Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/793

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1952 TRE‘ATY—SPAIN. JUNE 15, 1904. to deliver up its own citizens or dadanos 6 subditos en virtud de subjects. las est1pulac1ones de este Convenio. JXRTICLE IX. AnricULo IX. Expenses. The expense of the arrest, de- Los gastos de captura, detentention, examination and trans- ci6n, interrogacién y trasporte portation of the accused shall be del acusado seran abonados por paid by the Government which el Gobierno que haya presentado has preferred the demand for ex- la demanda de extradici6n. tradition. Airricnn X. Airricnmo X. lnispcsgidcf gpg; Everything found in the pos- Todo lo que se encuentre en gfssonv session of the fugitive criminal at poder del criminal fugado al the time of his arrest, whether tiempo de su captura, ya sea probeing the proceeds of the crime ducto del delito 6 que pueda seror offence, or which may be ma- vir de prueba del mismo, sera, en terial as evidence in making cuanto sea posible, con arreglo a proof of the crime, shall, so far as las leyes de cualquiera de las practicable, according to the laws Partes contratantes, entregado _) of either of the Contracting Par- con el reo, al tiempo de su extraties, be delivered up with his per- dicion. Sin embargo, se respeson at the time of the surrender. taran debidamente los derechos Nevertheless, the rights of a third de tercero con respecto a los objeparty with regard to the articles tos mencionados. aforesaid, shall be duly respected. Airricuz XI. Airriooro XI. trenimry mrecmi The stipulations of this Con- Las estipulaciones de este Con- · ’ vention shall be applicable to all venio seran aplicables a todos los territory wherever situated, be- territorios, donde quiera que estén longing to either of the contract- situados, tenecientes il cual— ing parties or in the occu ancy quiera de ligPartes contratantes and under the control of either of {1 ocupados y sometidos a Ia interthem, during such occupancy or vencion (control) de las mismas control. mientras dure tal ocupacion 6 intervencién. nequxsmous. Requisitions for the surrender LBS 1`€Cli1m=10l0¤0S para lfl enof fugitives from justice shall be trega de losfugados zi la accion made by the respective Diplo- de la justicia seran practicadas matic Agents of the Contracting por los respeetivos Agentes diplo- Parties. In the event of the ab- maticos de las Partes contrasence of such Agents from the tantes. En la eventualidad de la country or its seat of Govern- ausencia de dichos Agentes del ment, or where extradition is pais 6 residencia del Gobierno, sought from a colonial possession 6 cuando se pida la extradici6n of Spain or from territory, in- cle una Posesien colonial de Escluded in the preceding para- pana, 6 de territorios incluidos en graph, other than the United el parrafo precedente, que no States, requisition may be made sean los Esta os Unidos, la reclaby superior Consular officers. macion podra haccrse por los funcionarios consulares superiores. m1g¤¤¤=*¤=¤rr M- It shall be competent for such Dichos representantes diploma- ' Diplomatic or superior Consular ticos 6 funcionarios consulares officers to ask and obtain a man- superiores seran competentes para date or preliminary warrant of pedir y obtener un mandamiento