667* 1405 i pension inc?reased . . 1895 for wrvicesw ... 48,6611403 3 Sh R b { C `‘°``‘` ° `’‘`'`'‘`‘`'` Shipyard River, S. C., _ _ _ r M7};. O K"` ’·· Img preliminary examination oi, to be made- . - 1111 s P€“°“m m°""·’·S°‘l -···-·~···--—---··-···· '· · Shark, Mathias, _ , Shw·lt2._Ba1jney, , Pension mc;-Based ________ , __________,,__ 2:.194 i pension increased . . . 147o