Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/715

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1874 TREATY——~NICARAGUA. Maacn 1, 1905. Article II shall consequently inno ente, procesada ni castigada en case be prosecuted and punished ningun caso, en el Estado al cual in the State to which his extradi— se hubiere concedido la_ extradition has been granted on account cion, por un delito politico comeofa political crime or offense com- tido por ella antes e su extradimitted by him previously to his ci6n, ni por un acto que tenga extradition, or on account of an ·conexi6n con tal delito politico, ai act connected with such a politi- menos ue haya tenido libertad cal crime or offense, unless he has para salir del pais dentro de un been at liberty to leave the coun- mes después de haber sido juzgada, try for one month after having y en caso de haber sido condenada, been tried and, in case of con- dentro deunmes des ués de haber demnation, for one month after sufrido la pena 6 die haber sido having suffered his punishment or indultada. _ having been pardoned. Anrxcnn V. . Amicnno V. N°‘*¤°*' P°'*Y Neither of the contractin ar- Nin a de las Partes Contraiti»mi>(ivni°<giifei¤:.up ties shall be bound to delhi1P up tantesislslara obligada a entregar, its own citizens under the stip- por virtud de las estipulaciones de ulations of this convention, but esta Convenci6n,asus propios cin the executive authority of each dadanos, pero el Poder Ejecutivo shall have the power to deliver de cada una de ellas tendra la fatliem up, if, in its discretion, it be cultad de entregarlos, silo creyere deemed proper to do so. conveniente. ` Anrricna VI. Am·icm.o VI. m*Q;{°°{?; ggylgti; If the person whose surrender la persona cuya entrega se where f<>¤¤<r may be claimed, ursuant to the pidiere, conforme a las est1pula— stipulations of tli)e present con- ciones del presente Tratado, huvention, shall have been accused biere sido acusadaoreducidaaprior arrested for the commission of si6n por haber cometido un delito any offense in the country where en el pais donde se hubiere refuhe or she has sought as lum, or giado, 6 hubiere sido condenada ia shall have been convictedy thereof, causa del mismo, se podra diferir his or her extradition may be de- su extradicién hasta que tenga deferred until he or she is entitled recho 6 ser puesta en libertad por to be liberated on account of the el delito de que estuviere acusada, offense charged, for any of the por cualquiera de los motivos sifollowing reasons: acqmttal; ex- iientesz Absolucion: espiracion piration of term of imprisonment: del tiempo de prision a que se le expiration of the period to which hubiere condenado; espiracion del the sentence may ave been com- tiempo a que hubiere sido reducida muted or pardon. su sentencia; indulto. Airricnm VII. Anrictno VII. P¤¤'¤•>¤¤ ¤l¤*¤¤e¤ If a fu _`tive criminal claimed Si el reo réfuoo reclamadg 0;- M mm °°u¤m°s’ by one of;-llie parties hereto shall una de las Ilgarteg Contratanteg lo be also claimed by one or more fuere tambien por uno 6 mas PQVGFS, PHT5U3H! to tféaty pI‘0- Gobiernos, en virtud de estipulavisions on account of rimes or ciones conteniclas en Tratados. or offenses comm1tted_ within their delitos cometidos en su jurisdic- ]urisd1ction.such criminal shall be ci6n. dicho reo sera entregado de delivered up in preference in ac- preferencia al que primero lo hava cordance with that demand which pedido. a nienos que el Estado de is the earliest in date. unless the quien se solicitare la extradicion State from which extradition is este obligado a dar la preferencia sought is bound to give preference a otro. otherwise.