Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1399

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INDEN. 2453 ~ Neil, Jgnte:9 M., l`¤8€— ‘ New Bedford and Fairhaven, Mass., P“8°·

Q?f%0D mcéeased . . .. 1331 diversion of harbor improvements; couew , ecryc ., , tracts .. 816

p€I1Hl0lll¤C’1j02.Sed .. . . 1184 I New Bedford, illus.;,, News, Theressm (widow), , appropriation for improvement of harbor. . 360

;;ens1gniner§ased ... .  1241 acquiring {sitsé for public building at, au·,

e w, eorge ., 5 t orize .. . 534

I;ens1g r; ; nc;·ea,sgd_ __.,._,,___ _ ______,,... 1279 ,   dgficieney appropriation for ..,.,,,_, 488

e son, er , ; ew raun e s, Tex.,

p§;n;io?%incre?ed  1385 i acquiriérg site for public building at, aue , A ar es ., · oriz ...,... 536
};€BBl051 lll2T28B6d  . ... 1431 ·   deficiencyé appropriation for ., . , . 489

e scm, aco ., * ew Brimin, onn.,

p§l1810§1 2r1C1Q3S6d  1249  appropriati0£1 for public building ,..,_,_,_, 954

6 011, 0 7l, ; ewBru1wwic , 1 . J.,

p;§S1oi1fCreased  1549 1 enlargement of public building at, authore n, 2 ton, f iz ,______________________________ 525

P9I1Sl011 increased . ... 1611 * reduction of open space .. 525 NeZ8¢m, Nelson E., deficiency appropriation for ..,.. 483 Npgnsiokx igxcreased 1324 agpyoriatnfn for ...,._, 954 e 0n, 0 crt, ~ A ew u a 0, ich., » $;ension increa.sed ... . 1598 preliminary examination of harbor, to be e son omas, m e ..,,.,,.,_,,,,.,.,,,..,_, 827 pension increased ..r. . ... 1236 , New England Coast Naval Magazine, Nelson, Willmm, ggdiana Volunteers, ap;Eopriagon for construction, etc 765 pension increas 1383 l 1 ew amps ire, · Nelson, William, Minnesota Volunteers, t granted obsolete equipment of First Light pension increased 1297Battery 442 Nelson., William, New York Volunteers, T New Hampshire Avenue N W, D. C., pension increased 1340 { appropriation for condemnation expenses, Neszler Brewing Company, - 5 extension of ... 581 time extended for presenting claim for re- * extension reduced ... 581 demption of mternal-revenue stamps 1621 l New Harm, Conn., Netherlands, appropriation for public building, enlargparcels-post convention with . 1928 ing, etc . .. 319 proclamation announcing commercial for improvement of breakwater .. 360 eement; with 2199 for lig t—station, Southwest Ledge, near. 970 Netmlmaggand Luxemburg, preliminary examination of harbor, to be appropriation for minister to 172, 672 made . 823 or Sgqremrgr of legation .. 172, 673 , New London, Conn., Ncuggbaugr, Jo y;_ [ appropriation for naval station, Marine barpension increased . . . . 1601 Packs . H5 Neqwe River, N, (J,, enlargement of public building ut, authorpreliminary examination of, to be made. . . 830 iged ... . . I . . E .. Neutralit , te cnency a ro rmtnon or . , ... ,3. ioffenseg against . . ... . 1089 E aniiropriatioiixior? .,. . ...,.. 954 enforcement of punishment for offenses Q New , e.mjo, against ... . 1090 i upfiroprmtnon for Indian Service in .. 86, 790 Neutrality Act, or salaries, government in ..., 213, 877

apt}ropriation for (-xpe·m¤e~s under  ITB, 676 I {nr;·•»nta1¤:r01¤t<~xpmm·s.  ..   :77

em a nr vgtsla Ivo expvhseel. .. L Z,. T7 appropriation for Indian Svrvivv in .. 85. 798 I forrtnrveye»r-gem-nal, rlvrks, out . 2:H, SEM nor surveyor·general , clerks, etc . . 231,894 ; ¢lehctem‘y appropriation for mctdentnls, deficiency appropriation for surveyor·5:en— Q Imlnan S(‘l'\’l(‘\‘ l¥\. Z ... 30,1519, 942 em] _________,_ _ _____________,_,... 29 > for adtl1t11»t1ala`¤s·x·:ate judge ... 928 fees to jurors and witnesses attending { act of legislature as to procedure in caves United States courts in; restriction. 377 ‘ of personal damages. dim * proved... 573 homestead entries of 320 acres of nonirri· Alamo National Forest, enlarged,. 2239 gable, etc., lands allowed in 639 Bernalillo County may revue bonds for . Humboldt National Forest, enlarged . . 2215 bridges aeross Rio Grande . 612 Moapa National Forest, enlarged . 2216 Big Burros National Forest enlarged . 2120 Monitor National Forest, established . 2123 included in Gila National Forest 2190 Nevada National Forest, established .. 2220 bond ixues authorized by legislative as- Sierra National Forest, Cal. and, area m<>di· Sembly validuml ... - . 53 ged ___________________,_ _ ________. 2185 Carson National Forest enlarged .. 2240 Tahoe National Forest, Cal. and. enlarged. 2249 Chaco Qanyon National Monument set Toiyabe National Forest, enlarged ·-.- 2223 _¤$§d€‘ —-------·- ; ·--··---- _ —------·-- 2 H9 Toquima National Forest, established . 2121 commission for selecting l21DdS lH. allowed Vegas National Forest, established .. . 2165 compensation {rom Temtorial legis- Nvwda N<¤ti~w1 Forest. Nw, _ lgmgre _ --... 469 proclamation establishing __________,_,,, , 2220 Datil National Forest, established: ... 2191 Nevada, Mo., part of Gila National Forest included appropriation for public b\11l(llI1g. -.t .-·-- - 954 m ~·-···—·--—-···~-· · ·-———--— - ···-- 9191 limit of cost increased, public b\11ld1¤g~ - - 022 €¤1¤¤"é€d --~·-----···----··-·~-·--··--—- 1TB3U