Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1219

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INDEX. 2253 Alabama Northern Judicial District-C0nt’d. Pm. Alaska—Continued. _ _ Pm northeastern division established . 842 , coal deposits, patents to recite conditions of counties composing .,.. 842 l _1sSuc . 424 terms at Huntsville ,,.,_______,..., 842 I copyngbt actions, etc., cognizable in disnorthwestern division, teirms at Florence. - i d_ bletatct of. - r - - . I . - B 1084 1: rn ; gg ec ..._ » isa so ters serving in, m1 ..A,a’§a;’,w’,? }}f°_§f"§_ *"°“ mg ° °*‘* g d liobunteer soidaes H0mes.d .. . igig 8 ‘ t' f___________,,,_____ 149 1 isposa o moneys rom icensessn es,. · Ahgfgpgsuxg, glffmm I district court for, esta:blished;jurisdiction. - 839 transfecrrglddfrom southern to northern judi- 6?l11j]_\1dg6¤ Buégiflgéd- E - z ..-...·--... ' '¤|; 'c1; ________________,..,____ ivmous cre; ; oun mes ,_,..., -,, Alqywdq, Cal; n I term; ais Juneau, Nome, Valdez, Fair- 840 acquiring site and erecting public building l 8D , GW - -------·------·--·----· · ut, th 'md ____________,,_,_____ 528 s ial terms, interpreters, etc .. 840 _ donoioiigr ammpriatiou for . 484 i clgks to be appointed; duties .. _ 840 Alamebut River, $ii.•h., { receipts from licenses, etc.; disposition reliminary examination of, to be made-- . 834 I of --.- , ·--.·-·- ; -------------·--. 840 Agyw Nqgigngl Fong, N, Man E other duties, deputies, etc .. 841 proclamation adding part of Mescalero [ district attorneys to beappointed; duties. 841 Al k Apache Indian Reservation to .. ‘ 2239 g 8¤¤1¤t¤;¤f¤¥ et? .--- 1; · -6 ...-.-· I - - . 841 ag a, accountingg or ees, e ., y commissionappropriation for salaries, government iu. 31;, 37; I ers an dteypgty mgrslmls .. . . . - or contingent expenses .. Z 1 , 7 q Y 111911 -------- · -----. for military cable and teleprsph lines- 107, 734 iexcess to clerk of court, etc: 841 lot fo; tglegmph office, mbamks, ac- 107 , mnmlnpvlpsitg be nppomwd; assignment to 841 cep e . .. ¥ DS ---- ; - ------------------ site fogd cable station, Cordova, ac- i deputy; clerks, 'duges, etc-t.£&. 841 t _____ _ ______________________ 734 o presen 0 cers no ec ; asfor u(iili)t,ary roads, bridges, trails, etc-, 120, 746 E simment to divisions. . 2 ... 842 for surve marking boundary { new sc edule of fees tolge established) fo; with _____________________ 119, 679 l commissioners ac mg as pro a for relief of shipwrecked American sca· i ]\1dg0§ ··--· - -_ ~----~--··--·- -; · : - - 842 mgn in __________________ _ ________ 18], 632 { modification of time for transmitting for protecting lives in coal mines in . 226 _ ucc0unts, allowed .. . . 842 {0; Bm·v€y0;·.g6¤°;;1,‘c1gyk., gte _______ 230, 893 exhibit of products and resources to be or men · · r . . °' .' ' f 'cultnuul experi t stations 266 1055 made tz Seattle Exposition 389 for seal fisheries, etc ... 322, 963 appropnatnon for expenses of mstullmg, for hghting waters of . 334, 972 _ GU! ·--—·-------------- , - ·· ·---·---· 389 50;- survey of wom ____________,,.,_____ 335 furmture, etc., for governor s office, Jufor protecting salmon fisheries 342, 981 ¤•3¤\1,ffo¤\_00¤¤¤8¤¤¤¢XP¤¤¤€¤ ·---· 212 for vessel for Fisheries Bureau .. 342 gimé protection UQ ---··-- - · - · ; -; --·---· 102 tor om or insane 350, 989 — destruction of wild wmv prchrbrtcd; defor education of natives ... 350, 989 ¤€YiP}i0¤ -··--- - · - -_ -------——------ 102 for support of reindeer in . . _. . 351, 990 GXOi-¤p|310D¤ l111dé! B93b11g BWI l11d foi' for suppressing liquor traffic with natives. 351 fwd - - . · Z ------- _ . I ._ ...-----»- 102 for protection of game in . _ ... 990 0P¤¤ ¤¢¤{¤0¤¤§ @60181 prohnbntwns ------ 102 for incidental expenses, court ogcisls. 37:, isle gnupg closed selaisondubnlawful. 2 .1. . - f t I` , rt `ria s.7 , lll! mg iqcuscsreq ire ynonresu en s fo; mrisczlgingdgsegeihitespmlnntas . 377,1015 shipping; licenses required by residents; for emergency mail service in 412, 666 ath uvits before shipment . . 103 for mil equipmgntg gm- _______________ 412, 666 shipments prior to September. 1908. 104 for aids to navigation in waters of. .2 971 licenses required for hunting and ship- 04 deficiency zplpropriation for investigating pim; lng ¤¤¥¤0 -·--··.--· ; ---·--- I mine resources __________________ 18, 515 proceeds from licenses detailed angm. cm., of insane ________________ _ _____ 924 nual report. . _ i . I ... 1 04 for increased pay, court otiioials 928 game wardens and guides; requirements for additional court officials 928 of guides -----·-- - --------------- IM Afognak Forest and Fish Culture Reserve, ¤h2?Pi¤2 Wquimments ---·· · -·-—-·-·- · 10*} consolidated with Ohugach National vines Of c“§l0m€ 0mm!! --·-·-------— 100 Forest ______________________ _ _____ 223] penalties for violations _ 105 Alexmader Apchspelago National Forest, 2148 » cnforpemenlt; pHicem ruthonzed; ar- 105 · ·· _ _ _______ reeswi ou wurmns . appenlsineidi? fiom district court may be l P!'€Vi0\I$ l¤W¤_f€P¤¤l€d ---- - ---- ; ------ 105 hgggd gf, qigiiuif, of ggapeglg San 586 1I1E8D1B p€l'S0;1S 111, CODUBCCS Rl1d10D29d fol' 601 Fm, rt , tt _____careo . .. I.. Chugnch lfllaiiidnal gorest, estlnblished . 2149 medicine and surzery, ltceuses for practice ue, diminished ________________________ 2153 of .., 603 nhuged 2°31 th b admini tered by Revenue _____________ _ ________,_,______ _, oa s may e S ’ - codl de its consolidation of claims per- Cutter commanders . .. 63 pasted, 424 sale of lends for town site ctc at head of lm --·-·-·. - -----·... . L · . ., restriction on corporations ... . 424 Cordova Buy .. 2 . _. . 598 purcbuil of propuct for Army and Navy 424 school employéeies may be appointed special 837 t v nce . .. peace officers . ... pride; diigsatisned . ... 424 authorized to make arrests: no fees, etc. . 837 forfeiture of title by combinations in re- i time extended for building Alaska Central stmiutiof trade, etc . . . 424 Railway .. 683