Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/9

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTION Xl Page. District oi Columbia, Washington and Western Maryland Railroad. An act to extend the time within W ich the Vilashington and \Vestern Maryland Railroad Companv shall be required to complete the road of said company under the provisions of an act of Congress a proved March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, as amended by an act of (Jongress ' approved June twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and six, Llgy 29, {903 _________________ .;,54 Public lands, miscellaneous. An act authorizing a resurvey of certain townships in the State of W omiug, and for other purposes, May 29, 1908 ,,__,__,__,_________,__,_____,,,______ 465 Rights ofyway, military posts. An act granting certain rights of way and providing for certain exchanges of the game. May 29, 1908 _________,_,, - ,.,_,,_____,____,_,._,__,_.,.,, 472 District of Columbia, Baltimore and Washington Transit Company. An act to amend an act to authorize the Baltimore and Washington Transit Oompan , of Maryland, to enter the District of Columbia, approved June cig th, eighteen hundred and ninety-six. May 29, 1908. . 473 Assay rflffitge; Sa{éLak2€0Ci¥g,)gIlah. An act to establish an assay office at Salt Lake City, State of - ¤Y , ---------------.-.--.-.--- - .. 474 District of Columbia, Brotherhood of Saint Andrew.- An act for the incorporation of the Brotherhood of Saint Andrew. ay 30, 1908 .,..,.,_,_..,,,,..._,_______,____________ 475

safety ash pans. An act to promote the safety of employees on railroads. May 30,
.  . - - - 476

Distrid3(;>f1t6¥)>l8umMa, Congressional Club. An act to incorporate the Congressional Club. May , .. . ... 476 Appropriations, general deficiencies. An act making appropriations to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year ending June thirtietb, nineteen hundred and eight, and for prior years, and for other purposes. May 30, 1908 ..,.,.,.,,,,_, 478 Public buildings, omnibus act. An act to increase the limit of cost of certain public buildings, to authorize the enlargement, extension, remodeling, or improvement of certain public buildings, to authorize the erection and completion of public buildings, to authorize the purchase of sites for public buildings, and for other purposes. May 30, 1908 .. 520 National bank circulation. An act to amend the national banking laws. May 30, 1908 .,, 546 Pensions, Texas volunteers. An act pensioninfg the surviving officers and enlisted men of the Texas volunteers employed in the defenseo the frontier of that State against Mexican marauders . and Indian depredations from eighteen hundred and fifty-(ive to eighteen hundred and sixt , inclusive, and for other purposes. May` 30, 1908 . 553 Farallom islands, life·saaing a wratus. An act authorizing certain lifesaving apparatus to be placed at the Farallonegllands, off the coast of California. May 30, 1908 -553 Distric! of Columbia, 1{asomh Mutual Lye Association. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate The Masonic Mutual Relief Association of the District of Columbia? May 30, 1908 . . . ... 554 National forests, agricultural entries. An act to amend an act approved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and six, entitled "An act to provide for the entry of agricultural lands within forest reserves." May 30, 1908 ... 554 Erplosires on passenger vehicles, etc. An act to promote the safe transportation in interstate commerce oi explosives and other dangerous articles, and to provide penalties for its violation. Ma 30, 1908 .. . .. 554 Presentingyfalse claims, etc. An act to amend section fiity-four hundred and thirty-eight of the Revised Statutes. May 30, 1908 .-- .. 555 Injuries lo cm loyees an public works. An act granting to certain employees of the United States the rigiiltgo receive from itcompensation forinjuries sustained in the course of their employ- ment. ay 30, 1908 . 556 Fart Peck Indian Reservation, Mont., opening. etc. An act for the survey and allotment of lands now embraced within the limits of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, in the State of Montana, and the sale and disposal of all the surplus lands after allotment. May 30, 1908 . 55:6 RESOLUTIONS, Congressional employees, December salaries. Joint resolution to pay the officers and employees of the Senate and House of Representatives their respective salaries for the month of December, nineteen hundred and seven, on the twenty-first day of said month. December 19, 1907. 565 Seeds, purchase, etc. Joint resolution making an appropriation to supply a deficiency in the appropriation for the purchase and distribution of valuable seeds. January 8, 1908 565 Printing, elc., public documents. Joint resolution amending an act: relative to the public printing and binding, approved March first, nineteen hundred and seven. January 15, 1908 .. 565 Militia conforming to Army regulations. Joint resolution extending the time allowed the organized militia of the several States and Territories and the District of Columbia to conform to the provisions of section three of the act approved January twentydirst, nineteen hundred and three. January 16, 1908 ... ’ ... 566 Military Academy, Hermm Ul/oa. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of \Var to receivefor instruction at the Military Academy at West Point Mr. Hernan Ulloa, of Costa Rica. Db Janua 16, 1908 .. . ..`6 Forrest »S"ervi:·2'·renl. Joint resolution to amend the act of March fourth, nineteen hundred and seven, making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal yearendmg June tbirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, so as to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to use for rent an increased proportion of the appropriation made by said act for rent for the Bureau of Forestry. January 31, 1908 .. . . . 567 Philippine Islands, Resident Cbmmisaioners. Joint resolution providing for salaries of the Resident Commissioners from the Philippine Islands. February 24, 1908 . . ... 567