Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/835

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1994 ARBITRATION CONVENTION——N()RWAY. Aran. 4,1908. Avril *· 190*1 Oonvention between the United States and ]Vor·way or the pacific settlement of disputes. Signed at Washington, A.4,, 1908; ratification advised by the Senate, Air/·il 17, 1908,* ratified by the President, June 18, 1908; ratified f Norway, May 23, 1.908; ratiflcations exchanged at Washington, une 24, 1908; proclaimed, June 29, 1.908. Br mm Pnmsmmivr or rim Uurrmn Snvrns or Aumuoa. A PROCLAMATION. ¤M>i¤·•¤¤¤ with Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and Kawtie. the Kingdom of Norway, providing for the submission to arbitration of all questions of a legal nature or relating to the interpretation of treaties, which may arise between the two countries and which it ma not have been possible to settle by diplomacy, was concluded ami, signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington, on the fourth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and eight, the original of which Convention, being in the English and Norwegian languages, is word for word as follows: °°“"‘““" "“"*°*· The President of the United Prsesidenten for Amerikas For- States of America and His Maj- enede Stater og Hans Majestaet esty the King of Norway desiring Kongen av Norge har——i onsket in pursuance of the princi les set om at traede i·un erhandlinger for forth in articles 15-19 of {fe Con- at avslutte en voldgiftskonven- . vention for the pacific settlement tion, med anvendelse av de grundv,,,_32,,,_1m_ of international disputes, signed ssetninger, som er uttrykt i art. at The Hague July 29, 1899, to 15-19 1 konventionen om fredelig enter into negotiations for the bilaeggelse av internationale striconclusion of an Arbitration Con- dighcter, undertegnet i Haag 29 vention, have named as their Ei 1899,-0 nsevnt som sine be- Plenipotentiaries, to wit: ldmaagtigedh folgendez “¤¤*¤><>*°¤**¤¤¢¤· The President of the United Prsesidenten for Amerikas For- States of America, Elihu Root, euede Stater: Elihu Root, Amo- Secreta of State of the United rikas Forenede Staters Statssekre- States il? America; and tar; og His Majesty the King of Nor- Hans Majestset Kongen av way: O. Skyliak, His Charge Nfige: O. Skybak, Sin Chargé d'Affaires at ashington; d’ aires i Washington; who, after having communi- hvilke, efter at ha meddelt cated to one another their full hverandre sine fuldmagter, som powers, found in good and due fandtes igod og behorig orden, er crm, have agreed upon the fol- kommet overens om folgende lowing articles: artiklerc Amucm: I. IARTIKEL II. .S¤b¤¤i¢¤¤s certain Differences which may arise of De tvistigheter av 'uridisk nall)e“¤Y€°e°°§¤tXi>li°5T,$Z'}‘gZ a legal nature or relating to the tur eller angaaende foitolkningen "°“ °‘“‘°“‘¥“°~ interpretation of treaties existing av traktater, gjaeldende mellem de