Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1551

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lxvm INDEX. Department of Commerce and Labo‘r—Contd. Pm- Defmrtmmzt _0f Commute {md Labo1‘—Contd. Page appropriation for Bureau of Immigration mmigratmn Commission records to be- · and Naturalization; Information C0m€ part of 6195 of . - ···-.· 800 Division __,__,__________,,.._,__, 527, 1230 payment to lice V. Houghton ... . . . . 1313 for Bureau of Standards, salaries, equip- Department of English and History, Military ment, em _,_,...,,_,_,_. 527, 1230 Academy, ·member, International Committee of status of head of . _ . . ... 312 Weights and Measures .. 528, 1231 appointment of civilian as professor; rank, delegates, Internatzional Committee of pay, etc . . .. 312 Electrical Units . 528,1232 Department of Justice, _ investigating destructive effects of elec- appropriation for Attomey-General, Solicitric currents on buildings, etc. - . 528, 1232 tor·Gene1al, Assistants . . . 522, 1224 for contingent expenses ,,... . 528, 1232 for solicitors, attorneys . . - 522, 1224 for rent . . .,__... 529, 1232 for chief clerk, examiners, law clerks, for civil expenses under .. 753, 1430 clerks, etc ... 523, 1225 for Bureau of Light»Houses .. 753, 1430 transfers from lump appropriations . 523 for Coast and Geodetic Survey ... 755, 1432 for Division of Investigation .,.. 1225 for Fisheries Bureau . 758, 1435 for Division of Accounts .. 523,1225 Alaskan fisheries service . 1441 for contingent expenses ,. . .,, 523, 1225 for Alaskan seal fisheries ... 763 for official transportation ...,. 524, 1225 for immigration expenses ... . 763, 1441 for rent . _ ,,, 524,1225 Chinese exclusion . 764 for Solicitor of the Treasury, etc ,, 524, 1225 immigration inspectors .. . 764 for Solicitor of the Department of Comdetailed estimates ... 764 merce and Labor, etc .,._ 524, 1226 lease of office at Montreal, Canada.-, . . 764 for United States courts .,,, 529, 749, 1232, 1425 - for Ellis Island station .. 764 for civil expenses under __,,,.., _ _ 747, 1423 for expenses, division of 1'.\2.tl1I8.1lZ2.t1OH.,. 764 for court-house, D. C ..,_ _ ___. . .,,___ 747, 1423 amistance to clerks of courts ... 765 for Court of Claims building _,.,_____ , 747 for witness fees to Austrian seamen . 765 for construction of penitentiaries . , 747, 1423 for expenses, shipping commissioners . . . 765 for National Training School for Boys, for investigating structural materials. 765, 1232 D. C. ; . .,, , 747, 1423 fordesignsandestimates fornewbuilding- 1384 for Assistant Attorney-General, Deputy, for printing and binding for . 769, 1447 attorneys, etc., in customs cases. 747, 1424 for international commercial directory; for supplies, etc., customs cases .. 747, 1424 $116 ··-----···----·..---· _ ··-------· 769 fol’ Wltlless fees, etc., before Board of deficieiégy lip ropriation for Light-House 126 General Appraisers, from customs ta ent . . .., , ex nsog _,___________________ _ ____ 1424 224, 800, 814, 1313, 1324 for defddgding suits in claims ... . _ , 747, 1424 for Immigration Service. 126, 216, 812, 814, 1312 for detection and prosecution of crimes, for Immigration Commission ... . _ 215 etc ,,____________ _ _____________ 748, 1424 for Standards Bureau ... _ 216, 224, 801, 1313 for inspection of prisons and prisoners. 748, 1424 for palyirpsg pgdgments, United States 218 for fagvtgigation and prosecution of co , un er .., . . . u . . 748, 1424 for Corporations Bureau . 224 for defense, Indian depredation cases. 748, 1424 for naturalization of aliens ... . .. 224 for prosecution of fraudulent convey- for Chinese exclusion ... 224, 812,1324 ances, Kickapoo Indian allotments for Coast and Geodetic Survey ,,,, . , 224, in Oklahoma. . ,,,.,..., 748, 1425 227, 1314, 1324 for traveling and emergenc expenses. 748 1425 for Fisheries Bureau . 224, 1324 credit to disbursing clerli for advances. 7 1425 for collecting commercial statistics .. 226 for Alaska cgurt gxpguscs _____ _ ______ 748, 14% for plans, etc., building for ..., . .,.. 780 for enforcing antitrust laws .,,,.. 748, 1% fm °0¤tm8°¤l¥ €Xl;1°¤¤€¤ --··--~-··--·---· 800 for Setting aside conve anoos allotments for Bureau of Lig t-Houses, salaries 800 to Five Civilized 'IYribes.l ... 748 1425 for Immigration and Naturalization Bu- for volume 27, Opinions of the Attomey- ’ reau. . ...,.,.. 800 General ..,..,. 749 for Jolin J. Cannon and Benjamin for o inions and briefs of Solicitor of the Smith ,_______,______,_, , _,_____ _ _ 80], greagury _,_, _ __________,,,________ 749 for Rafael Chapa, uan C. Gonzales, and for investigating titles to lands in District Eduardo Trevino ... . ., 801 of Columbia. .. . ...,,,.. 749 for R. L. Reid .. . . . 801 for enforcing acts to regulate commerce. . 1425 for Jooé do Ohvnree ·----.-·-------.----- 801 for enito affecting Seminole allotments-.- 1425 for Judson S. Walter --.. . .. 801 for enitentiaries 751 1427 for Census Office . . ...,. 812 for ll\lationa1 Training School for Boys ’ for- Vfilligm L, Soleau ______,____,__ _ ____ 1313 ])_ C _____ g _________ _ ____ 753 1429 for Court of Claims judgments under 1319 for riuting and bindinélfor . U I 7 69, 1447 bonds of surety companies, restriction on l forgesigns and estimates fornewbuildino , 1384 eeoeptnnoe of - -_ -·-·--·--·----·---- 125 [ deficiency eppropriat ion for Unitgd oo o:tcauthonzed to investigate 126 States courts. . - 125, 214, 224, 227, 799,812, ) """"‘•·-·•·°*••••¤··-• Census Oiiiee special a?ents,_compensation. 126 1 for attorneys in special Flu, 1%%, designs and estimates or budding for, to be for National 'Praming School for Eggs prepared; cost . _..: ,,__. 698 D. C ..,,,._,,___ _ ,,,,_ 7125 $00 approval by board; appropriation author- equipment of shop autliorized . l ' ’ 800 wed ----- y ------ - ---·--- _ -—--------- 698 for rent --·-·· · ----------.--·--·- `Z i n T 125 expertedteohmcal, e;c., sertgnces author- 698 for rent of additional quarters .. L ,: I I . 1310 _ _ iz ; qom nsa ion, e . . .: . or Assistant Attome ·General De ut , edition of Daily Cgznsular Reports increased 821 attorneys, etc., customscaselz. .},125, 214