Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1251

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lxiv INDEX. Fog Signals, P¤g¤· Forest Service, Department of Agv~iculture— Pageappropriation for expenses . . . 333, 972 Continue . de ciency appropriation for expenses . 943 appropriation for general expenses 259, 1047 Folding Room, Hpuse of Represerétatives, tests outside g;11risdiction of United appropriation or supermten ent" assist- States orbi en ... 259, 1047 ant, etc .. . . - . ..3 . 190, 853 for admimstratwn, etc., national for- Folding Room, Senate, eats . 259, 1047 appropriation for superintendent, assist- enforcement of game, etc., laws . . 259 aut, folders, etc . 186, 849 aid to other departinents, etc . . . I 259 Fond du Lac, Dabcese gf, sale of timber ;restr1ction,Black Hills 259,1048 lands in Oneida In ian Reservation, Wis., for agents, labor, etc ... . 259, 1048 granted to . 814 emergency advances, fighting forest Food Inspection, fires .. 259 Fappropriation for expenses of ... 261,1049 { for collating, printing, etc., investiga- Products, tions ... 259, 1048 ' appropriation for examining, for export . . . 260 for contingent expenses .. 259, 1048 F , etc., traveling expenses restricted .. 259, 1048 appropriation for investigating adulter- restriction on preparing articles for ating, false branding, etc., of 261, 1049 newspapers, etc . 259,1048 Foreign Corrnmeroe, for constructing, etc., permanent imappropriation for investigations for pro- provements 260, 1048 F moting .. 238, 900 25 per cent to States and Territories for oreign Commerce, Internal and, schools . . .. 260 appropéiagionl fpr enpoperts, etc., procuring2m 902 deficiency appropriation for protection of 519 c s re a we .. , reserves ...,,_,,,,,_ Foreign Gmzermrumts, for eneral ex nses ... 942 copies of daily Congressional Record to be rent allowance fr; 1908 incrmsed .. 567 supplied for istribution to . 1169 to designate timber cutting, etc., Menomipunishment foil unauthorized correspond- F nee Indian Reservation, Wis ... 51 ence wit . 1088 orester, Mich. private redress excepted . 1089 preliminary examination of harbor to be accepting commission to serve, against made ,,..,.,,_,,,,.,______________ 827 `endly power . 1089 Forests on Indian Regmiationg, enlisting in service of ... _ . I . 1 089 appropriation for protection, etc., of ... 783 arming, etc., vessels for, against friendly Menominee, Wis., excluded _,_,,_..____ 733 power 1090 Forestville, Mich., augmenting force of war vessels of- .. 1090 preliminary examination of harbor to be organizing, etc., hostile expeditions { made .__.. 827 against friendly ... 1090 Foifciture of Estate, _ Forevign Mails, U l judgments not to work . . . , ,_ ,. 115] appropriation for transportation . 414, 668 [ Forfeiture of Rights of Way, or clerks on steamships .. . ... 414, 668 E failure to construct, etc,, railroad declared for pier transfers, N ew York and Sana; conditions ________ _ _____________ 647 Francisco 414, 668 Forgery, putyments fOr Carrying liq\10!‘S, etc., l punishment for, letters patent _,__,,,,____ 1094 orbidden ..., , 414 [ bids, etc., to defraud the United States 1094 for amistant superintendent, New deeds, powers of attorney, etc., to de- York . , .. 414, 668 , fraud the United States ______ _ _____ 1094 d gmbalances due foreign pounmes I 414, 668 F of judicial papers ... 1112 e oiency appropnation or transporting ormcaticm mails, llawaii to the Orient 930 i punishment for committing, in the Terri- Fpunishment for depredations, title., ig ..,., 1134 { tories ,,..,,__,,.,,___,_,,_ 1149 oreign Mails Division, Post·0 'ce . e·part— t Fort Armitage Md,, ment, _ appropriation for additional land for, limit. 393 appropriation for superintendent, clerks, j Fort Bayard, N. Mex., _ QV`. - I -_ ----··.---.------·-·----- 233,896 * 2·pP!‘0pri3.ti0¤ for quarters for officers and Foreign iSe=r·urzm»s, · I _ z nurses, hospital at .,,______________ 125 pumshnzpnt fcgrl forgéng, counterfeiting, In ; for rgw Ward building, Army (knew] u ering 3 H0, e c . . . 7ospita ,___________ _ ______________ **47 Foreign Tarfs, for lpower lam, etc ________________ _ _ _ ]€)04 appropriation for collating . . ... 238, 90l i Fort Be lcnap zllgenqq, Mont., Forest {rex, _ _ _ appropriation for support, et,¢_, of Indians punishimeéit for willfully starting, on public 1098 ; F t B Hat . 8 _ _______ U ____ _______ 8 3, 795 an S . . . OT 8 Lap n um, eservqtm 1 V tv, failing 30 extinguish, started on public 1098 appropriation for extension df Mal; River BIN F ... _ .. _` · 3 lrflga 101*1 B stem 0n_ __________ _ _ _ _ 83, rgr fines collected from, to be paid to 5 repayments gy; Indians available for I 0 F t IIQEUEIIY ichoogfundé. . Y) ... 1099 { agiicultural implements, Gm, beat ores 2 'eme ery, cran n, q., _ , cu_ ure 795 condemned ordnance donated for soldiers? j for agncultpral implements, etc., for lnplot . .. 845 » ians o ,,,,,,__ _ __________ _ _ _ _ 3 Forest Reserves (see National Forests). l Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., 8 Forest Serviag, Department of Agriculture, i deficiency appropriation for purchase of appropriation for salaries. . 258, 1047 land; amount available .. - 364, 615