Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/970

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 299. 1909. 953 _ Los Angeles, California, post-office and court-house: For comple- I*’”*¤8°'°¤· W- tipn of bluiddinlg u15d;; prplsent limit, one hundred and thirty-seven thousand ve un r dollars. Los Angeles, California., rent of buildings: For rental of temporary R°¤*· ¤¤=~ qhiarters or the accommodation of certam government officia s, and a expelnses inlpident glgrato, and for electric current for power purposes t irty thousand dollars. fII.;yri1chburg,37irginia, p¢;st—office andl;:ourt—h1o¤a1se For completion ""‘°"°‘“g·v“· o u' din un er resent imit, sixty thousand dollars. Macon,gMissourii t-office: For completion of building under M“°°“·M°· present limit, fort -five thousand dollars. P Malone, Nevérké pos;-office completion of building under “'“°“°· "·Y· present't rty- vethousand dollars. Manchester, New Hampshire, post-omce and court-house: For M““"“°““’· N·H· completion of the enlargement, extension, remodeling, or improvement of building underpresent limit, ten thousand_dollars. _ . - b Manchester, Vrrgmraimposgiofhclez Fofdsiltie and completion of “‘“°"°'*°"·“- uilding under resenft, vethousand dollars. Manhattan, gansas, post-officez For site and completion of build- M¤¤1>¤¤¤¤. K¤¤¤· ' under present limit, twentéy thousand dollars. · ~ mhianistee, Michi an, post-o ce: For site and continuation of build- lhninne, Nick. ' under present 't, twenty thousand dollars. mldanitowoc, Wisconsin, post—0Hice: For site and continuation of “"·“*°°"°°·w*°· building under present lim1t, twenty thousand dollars. Marietta, Georgia, posti-1office:dB;p1ilsite and completion of building *‘¤'M'*·°•· under resent limit, tenthousand dollars. ~ Marietta, Ohio, post-officle: Fog and completion of building "*'*°*'•·°'°°-` under resent limit, orty thousand o rs. Ma ,  : For completion of building under Mmm W*¤~ ‘esenft, eenthousand dollars. prMarion, Indiana, poilt-oflic? dlapr completion of building under **'*"°°·I¤"- resent limit, twenty thousand dollars. P Marion, Ohio, post—office: hFor sitledarrd continuation of building M¤**°¤·°h*°- der resent limit twenty thousand dollars. uDMarll>oro, Massa<ihusetts,hpost-o£i;‘i(<ieil For continuation of building ¥·¤“>¤¤>· M¤¤•· der resent limit, forty thousand dollars. unMasd)n City, llowa, Gpostipflice: (liar Eite and completion of building M¤¤>¤ °'*>‘·i<>W¤· der resent imit, ve thousand dollars. uDMassIillon, Oliio, pplsft-ofgice: For sits continuation of building ¤¤¤¤*¤¤·0¤¤· d nt imit,ty- ive t nousan e dollars. unM(ify1Bi;ld? Kentucky, ppg?-ofliclez For sit? {md completion of build- M*Y¤¤*·*· Kr- ' nder resent limit, een thousand m o lars. miMi:Kinnie)y, Texes,fpost—o:iice: Forlsife and completion of building M°K‘¤“°>‘- '*`°* d r rese t limit, orty t iousand no ars. unM;adviIle? Pennsylvania, post—office: For site and completion of “°“°""°·*’* buildi under present limit, forty-five thousand dollars. Meridian, Connecticut, postmnsci For completion of building under M°'*°°“· °°““- nt im`t, twenty t ousanr dollars. _ _ _ _ prchliixidianj Mississippi, post—office and court-house: For completion ”°'“’”“‘· ““”- of the enlargement, extenlsion, remodeling, or improvement o buildi under present limit, t 'rty thousand dollars. _ _ miiichigan City, Indiana, post—ofHc§: For Ciigelpnd completion of M‘°m‘“ °""I”°“ b `ldin u d resent l`mit, lift nt u an dollars. uliiidclletdlwieif New Yoik, I/-postfid.flice:0Fl)r continuation of building ’““‘°“’“· N·Y- under present limit, thirty- ve thousand dollars. _ _ _ _ Milford, Delpware, postilofficezdliprlfite and completion of budding “‘“°“‘· “"· under present imit, ten thousand dollars. _ _ Milford, Massachusetts, post-office: For site and completion of “‘“°“*·*"'“‘ building under present limit, fifty-five thousand dollars.