Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/749

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1908 INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS CONVENTION. JULY 6,1906. . qui a reconnu Parbitrage comme which recognized arbitration as le moyen le plus eflicace et `en the most effective and at the same meme temps le plus equitable de time, most equitable means of régler les litiges qui n’ont pas été adjusting differences that have not resolus rlesvoies diplomatiques, been resolved through the diplola Confeliienoe a emis le vceu sui- matic channel, the Conference utvant: tered the following wish: du{§f§;lgc'§“,§¥§,'}T§,§ La Conference exprime le vwu The Conference expressed the to permanent court que, pour arriver 5. une interpre- wish that, in order to arrive at as Qin “§',}j;,"Qjl°“ " tation et e une application aussi exact as possible an interpretation exactes que possib e de la Conven- and app ication of the Geneva tion de Geneve, les Puissances Convention, the Contracting Poweontractantes soumettente laCour ers will refer to the Permanent Permanente de La Haye, si les cas Court at The Hague, if permitted et les circonstances s’y prétent, les by the cases and circumstances, dilierends qui, en temps de paix, such differences as may arise s’éleveraient entre elles relative- among them, in time of peace, ment e Pinterprétation de ladite concerning the interpretation of Convention. the said Convention. M°P**¤¢ 8*****- Ce vmu a été vote par les Etats This wish was adopted by the suivants: following States; Allemagne, Republique Argen- Germany, Argentine Republic, tine, Autriche-Hon rie, Belgique, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Bul- Bulgarie, Chili, China, Congo, garia, Chile, China, Congo, Den- Eanemark, Espagne (ad. nf), mark, Spain (ad referendum), tats-Unis d’A erique, Etats- United States of America, United Unis du Bresil, E1tats—Unis Mexi- States of Brazil, France, Greece, cains, France, Grece, Guatemala, Guatemala, Honduras, Italy, Lux- Honduras, ltalie, Luxembourg, emburg, Montene ro, Nicaragua, Montenegro, Nicaragua, Norvege, Norway, The Netherlands, Peru, Pays-Bas, Perou, Perse, Portugal, Persia, Portugal, Roumania, Rus- Roumanie, Russie, Serbie, Siam, sia, Servia, Siam, Sweden, Switz· Suede, Suisse et Uruguay, erland and Uruguay. nejmung smes. Ce voeu aéte rejete par les Etats The wish was rejected by the suivants: Coree, Grande·Bretagne following States: et Japon. Corea, Great Britain and Japan. En foi de quoi, les Délégues ont In witness whereof the Delesigné le present Protocole. gate? have signed the present Brotoco . sngnnunm. Fait e Geneve, le six juillet mil- Done at Geneva, the sixth day neuf cent six, en up seul ex9m— of July. one thousand nine hunpla1re,qu1 seradepose aux archives dred and six, in a single co y e la Confederation suisse et dont which shall be deposited in the des copies, certiiées conformcs. amhives of the Swiss Confederaseront delivrées a toutes les Puis- tion and certified copies of which SBDC9S l'€P1`éS€¤T»é€$ 5 lil C0¤fé· shall be delivered to all the Powl‘€¤¢€· ers represented at the Conference. Pour l’Allemagne: (Signatures). v. Bfnow. Fm-in. v. Llnxrnmrnr. Vruannr. Zom:. Pour la République Argentine: Eamonn B. Mommo. F ms". Momiu Sams. Pour l'Autriche-Hongrie: Baron Hmonnn-Eemznoo, d. pl. D' Jos., Rrrrnn v. Umm., G. Lieut., delegue adjoint.