Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1305

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oxviii INDEX. Navy D¢partmmt·—Continued. Pass- Q Neuse River, N. C., _ _ Page deiiciencyappropriation for NavalAcademy 16 preliminary examination of, to be made... 830 ger Bufieau of up-plies Accounts 17 Nergrality, 1089 'u ents, United States courts, o enses against .. or irndilii .. . . 27, 515, , enforcement of punishment for offenses 090 f Court of Clai s`u entsun er ... 7, l against 1 fg; emergency irxiiid. . ... 28 Neutrality Act, for- Ball:;nt$e érnd Sons ... gNapréropriation for expenses under 175, 676 for Char es . tewart . I eva a, for Fred, A, Schmidt ,. 500 appropriation for Indian Service in .. 85, 798 for- Naval Observatory .. 500 E>r_surveyor-general, clerks, etc. . 231, 894 for rmtrng, etc., Navy Code 514 deficiency appropriation for surveyor-geufor llydrographic Office 940 eral ... 29 employment of classified employees at fees to jurors and witnesses attending navy-yards from lump appropria- United States courts in; restriction. 377 tions permitted . 505 homestead entries of 320 acres of nonirrigaestirxtrhates to lie made herehaifetghand £ur· 505 N ad me, etc., lands allowed in .. 639 er em oyment ro r ..,. ev a o., draftsmen and) technical) employees to be appropriation for public building ..,,_, 954 id from Bureauapproprratrons 778 limit of cost increased, public building. . - 522 Navy Mirrronhl, Vicksburg National Park, New BedjordandFairhaven, Maas., Arabs., _ _ _ diversion of harbor improvements; conapproprratron for competitive designs for. . 366 tracts .. 816 or construction of . 1006 New Bedford, Mass., Navy- Yard, Washington, D. C., _ appropriation for improvement of harbor. . 360 railroad to authoxézed". 397 acquirirlig sit; for public building at, au- 534 remove o presen connec ons on t oriz ... N Ycozrpletion , 399 N egsiiciericly appropriation for . 488 avg- ar , ew raune , ex., appropriation for repairs and preserve- acquirin site for public building at, aupp Ition . 142, 764 thorized .. . . . 536 allowanciplto artisargsi or laboaers injured 556 N dgficiencyélapproprintion for ..,.. 489 w i e em o at; con 'tions . cw rltain, cnn., employhmentl ofp cbmified e;nploypes lint, Napjgropriatipp w mrblic building .. 954 m ump appropna ions or u- ew mmrw , . ., reag, .. (i .f. 505 enlargemeeint of public building at, author- 525 estirna e ma e e er an ur- iz ..,.,.,,,__.,.,,,,_ ther employment prohibited . . . 505 reduction of open space ,,,______,__ _ _ 525 preferences to employees discharged for deticiencyappropriation for ,,,,...,.___, 483 llapkwog vxrk . ,._.--{ -----. i ----· 755 N apprbopmppnph for . .. 954 repea o s u ry provision or pay oem·· gw u a o, ,, ployees at --. - .·...- 755 preliminary examination of harbor, to be clerks to commandants .. 755 made ... J . 827 schedule of lpermanent rates of pay for New England Coast Naval Magazine, cle)ricrr;t,e(;ztp.,Cemployees at, to be 555 Napizopriagon for construction, etc . 765 SI1 ml 0 0I1gl'0B!l .. cw amp; irs, Nebraska, _ f I d_ S _ _ 84 797 grantedlpptzolete equipment of First Light 442 8Pp!'0Pl’18l·10!1 0I` D 1211 €!'V1C0 1D _. . _?}' -··----.--------- · -·--·-- ·-· condemned cannon donated to, for capitol ’ New Hampshire Avenue N W, D. C., dm} grounds H . .,1..}.6 A 1073 appropriation for pondemnation expenses, 'nagpassessmentso an so aan extension o ... 581 impggio Indians i3 linaztatiionséé 628 Nextgrsion rteduced ... 581 entrymen o itiona ari an a ow ew aven, cnn., credit for improvements on original appropriation for public building, enlargentries .. _ .. 466 mg, etc ... 319 lands in Santee Reservation granted to for improvement of breakwater . ... 360 Knox County for school. ._ ... . . . . 53 for hg t-station,_Southwest Lodge, mm; 97() resurveyegf cerrarn townships rn, author- 165 preliminary examination of harbor, to be rz ... made .._,,,,,,, , ,_________ 323 sale of fractional disconnected subdivisions New London, Conn,, of land lll . 780 appropriation for naval station, Mm-im, News River, Tu., _ barracks ..-.-----------·-- 145 improvetment of pavigr;bl_e capacity oggé? enlarggugalnt of public building at, author- 524 Cl IZQDS, 6 C., 0 6X8B, PGYIDIf --·--·.·-----·----·---- _ conditions..,..., ... ’ 659 defic1ency_appropriation for . 482 prelrmunsryheréammiaupn ga be made of 833 N appropriation for .. . 954 mou o , to ay ors you . ew camo, Negro Hill Landing, Ark., appropriation for Indian Service in .. 86, 799 Nbridria auth?}-iifg acrogrs Vgrhite River at-. . 5 for salaries, government in . .., 213, 877 cinl, c atc, . . or contingent expenses ... 213 877 livgiit and fog signal station ziuthorized at. . 160 for legislative expenses ... 213; 877 aplplropriation for ... 331 forsurveyor-general, clerks, etc z . 231, 894 Nether n_ and Lwcernbnrg, d06C16B0g_ apgoprxation for mcidentals, apxpropnatwn for mrmster to 172, 672 In _ ran rvrce rn 30, 519, 942 or secretary of legatwn .. 172, 673 for additional associate judge .. 928