Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1307

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INDEX. 2341 Fisheries Bureau—C0ntinucd. P¤8€·Fiume, · Pwsppropriatiou for distribution employees- 340, 979 classification and salary of consulate .. 101 or iuqluiry division .. 340, 979 Five Civilized Tribes, Commission to, for bio pg1ca1 qtqtiou, Beaufort, N. C. . 341, 979 opprooriation for comfleying work of . 91, 804 for SZ8C15E10S dwmon . 341, 979 Fwe Cwzlzzed Tmbes of ndums, Okla., for vegggl service .,,,,,... 341,980 appropriation for superintendent, Union for contmgeut expenses ... 341, 980 Agcuyy .. _ 90 , 803 for propagation ,._,.. 341, 980 for towpmt.0 expenses, Umou Agency-. 90, 804

or m1¤wmu0X {ga vessels ... . 342, for leasénélgrigggg glrgqks and Cherokeesgo 804

or repairs to ‘ truss " .. an - I1 mus- . I .. , {or ir£3pi;·j0si._ 1.: . gg, for ¥X]:16D88B, sale of restricted, ctc.,90 804 or s ns xca in runes , an s . , for pmmcmiu sailmon igherigg, Alaska- 342, 981 for removing intruders, etc ... . 90, 804 for station, Lfammoth Spring, Ark ... 342 for removing alienation restrictions 90, 804 Erwin, Tam; ,______,,__,__,,.,.,_.._ 342 for investigating fraudulent leases, etc . . 90 Cape Vincent, N, Y ,_ 342 for care of orphan childriu . g Duluth, Mim; ______,_,_,____,,,,_,,, 342 yment of attorneys' ces ... Leadville Colo ., 342 gimucl Brown ... 90 for biologicatl station for fresh water mus- D. H. Johnson . r 90 gels, Missisgip iVal1ey 342, 981 for district agents for minor Indums, etc.; for vessel for Alas; . 342 additional authornty ... 804 for steamboat for Put,-in-Bay, hatchery, for tribal 8C1I001B .. _ . ._ ... 91, 804 Ohio ________________________,,,,_ _ 981 for completing work of Commission t0. . 91, 804 allowance in accounts of William L. payment for remnant of allotments due Soleau . 981 hcrokecs, Choctaws, and Cll1Ck2.· 805 f stat' s P•.EctSo d Wash ... 590, 981 saws . . . fg;_hat0;:ry, rqca Elko, M0 .. 981 pa. ment of equalization allotments to dcHc1e¤cy appropmanou for mxscellaneousgo 943 ks..H.:L.i .. Eéi gg; x ,,,,___,_,... , mee mgso fl a councx s uc 0 .. {or lgbsgeor h]g,tc:;ary]hMe 532 extension of time for town-lot pay- 805 or station, ai .- nqcu _ . .. _ ..·-. additional stations,for salmon, etc:, cul- cxgugatnon of nghts of Choctaw and ture, on Pfggct Sound, authorized. - gg ;lh¤c1:lmawh§du:;en §o51s;1lo;me11ts& 805 a propriatiou r ... co an asp an s 0 oc ws an aqugrium to be equipped, ctc., for Seattle 389 Chxgkamggf surfago only may be 805 E `tion , con emu or pu IC uses . oilicials topfoopemto with North Carolina payment to members of Eastern Chero- Eshcommission,t0_maxk, ctc.,fishery f gcsbc0upc11B.-.6-w. -H-.];_... -- 805 .. 1064 or mum ursing r. . . ar ms or Haherkaflbcsfnrvfztgsdmn cj} services suppressing smallpox . . 805 2 propriatiou for, de uty, clerks, etc . . . 338, 976 for fulijilliug treaties with Choctaws 91, 805 Fisgeries Cmwengion, Cgnadazn, tc 380 680 f S8{11lE(?€S1...};- 031,% appro riation or commxsmoner, c . , or c er 0 mgu rn a c s 0 .. 1 ~ » F' hes, good . allotments to, exceptpvzi from general mmtgonvcntioo with Great Britain for protec- _111F leases prov1sions-_ ... I , ._ 783 tion, etc., of, in waters contiguous . appmuoa ,dsal:·, ctc., ofdtrnbal buildings, 71 mganada __________________ , ___,__ zoool an ,ec.· rocee s ... Fisk Catherine E. (widmv), { preference to, (gklahoma., etc., to purpeasion increased . .·. 1567 [ chw —·----··---·------------···-- 71 Fwk, James W, ~ I lands of intcrmarricd whims, frecdmcn, Pension jncmmcd ________________ _ _______ 1335 and Indians with less than half pug, Mary E_ (widow),blood, freed firomfresyictions ... 312 ‘ · eased _______________ _ ________ 1421 except homcsteu s 0 al cttees of more p,§§?#3]mA_, } mhanhone-golf arfgioéess than three- 2 ’ · · ed ________________________ 1368 fourt sln ianb ... 31 p,Q’§'}?[°}$,;;`{§§°Q°€,,;dm0), I mm, em., prohibited umu April 26, 1ss1, Pension increased __________________ _ _____ 1499 I of homesteads of allottces with half pm)., 4;,,,, L_, I or more Indian blood . { 312 si ‘ waged ________________________ 1550 I all lands of allottecs 0 three- ourths or F,?;;;: _£:,3;cM_,more Indian blood . 312 Pension __________________ _ _____ _ ________ 1324 { removal of restrictions by Secretary of In- F ld, Cha lg terior  : I ... 312 igygent m gatgkg of _________________ 1536 1 rights of way for mnlroads, ctc., IH Okla- Fuzgcmgd, Ellen L_ (widow), homo, continued ... c. . . 312 Pension __________________________________ 1221 leases of lands other than restricted home- ’”°"’”“"’· ’“'“‘ L·· M “”“i’”?§8’Z“r{Ié,1’?y‘ J€’£ 1st;;;; ‘‘‘‘ S}? si ‘ creaggd ____ . __________ _ _________ a prova 0 m{),;!;,a$;,l;aM,k, lglnds of minors included  :. . 313 Pension increased _______ _ ________________ 1207 ml]; of citizens and froedmcn conclusive Ftgzggald, Rohm, as to quantum of Indian blood . 313 Pen jon increased _______________ _ ________ 1406 emollment records of Commissioner cou- F, trick M' had ‘ elusive as to age 313 fg3i0n {ncl-qgued ___________________ _ ____ 1456 status of Prior oil! ctc., leases by sllotteesz- 313 ‘ Fuzpatrickt Rosanna A. (widow), owners 0 unrestncted lands may cancel 011 pension Increased _ _________,__ _ ,,_,,. 1417 leases, etc.; procedure .. 313