Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/14

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. XV Ps e. Bridge, Menominee River. An act to give the consent of Congress to the building of a bridge by g Elie cgzies gfglenominee, Michigan, and Marinette, Wisconsin, over the Menominee River. une 5, 1 1 . 868 Congresmlmwl documents, reserved sets. An act to amend section lift?-four of an act approved January twelfth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, providing or the public printing and ` bindin and the distribution of public documents, as amended by Public Reso ution Numbered ’§’h1rf y-six, approved June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two. June 25, 1910 868 Bnklges, etc., Mobile Bay. An act to authorize the Dauphin Island Railway and Harbor Company, its successors or assigns, to construct and maintain a bridge, or bridges, or viaducts, across the water between the mainland, at or near Cedar Point and auphin Island, both Little and Big; also to dredge a channel from the deep waters of Mobile Bay into Dauphin Bay, and to dredge the Dauphin Bay; also to construct and maintain docks and whsrves along both Little and Big Dauphin islands. June 25, 1910 .. . 868 Bridge Monongahela River. An act amendatory o the act aipproved April twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six, entitled "An act to authorize the ayette Bridge Company to construct ‘a bridge over the Monongabela River, Pennsylvania, from a {gint in the borough of Brownsville, Fayette County, to a point in the borough of West rownsville, Washington Co1mty." June 25, 1910 .. 870 RESOLUTIONS. Congreas·nona’ l em loyees, December salarke. Joint resolution to pa. the officers and emplo ees of the Senatepand House of Representatives their resgective s5s.ries for the month oi lgecember, nineteen hundred and mne, on the twentieth ay of said month. December $0, 1909. . 871 Tennessee River improvements. Joint resolution authorizing a portion of the alrigropriation made for the improvment of Tennéafgee River to be applied to work at the Co rt and Bee Tree 871 ShmlsCanal. J8ll\lBl’y7,1 .. .-..; .. _ Forest Service, etc., invest' atwn. Joint resolution authorizing an investigation of the Department of the Interior arid its several bureaus, officers, an employees, and of the Bureau of Forestry, in the Department of Agriculture, and its officers and employees. January 19, 871 1910 - . . - - ~.-.-··-.-·---..-.- : ----------·----------·---- Ice gmyen, Ohio River. Joint resolution to remove ice gorges in the Ohio River. January 19, 873 1910 .. . . .-...--··-.-.-..-...-·.·.- - ·-.--·---··-

 Indnhn:. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to pa to the

Wmnebago tribe of Indians interest accrued since June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and 8 3 nine, January 20 1910 ... 7 Congress of H grlme, etc.), inoitahbn to States. Joint resolution authorizing the President of the United %tatgsDtg invite ltihe Ségates to girticéipate in the Fifteenth International Congress on 873 H ’euean mogra y. anuary , 10 ... . ... ; ... Congre.¤y¢§'1H¥g»kne, ece., Joint resolution authorizing the postponement of the Fifteenth ntemational Congress on Hygiene and Demography. February 3, 1910 .. 874 Smithsomlzn Institution, Regents. Joint resolution providing for the nlling of vacancies, which occurred on January twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and ten, in the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution of the class other than Members of Congress. February 8 4 11, 1910 . .. 7 Census agents. Joint resolution amending section eighteen of the act of July second, nineteen lumdred and nin? gntitled grin act to provide for the Thirteenth and subsequent decen- 4 nig] censuses} e ru 1 , 1910 . . ... 87 Dvktnht of Columbia, superintezfignl of weiglzts, etc. Joint resolution changing the title of the sealer of weights and measures of the District OfC0lI1111bl8 to superintendent of weights, measures, and markets. Febru 19, 1910 .. 874 Obsolete ordnance, Georgzh. aziint resolution to donate a brass cannon to the State of Georgia. 8 Febma 24, 1910 .. . · - ·-·.---...-.-.-.-.. . 75 Right og way,r;'ort Leawnworth Reservation, Kane. Joint resolution authorizing an extension of t e tracks of the Atchison, Tcipika and2§anta 0Fe Railway on the military reservation at Fon Leavenworth Kansas. e mary , 191 875 Confederate soldier! graves. Joint resolution to continue in full force and effect an act entitled "An act to rovide for the appropriate marking of the graves of the soldiers and sailors of the confederate army and navy who died in northern prisons and were buried near the Primm whom they died, and for other purposes? February 25, 1910 875 Thanks of Government to Ital . Joint resolution authorizing the President of the United States to convey thanks 1:0 ,th9 élovefnllléllt of Italy {OI Céftilll MUCH 1, 1910 . ... 875 Volunteer Soldierf Home, Mana%ers. Joint resolution for appointment of members of Board oi - Managers of the National cme for Disabled Volunteer Sold1ers. March `5, 1910 .. 876 Confederate Veteran.? Reunion, Mobile, Ala. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of War to loan certain tents for the use of the Confederate Vetera.ns’ Reunion, to be held at Mobile, Alabama, in April nineteen hundred and ten. March 15, 1910 .. 876 Census inquinks, nationality of alien bam. Joint resolution enlarging the scope of inquiry of the schedules relating to population for the Thirteenth Decennial Census. March 24, 1910.. . 877 Pon··Amerimn Conference, Army transport. J omt resolution authorizing the use of a United States Army transport for certam purposes. March 30, 1910 877 887·i0°-—vor. 36. PT 1--11--2