Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1467

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INDEX. 2501 Postal Serviccj—C0nti11ued. Pazé- ¥ Postal Service Continu<—d. PKK9- Office of Fnrgt A§s1st.:g111s POStIH3Bt€f-G8H- Office of Fourth Assistant Postmaster-Gem era — ontmuc . era1 C0ntinued. appropriation for travel and miscellaneous appropriation for letter balances, etc . . . 416, 669 GXPGDSGS ... 411, 665 or wrapping pa er twine, etc . .. 416 669 payment of rent to agents, authorized- 411 for facing slips, Etc, .. 416; 669 Office of Second Assistant P0stmaster-Ge¤- for miscellaneous supplies .,... 416, 669 egalc .. . ... 412, 665 for printing street directory of cities . 417 appropriation for transportation, sta: for rural delivery supplies . . . . 417, 669 routes .. 412 665 for expenses shipment of supplies, discontinuance if duplicated by rural I etc ..__,_ , ,__..., 417, 669 Fegvery 412, 666 for rural delivery; carriers, substitutes, A as a emergency service .. 412 666 etc ...,..,.. 417 669 for steamboat, etc., service ... 412; 666 substation clerks .. 417; 669 for mail messenger service . . . 412, 666 carriers with power boats . . 417, 669 for pueumativtube service ... 412, 666 bonds of postmasmrs, special money- report to be made 011 operating, by the order conditions omitted 670 Govcmmant .. 412 for travel and miscellaneous expenses . 417, 670 for wagon service; Chicago ... 412, 666 settlement of accounts of delegates to Posfor mail bags, ctc.; equipments, Alaska, tal Congress at Rome 417 etc ... . 41g, 666 payment to permanengly incapacitated for equipment shop, etc. C icago. . . . 41 ,666 persons prohibits ... 417 670 for mail locks and keys, iatc ,. 412, 666 civil-pension roll prohibited 417; 670 for railroad routes. ...,.. 412,666 joint commission on postal business confor freight on postal cards, supplies, etc . 412, 666 tinued .,... 417 for Ejtal-cu service ..,. . ... 413, 666 tiling report ... 417 for ilway Mail Service . 413, 666 to codify Postal laws ... 417 additional division New Orleans, La. 413 additioua up ropriation; balance rea - or e cc nc 2.11 ca e car BGTVICG. . roprla 6 . f I t' d bl,414 667 p 'tg P 417 compensation; limit, intcrurbzm serv- i enlisted men of Navy to be designated to ice. . .` .. 414. 667 take charge of mails for and from unusual conditions etc .._. 414 668 naval vessels . . 417 for forei mail trans, rtation 414; 668 appointment; oath and bond; compensap1er rams ers cw or ... Z ... I ... ` gn f N po Y k and San tion 418 Francisco, ___,__,..._. 414, 668 statement of rccexyiss and cxpendnures to payment for carrying liquors, etc., be made wil; annual estimates . 418 forbidden ..,.. 414 appropriation for supplying deficiencies in forassistantsuperintandentfureigu mails IGVGHUGB . . .. 418 670 New York _____,___,.___, 414, 668 payment for carrying liquors, cocaine, ctc., ’ for balance due forei countries . 414, 668 in mails, prohibited ... f .., 418 for travel and misceligxecus expenses. 414, 668 deficiency appropriation for clerkgfirst and (mice Oi Third Assistant; Postmaster-Gem scc0n class offices ..i. . ,... 23 eral . .. 414, 668 for tcinporséy clerk hire, first and second 2 g-my for guage stamps . . . 414 668 c 8.88 0 CGS 23 lpfggogmmggg envglopes and wrappers; dis- ’ for substitutes for clerks on vacation . 23 tributign ___________,_,_ _ _,,.. 415, 668 for rent, light, and fuel ,.,. 23, 31 for postal cards; distribution ., 415, 668 for xnisxiolgancous expenses, first and socf hi steamboat, and way letters. . 415 668 om <· ass 0tH<·¢—s .. 23, 5l0 fg; Singkmnity, lost registered lettcrs, y for <·ity d•·livg-ry .. . . . . . 24, 31, 5lO, ms _ etc . 415, 668 for puwvr, hpint, uml rvpmreg I kepnrtnwrnt, dc sit frnwrwyu received from .. 415 e-ty., buih npgs .. . .. 24 for igglamzity, lost. international regis- for Railway Maul Sextvnge l.,.. . 24, 930 mred articles .,..,,,._.,.. 415, 668 transfer of upprnpnatxons to locks, ctr. 24 for travel and misce-llane<>11s cxppnses. 416, 668 for stamped envelopes, cw: .. . . 24 for counsel, s0<·0nd-class max] smts 41;:, 668 for counsel spvond-·las.·¤ mm! matter S\llD‘* 24 tempnrarv deposits of funds in national for distributing rngnqtry envelopes .. 24 0, gmté banks pe;-mimgd ,_______ _ _ _ 415 for distributing 0H10ml envelopes 24 {Bmw Of dupliqatgg for lost; checks or for supplies, city delivery; i. 24 Wan-mm ____________________ _ _ _ 415 for wrapping twmc and tying devices. . . 24 t my Gm {Gyms gm _________, _ , 415 for postmastcrg 24, 31, 510, 5lS, 930, 943 dcsgrggiion of rgoney-érder statements, for spemal de·h very 24, 31, 510, 930, 943 etc., after three years ... 415 for tnmsportatxcm, star routes . . . 24, record of unpaid money orders to be 31, 533, kept ._..,,._., or rum e wary .._..__.. , Q , . , . , 0 tt L d` to·ite arson murder, for rewards: .. 31, 943 [Hiteé? eizlséid mails.? 416 for indemmty, lost registered 111:111 .. 31, Office of Fourth Assistant P0stma.ster—Gcn- :110, 518, 943, 945 eral , §0r raxlroag tmnspsxrmmun . 31, 9;% · t' f fiii0H9i')' ·--.--.-·--·· 0I' SBP3T3 Pig ID3! 8 -~.---·------.· . --·. ' api¥>l1·0gfg:i;1H)l;1n(:;;;egistry envelopes; distn- 7 for clerk hue ... .. 510; 518 bution _,.,.,.,.,,...,..,. 416, 669 for mad messenger servxce , .,_. 510 f d lies ..., , ,... 416, 669 for w Il service Z .. ..,._,__, 510, 943 ig; ;?1(]T>;$¥e;§,rr§éi:gr$? izpc., service for B;§?)w%y* ¥a11Serv1ce, assxsmur super- ·'t, d l' · 188 ,__________,, , 111 eu en s _,,, _,___,__,.__ _ ____,___ . 2; ;§)2)Sy;Zm2(;!2'i;,]1;gySi;[;;lK;)S, etc; .. 416, 669 for Doremus Machme Company . ... 5l0