Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/15

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. XV11 _ Page. District of Columbia, injured jlrenum. An act to amend an act approved February twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and one, entitled "An act relating to the Metropolitan police of the District of Columbia,/’ Februar 27, 1909 __________,_________________________________,_ 657 Canal Zone leases. An act. relating to the use, control, and ownership of lands in the Canal Zone, Isthmus of P3n3mg_ February 27, 1909 __________ _ ______________________________________ 658 Brhlge, Missouri River. An act to extend the time for the completion of a bridge across the Missouri River at or near Yankton, South Dakota, by the Winnipeg, Yankton and Gulf Railroad Compalrpv. February 27, 1909 .,.. . .,.,,.,,...,_.,.,.,., 658 Customs, Ramkar, mn. An act for the establishment of a subport oi entry at Ranier, Minnesota. February 27, 1909 .,,.,,..,.,.,..,,..,_.__...,,,_.,...,._,..,,___.. 659 Philippine legislature. sessions. An act to amend an act approved July first, nineteen hundred and two, entitled "An act temporarily to provide for the administration of the affairs of civil government in the Philippine Islands, and for other p oses." February 27, 1909 . 659 Sabine and Neches_·ri·vers, Tea;., navigation. An act to providleldbr improving the navigable capacity of the Sabine and Neches rivers, and the canal connecting the Sabine and N eches rivers with the mouth of Taylors Bayou. February 27, 1909 . ..,,.,,.,,,.__,,,______ 659 Bridge, Missouri River. An act to amend an act to authorize a. bridge across the Missouri River at or

za1i9O·gunci1 Bluffs, Iowa, approved February first, nineteen hundred and eight. February

, -. - .. . . . . 660 Approp)riations, postal service. An act making appropriations for the service of the P0stiOfHce epartment for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, and for other purposes. March 1, 1909 ... , ,.,_.,_,_____ 660 Distrabt of Columbia, bucket shops. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to establish a Code of Law for the District 0 Co1umbia," relative to gambling, bucket shops, and bucketing. March 1, 1909 .. . ._ 670 Approprakxtions, diplomaticandoonsular. An act making appropriations for the di lomatic and gorisgtagir service for the fiscal year ending June thirtie , nineteen hundred and) ten. March , .. - . . . 672 Right of way, Fort Keogh, Mont. An act granting to the Montana, Wyoming and Southern Railway Companira right of way across the Fort Keogh Military Reservation, Montana. March 2, 1909 . 683 Right of wap, laska. An act to extend the time for the completion of the Alaska Central Railway, . and or other March 2, 1909 683 Cane Island, Ark. n act for the relief of certain occupants of imsurveyed public lands in Craighead Count , Arkansas. March 2, 1909 - ... 684 · Right of way, Ahula. An act to amend an act entitled "An act, to extend the time for the completion of the Valdez, Marshall Pass and Northern Railroad, and for other purposes," approved February twenty-first nineteen hundred and seven, March 2, 1909 - .. 684 United States courts, Springfield, Mass. An act to provide for holding sessions of the United States circuit and district courts at Springneld, Massachusetts. March 2, 1909 ... 685 Ashtabula, Ohio, liggzt station., An act authorizing the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to exchange mfroperty. arch 2, 1909 .. 685 Uni States courts, (fudge New York southun district. An act providing for an additional judge for the southern istrict of New York, and for other purposes. March 2, 1909 ... . . . 685 United States courts, judges Washington and Oregon. An act to provide for the appointment of one additional district judge in and for the western district of Washington, and one additional district jgxldge in and for the district of Oregon, March 2, 1909 . 686 Steam vessels, `ler plates. An act to amend section forty-four hundred and thirty-four of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and for other purposes. March 2, 1909 . 686 United States courts, Dawson County, Ten:. An act to attach Dawson (`ounty, in the State of Texas, to the Abilene division of the northern judicial district oi said State and to detach it from the Fort Worth division of said court. March 2, 1909 .. . .. 687 Appropriations, District of Columbia. An act making appropriations to (provide for the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia. for the fiscal year en ing June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, and for other purposes. March 3, 1909 . 688 Appropr·iat1bns,{ortri£oatio¢1s. An act making Tppropriations for fortifications and other works of defense, or e armament thereof, for e procurement of heavy ordnance for trial and service, and for other purposes. March 3, 1909 . . ,... 728 Appropriations, army. An act making applropriation for the support of the army for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen undred and ten. March 3, 1909 . . . - 732 Quapaw Indian Agency, Okla., closing up. An act for the removal of the restrictions on alienation of lands of allottees of the Quapaw Agency, Oklahoma, and the sale of all tribal lands, school, agency, or other buildings on any of the reservations within the jurisdiction of such agency, and for other purposes. March 3, 1909 - . 751 Brwktge, Red River. An act to authorize the city of Shreveport to construct a bridge across Red River. March 3, 1909 . . 752 Appropriations, Navy. An act making appropriations for the naval service for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, and for other March 3, 1909 . 753 Kansas and Osage Indians, sale of lands. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to sell part or all of the surplus lands of members of the Kaw or Kansas and Osage tribes of Indians in Oklahoma, and for other purposes. March 3, 1909 778 District of Columbia, Washington, Spa Springs and Gretta Railroad Compa·n(g. An act to amend an act authorizing the Washington, Spa Sprimgs and Gretta Railroad ompany of Maryland to enter the District of Columbia, approv February eighteenth, nineteen hundred and seven. March 3, 1909 . 779 80893-vox. 35, PT 1-09--2