Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/69

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cus. 110, 111. 1908. 5] CHAP. 1 10.—An Act To amend an Act entitled "A11 Act authorizing the extension March 27, 1908. of Meridian place northwest/’ approved January ninth, nineteen hundred and seven. _ [S~ 3416} P ‘ * 7 . Be it emwted by the Semufe and Hzrusc of Represen¢a¢v}ves of the United [ umm, no- 3] States of America in (fongress assembled, That the Act entitled "An {}*j;{(§§Q_f1*C•{l*¤¤bi¤· Act authorizing the extension of Meridian place n0rthwest," approved teisicn mod?ug€1? ex. January ninth, nineteen hundred and seven, bc, and the same is hereby, amended by adding after the words "fifty fect," at the end of section Vol. 24, p. sus, one thereof, the words "al0ng such line as said Commissioners shall m°"d°d‘ deem most advantageous? ‘ Approved, March 27, 1908. CHAP. 111.-Au Act To authorize the cutting ,0f timber, the manufacture and March 28.1908 sale; of lumber, and the preservation of the forests on the Menominee Indian Rescr- [$-**0**6-] M_ vatxon m the State of Wmccusin. I [pub;ic,N0_ -,4_] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representati’ves of the United States 0_fAmeri0a in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Inte- Menominee {ndian rior be, and he is hereby; authorized and directed, under such rules and R$;°§{Zi$,2‘{§';¤Y,€f;etc__ regulations as he may prescribe in executing the intent and purposes °“· °“*h°¤¤°d· of this Act, to cause be be cut and manufactured into lumber the dead and down timber, and such fully maturedgxud ripcncd green timber as the forestry service shall designate, upon the Menominee Indian Reservation in the State of Wisconsin: Prmrided, That not more than twenty §;’;’f;fim million feet of timber shall be cut in any one car: An d provided further, ` That this limitation shall not include the dvcad and down timber on the xzmpmm. north half of tcwushi numbered twentyminc, range numbered thirteen cast; the uorth half otptowushipuumbcred twenty-nina,ra enumbcrcd fourteen cast, and the south half of townshi numbcrcdnthirty, range numbered thirteen cast., on the Menominee Igescrvation in WV1sc0nsi11. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior shall, as soon as pmcti- s;¤wmu1S,e¤e,, wm cable, cause to be built, equipped, and operated suitable sawmills, b“‘l°‘ equipment and necessary buildings for manufacturing into lumber the timber cut under the provisions of this Act, and there shall be employcd such skilled forestars, superintendents, foreman, cruisers, ruggcrs guards, loggers, scalcrs, and such other labor, both in the wo :4 ami for operating sawmills, equipment and necessary buildings as may be necessary in cutting and manufacturing logs and lumber and in the protection of tho forests upon said Indian reservation. The Secretary ¥_¤··]餤¤ ¤··¤»·»r rv of the Interior in so far as practicable shall at all times employ none q""` ‘ but Indians upon said reservation in forastprotcction, logging, driving, sawing, and manufacturing into lumber or tha market such timber, and no contract for logging, driving, sawing timber, or conducting ang lumber operations upon said reservations shall hereafter be let, su let, or aszmgncd to white men, nor shall any timber upon an y such reservations be disposed of excc t under the provisions of this Act. \Vhcncvcr any Indian or Indians slllall enter into any contract pursuant t0 this Act, and shall seek by any agency, copartncrsbip agreement, or otherwise to share in the same with an white man, or shall employ in its execution any labor or assistance otgcr than the labor and assistance of Indians, such act or acts shall thereupon terminate such contract, and the same shall be annulled and canceled. Sec. 3. That the lumber, Iath, shingles, poles, posts, bolts, and pulp sm ofproducts, wood, and other marketable materials so manufactured from the timber cut upon such reservations shall be sold to the highest and best bidder for cash, after due advertisement inviting progosals and bids, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of t c Interior may prescribe. The net proceeds of the sale of such lumber and other I¤m¤w¤rM*¤¤* material shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the ‘ credit of the tribe entitled to the same. Such proceeds shall bear znmm