Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1236

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INDEX. xlix Department of State-Continued. Page- ’ Derelicts, etc., P¤8¤- appropriatron for Exposition at Quito . 380 appropriation for vessel for removing . 322 or international investigation of opium Des Moines, Iowa, BVI]- . .; .. : . . . 380 appropriation for public building .. . . 949 for International Prize Court Conference condemned "Napoleon " gun, etc., granted, at London 380 for historical building .. 618 for Canadian Fisheries Convention , 380 Des Moines River, Iowa, for northeastern fisheries arbitration 380 preliminary examination of, to be made. . 825 for payment to Roman Catholic Church " es Moines," U, S. S., in Porto Rico . 1018 appropriation for repairs . 769 for Bureau of American Republics . 1018 Desert—Land Laws, for International Conference on Maritime unallotted lands, Fort Peck Reservation, Law_ . _. . .: . 1018 opened to entry under. ,., 562 for and bmding ,. . 1- . . 383, 1022 Desert Lamls, _ _ for iplomatrc and Consu.lar Service. - 171, 672 appropriation for examinations of- . 346, 986 for clerks distributing information among entries for, restricted to surveyed lands. . . 52 diplomatic missions. .. 675 preference right to complete prior entry for pyrinting in the ... . .. 174, 675 on unsurveyed landg .. 52 for nited States court for China . 178, 679 assignments limited to qualified entry- deficiency appropriation for diplomatic and men ..____..,._,..,.__,,__..,, 52 consu arservice .. 32, 517, 942, 945 to corporations forbidden .. 52 for Samoan claims, Norway and Sweden. 478 additional nts under Carey Act to Idaho for International Tuberculosis Congress. 479 and Mlzroming ...,. 347 for owners of Norwegian steamship "Ni- to Idaho .,.._,_,_,...,,,,____,,,,. 577 caragua " .. , ... 479 grants under Carey Act to Arizona and New for United States court for China ... 517 Mexico .. . . .. 638 for foreign intercourse . 908 ‘ to Colorado, from former Ute Reservafor cele rating three hundredth anni- tion ... . . _ 644 versary of discovery of Lake Cham- second entries permitted, if former lost, plain. . . ...,...,.. 908 etc.; exception V 48 for commissioners, etc., Tokyo Exposi- time extended to complete irrigation work, tion .. . .. 908 etc ... , . - . 52 for installments to Colombia ... 908 Deserters, Army, for interests of American citizens in Li- to forfeit all right to pension _ . . ... 110 beria .. . .. , .. 908 Deserters, Naval, ' for judgments of Court of Claims 9 Dsummary arrest by civil officers of ... 622 un er .,... 38 esertion, . consulsgeneral and consuls classified . 101 punishment for enticing, etc., from army pmvisiplns for participating in Japanese 183 I D 3; piwy - . 1097 xposition - .. etroit, i ., pay of Secretary reduced to $8,000 a. year.- 626 l aptpropriation for marine postal service., 411, 665 site for new building authorized . 545 or public building ... . . 949 de6ciency appropriation for 491deficiency appropriation for annex, public to invite foreign governments to send dele· building . .. 913 gates to Tuberculosis Congress. 568 donated condemned cannon for monument Department of State Annex, to Maj. Gen. Alexander Macomb 568 appropriation for laborer ... 218, 882 public building, temporary addition dito be under superintendent, State, War, rected 1068 and Nav Department building 218 Detroit River, Mich., Department of the Interior (see Interior Depart- 1 appropriation for improvement of , completment . I ing contract 359 Departments, D. C., Excutive, ! for improvement of auxiliarylchannel, to appro riation for care, etc., grounds of. . 356, 995 be called Livingstone C annel 359, 999 Depere, Mu., · preliminary examination of Livingstone preliminary examination of harbor, to be ; Channel, to be made. . 827 D made; ... 834 3 Devils Lake, N. Dah., bl b ld e `taries, esuynate , Z appropriation or pu ic ui in .. 949 _ iiiiblic moneys deposited in, not subject to A Dewgeyy, (gkla., g reserve requirement ... 552 lands of lapsed Cherokee allotment added interest to be paid on special deposits; Dmken tp; sages, preferences, etc .. 448 minimum . ... 552, osep , sale—keeping restrictions not modified 552 ~ deficiency azpropriation for extra services. 936 Depositaries of Public Money, Temporary, E Dies, Rolls, an Plates, National Securities, interest to bepaid on deposits in; minimum 552 [ appropriation for custody of . 326, 967 Depositing Pub Moneys, Land Offices, Q Digest of Private Claims, House of Representappropriation or ex enses . 345, 985 · atifues, Desogitzhns, Naval C'075.)778, deficiency appropriation for preparing 935 acceptance of, as evidence; cases excepted - 622 * Digest of Rules of the House of Representatives, conditions of acceptance ... 622 appropriation for preparing . . . . . 188, 850 Depositories of Public ocuments, Demgnated, l Diplomatic and Consular Serrice, distribution of bound and unbound Con- appropriation for diplomatic service . 171, 672 gressional publications to ... - . - 566 l {br salaries,ambassadorsand ministers. 171, 672 Depotsfor Coal, Navy, [ for agent, etc., Cairo . 172, 672 appropriation for ... . . 135, 761 officials not to receive other salaries, 172, 672