Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1501

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xvm INDEX. Augusta, Ga.—Oontinued. Fw- Bagatelle Balls, P**€°• exchange of site for public building at, ad- uty 011, wory, bqlw, etc - ; ----.---·-·-·- 66 ditional payment to City for new site- 1365 Baggagepf Persons in Transat, _ conditional to the purchase by City of retention by collector, and dehvery for present building after completion return, without yment of duty. . 104 of new one .,. . 1365 Bagga?e, Personal, Sampl: and Excess, terms of court; of _,_,,__________,.,,,,,_,. 1109 {uci ities for hmduug, charges, GEC., by to contribute for improvement of Savannah carriers to be just and reasonable. . . 546 River . . . . _ . 643 B ltfging, Aurora, Ngbp, uty on jute, etc., for cotton . 51 appropriation for public building .. 1366 Bafs, _ _ _ _ . acquiring site for public building at, author- uty on ]ute, plam single yarn fabrics 51 ized . ; . . ... 690 leather .. . . 68 Austin, Tex., parchment ptgper, etc- . 62 appropriation for public building .. 1366 precious rue S, mesh, etc ... 67 construction of public building authorized on free hst, American, returned from 9,1;; contrasts ,.,,,,,,,...,,,... 693 abroad; conditions . 72 terms of court at . . 1126 Baguab, Philippine Islands, A·u,atria-Hungary, terms of supreme court at, authorized 877 appropriation for ambassmorto 337, 1027 Bahama Islands, or secretary of embassy . 337, 1028 mana? duty on vessels from ports in 111 for second secretary .. 338, 1028 · Baiéeéz, ayor G. G., Austrian Semrwn, d ciency appropriation for credit in appropriation for fees to, detained as wit- accounts ... 778, 1300 nesses, immigration service .. 765 Bailifr, etc., United States Courts, Autograph Albums, appropriation for dpay ... 750,41427 duty on .. 64 appointment au orized by marshals for Autamatib Pahtols, Army Standard, district court juries, etc ... 1088 appropriation for issue to States, etc., for Bainbnllge, Ga., Organized .. . . . . 1057 construction of public building authorized excha¥e of ammunition ... 1057 at 681 Automatic ailway Train Control, Bainbridge, W E., appropriation for investigating systems deficiency a propriation for widow of 120 of .. 719,1397 Baker, James Ag., for inves ting, etc., useby railroads of. 720 deficiency 2. propristiou for services .. 1315 Automatic Rgfg, Army, Baker, Juhhn 5., · appropriation for purchase of, etc.; avair appropriation for widow and children of; able for two gears ... 261,1058 punishment for illegal charge by Automate}: Weighing cales, Customs, attomey, etc . . . 918 apgropriation for .. . ... 710, 1393 Bakersfield, Cal,, de ciency approggiation for ... 781 appropriation for public buildin _______ 1366 Autmrwbzle Iioord, . C'., acquiring site for public bui§ding at, appmglnauon for secretary, etc ... 972 authorized . . . . . 688 Auwmo 'lca, Baldwin, W. K., deficiency appropriation for purchase, etc., deficiency appropriation for reimbursement 775 for Sgaaker . 128 Ball Bmringa, for Vice esident ... 127, 217 duty on iron or steel _______________ _ _ ___ _ _ gg duty on, and parts. .. . 25 Balloons, War, Automobiles, D. C., appropriation for .. 245,1038 license tax on . ... 379 Balls, Avemua, D. C. (see Streets, Avenues, etc., duty on autifriction . . 22 D. C,). billiard, etc,, of ivory, bone, etc ... 66 Amkztion, Navy, chess ..,,________ _ _____________ _ ______ 66 appropriation for experiments in develop- Balm of Gilead, ing 1268 on free list ,,,, _ ___,_______________ 73 Awards, S punish Treaty Claims Cmnmission, Balsams, deficiency appropriation for paying .. 218, 807 dut on, drugs ,, . ,,__________ 13 Axles, on gee list, crude, not specially provided duty on, for railway wheels 29 for .,,_________ _ _____________ _ _____ 75 iron or steel not otherwise provided for. . 25 Baltimore and Ohio Rmlrood Company Aa;min,s¢er Carpets, directed to change grade crossing on Q duty on .. . ... 55 Street northeast, D. C .. 199 Axrmymer Rugs, share of expenses, Cedar Street bridge and duty on ..,._ . .._.,.__,__. 55 subwa ... 387 Azaleas, Baltimore and %a.shington Transit Company, duty on .. 36 time for completion of tracks into Washmglnn extended ... . ,__________ 894 B. Baltimore, Md., appropriatiou for assistant trea.gurer’ Back Pay and Bounty, Volunteers, pp POECQ .,.,.. 434 1197 appropriation for ...,.., , __ 736, 1413 for improvement of harbor ...,... 633 937 Back River Bramyh of Savannah River, channel of Curtis Bay, ,..,_,___,_,,, , . , 937 bridge authorized across, at Savannah, Ga,. 180 for animal quarantine station ... 1240 Baron, fori _ nt station .. 1366 duty cu ·--·--..-·.·..-·-·--.- 38 forrsuzs mints. Fort McHenry Channel- 1481