Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1345

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INDEX. 2379 Injuries to Govermnent Employees- C0nt’d. Y’¤K¤- Inspectors, Interior Department-Continued. Pmallowance for time lost from on certain former Indian inspectors to be termed, and public works, excluded if due to put in clnmned service __,________ 888 I10_gl60t 0I' miBCODduct . . . 556 Inspectors, Interior Department, S ecial, €0i}l·1m|&¤€€- -------~...-... 556 appropriation for, restricted to department to widow, tetc., if resulting in death, f work ...,_____,______________ _ ____ 337 311101111 ... 556 or ex uses ..,_,__ _ , _ 888 accidents to be reported to Secretary of former fiiedian ins tors to be termed in- Commerce and Labor; contents . 557 spectors anseincluded in classified resulting in death, certificates, etc ._ 557 service .,_,_._ , __________________ 333 affidavits, etc., required if unable to Inspectors of Customs, Wvfk, after 15 days . 557 pay increased; no allowance if maximum is determination of compensation . ., 557 paid . .,_,__,__,__________ 1065 medical Examination during term of pay- Institute of Agrbgulturc, International, men --... 557 appropriation or annual uota. . . . . . 177, 678 payments not liable for debts .. 557 corivelntion creating 1938 contracts exempting from liability void- . 558 Imtruchbn Pay, Diplomatic and Consular leave of absetnce pay allowed OD Isth- Ojiccrgf mian ana ; imit. . 645 ap ro nation or ... 173, 674 Injurious Deposits, New York Harbors, Incugxr gijxirs Bureau, Army, scows transporting, to keep life preservem, 427 approprmtion for pay of officers; longeve ... it .. . . 11:1, vas names of employees to be kept by master Insular Aiairs Bureau, War De hnznt, or owner .. 427 appropriation for law officer, clerks, etc. . 216, 880 requireimsnts for life lines on scows, modi- 23 I I1; rlent .. . ..,.___,_ 216, 881 e .. 6 mu osussiom, Inland Waters appropriation for fortincations . . . . . 395, 730 regulations lor toseagoing barges in, or seacoast batteries, Hawaii 395, 730 to be prescm ... 428 Philippine Islands ... . ._., 395, 730 penalty for violating - . 429 for electric plants, Hawaii - .,,,,, 395, 731 Inland Waterway of Cagcrrnia, Philippine . .,. 395, 731 survey directed for, umboldt Bay to Eel for Erscontrol stations .. 395, 731 River 836 for searclrlights for harbor defense, Inland W Loui:iana and Texas, Hawah .. 396, 731 survey direc for continuous waterway Philippipe Islands . . 396 from Mississippi Rivertokio Grande. 836 for ¢Kratmg, etc., submarine mines, Inland Waterways Commbsian, _ wnii .. . - 396 geliminary report of, ordered pnnted . 1632 for torpedo planter and launches, In ]`,_Bartly, ljlilwiill .. . . 396 pension increased - . 1460 Philippine Islands ._,_, _ 396 Inquiries and Investigations, Senate, for sites, Philippine Islands .. 396, 731 appropriation for expenses .. 5 .. 187, 850 for seacoast cannon ...,.. 396, 731 Imam, Alasta, { r g tmusfer qf_mortar¤, etc., to Hawaii • 731 appropriation for snipport of ... . . 300, 989 5 fOr amullmlllon . : . . . . 39h, 731 de cuency appropriation for care, etc .. 924 i for altering, etc., seacoust artillery 396. 731 contracts authonzed for care of . . . 601 z employment of drnftsxnen . . , 731 usc of “Alaska fund " for, r¢~p<·ul¢·<l . 601l'o¤imirchag¤#.» of submarine mince, Hawaii. 396 Insane Asylum, 1). ('. (srv (iovurnmwut Hon- nhppmo Islands . . 396 Ipital for lmumc, l). l`.). ( Imnmnve jlrpcrhnml IJ_. ('., Insane, 1 CI, _ _ _ - t\p|>\‘<>pfml|U!\ lvl mllawll!. ...,.. ZTS, 693 appropnat1oplorui1pport<wf uuhga-nt 301 , L23 Imurrgmon, _ _ _ or elporhngnndigent nonrrmdent... . 3(li, 423 pumshment. for mentmg, etc ... . .. 1088 Insane Fi ipino oldiers, _ _ Inlrrmursg .·l_rh, In¢l•an,_ _ _ _ nppropldalsgtan for care of, in Plnhppine 4 I appropriation for punishing violations of.. 2:21; s s ... 7 6 n crest, Imam Indians, Okla., deficiency appropriation for, on tinnl judg- i I appropnation for care, etc. ... 92 blments, etc.,_liu1:led btites gourtibl., =>15 nsane emnoners, pays e o specm _ eposi s o pn_ ie disposition of pension money while inmates moneyswith designated depositaries. 552 of Government Hospital for Insane. . 592 on all deposrfgs in temporary depositaries- 5.52 Imam Persons, minimum; u crm rate . 552 issue of patents to guardians, etc., of in- Interest and §inl:ing Fund, D. C`., ventors who become ... 246 approprmt 1011 for ·». 301, 716 Inspector-Gen,eral’s Department, Army, Intenor Department, _ appropriation for pay of officem; lonil 7 36 approrzrmtiou fo; Secretary, Assistants, ath;23 88 vit .._____,.,..,. .. , _ 1., T orneys, e c ,.., - , T for expenses, expert accountant 11;; for boargpf pensipn appeals ,_,,,_ 7 or spec ms om 1... , , for pay, expert accountant . . . 1 14, 739 for inspect0m,§>Qr(n1erIy Indian inspectors . 888 Inspqpggr-General`; Ojicc, ll`ar Department, ‘ for clerks, etc .. . ...,. 2*33, 888 appropriation lor clerks, etc . . . 214, 878 formechan1<*Sj.watchnxen, engineers, etc 224, 888 Inspectors, I rg tenor Deparhgaent, for clerk to sign Indian tribal deeds. . . 224. 888 appropriation for salaries and expenses. transfer of members of board of pengpcciai. ,_,,,,. - 2:.*3, 888 , sion appeals to classified service ,,_, 2-34