Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1580

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INDEX. XGV11 Gigli Trvulw. ‘ Psp Gouzdo, Holding, 111171 Moron, rm. G °¤ ·---···---~-·····--—····—---·--—-— 69 Goilfgggpcyjpprepwdcu for services -- 1310 duty on, cotton, men’s and boys’ . . 48 prelimiiiiiryceiramination of Corea Harbor l°°*b°* -----------···-----------·-- - - - - 69 to be made i ’ 671

 ..   Gouvuinmu, N.  

__ , 1 _ .. appropriation for public building .. 1372 Gbminizgitgilia ur cmbrcidcrcd ·----·---·---- 69 acquiring sittisuilpeigwtiug public building · a , au onz ...,,,..,_, _ _____ 686 Glzpg.; on ...,. 37 Governmewtt Employees, _ _ dm 1 . appropriation for medical examination of, GM y cu ------·-------· - ---···-----·----·- 34 . rcceivius psy fcr iuiurius;-;~ ,- · 52611228 .1.12,, 1... 14 hw g’2“22“‘§ $*""§i’““12`1“1i.°'·“"“"o1°..“°’ 1452 ’‘‘'’’‘ ‘ ‘‘·‘‘·‘‘* · ·········- - · ., 108 6 s mian . , ish ..--·...-·..---.--.--.- 14 1 punishgncnt lor falsifying acccimts, ctc· - . 1355 G,us;:>-it ------ - ·----·--------·----------- 14 making ielqv repcrt of public iuuucys cr h_e°°. 2 securities . . ,,,,,,,,,,,______ _ _ _ 1355 Gg,;,,n¤ list -—---·----—---—-----——------·-- 76 G<¤¤¤···M2¢ E3¢¤g'¤¤*'¤m¤». · . .-~- . 1..1y.;1.,c1..1.1 ..T... 14 “""'°*’1$§‘1”§.11i’.2Z’12"’§1?”’i"“""“‘°"“°" 703 rtigpistl .-·..---.-·..-..--·- 14 Go:a·nmugtt.?os;?ilulj1or Inagrwi, · - I .,1m1se.11.111 01,111..1.1.o.11¤ Act .. 52 ""'°",,,";i.1°'15. E' °“"*’°" ° “‘ ‘g°“‘ *210 1002 Goats, .1 't `````` Iijijjiiiijy" 745,'42 census inquiries of, slaughtered for food, fg; buuilrdi1né%sxd)n$d1@mds 746: Hm,-md all hides produced _,_,,_,,,,,,_, 228 for ggegzric plant; from accrued pen- 1422 112218 oi dressed 111111 ssashos .. , . .. as defer? 1{1§13§1§1§£111ii1§1iiZ>iZr}1H1i me 1 Of . . ..,., , ,.,,,____ _ _ _ _ _ _ Goiluty on, glass, and trames 20 for repairs ,,,_,__ _ ___,_______ _ ______ Gold, extension of Fourth Street thro h unds _ _ _ 118 E!'0 dtatgfon, articles of Jewelry . , ,_,,,_,___ 68 Gm, ofit111 : .--...-. 243 ‘ ... - ,,__ 30 UYWIIIJYI ·m crntories, 4 mnnnfacturm or, not specially provided appropriationjor exguses .. 500, 1202 , for Government Bgiee (se; also Public pens . . .. . an mdmg on tree list, bullion ..,... . ,..,.___ 74 appropriintion form Public l’rinter und coins ,...,, 74 sa aries in 0 ce of ...,,, 766, 1444 medals received as prizes, etc ...,.,,,, 77 for doorkeepers, menengers, telephone ore ,.. · .._.,,,, 78 operators, etc ..,.___ 766, 1445 sweepings . . .., 78 for Deputy Public Printer and salaries Gold geateri Molds and Skins, f in ogipe of. .,.,,...,__ _ _ 767, 1445 on ee list .. . ..,. 76 or watc orce .. _ _ , 767, 1445 Gold Certijicaus, for ying salaries for holidays ... 767,1445 issued on deposit of gold coin; denoininu- for legyes of absence to pmpilolyees 767, 1445 {ons, etc .,,____,,,,,.,,,,,,,,___,,_ 965 employees on an ua sa es .. 767 at Ndw York and San Francisco, of for- for public printiugand binding; alloteign gold coin . 965 ment . ,.__, 767, 1445 G Hog stamped gold bullion 965 transl`? of allotments for 1911 . 1448 o om.: appor ionment o expenses to wo k appropriiition for recoinage of ... 713, 1390 executed . , , $70, 1448 issue of gold certidcates for deposit of .. 965 details of employees restricted 770 for deposivts of foreign, at New York and 6 for sugpntendgint of documents and San rancisco ... . . , 9 5 sa 'es in 0 ce of ,,___, 770, 1443 princippl and interest of United States i for contingent expenses. .. . . . 770,1448 onds and certificates of indebted- { control, etc., of Public Printer con- 6 ld S ness payable in . 192 , [ tinufid. ..., . . ... 770 'o ize, , · or insta ing water meters ...,,,____,__ _ 392 élut,t;mon.v ..§ .,.,. 15 deficiency ipgirgpriation for bridge to con- " 'op ," . .·. , nect mcs . . 129 appropriation for repairs ... 621 1 for Samuel Robiiison, William Mndden, Gonzales, Juan (Z'., l and J oseph De Fontes ., 129, 807, 1319 deticiencky appropriation for ... 801 for leaves of absence ,__________________ 306 Gore, ifran E., _ _ increase of allotment for printing and bind- G deficiency appropriation for refund to . 780 f mg {or Congress _,,_____________ _ ____ 21;- ormgs, or mac mery ..,.___, _ ________________ 21- dutykon cotton, Bax, etc .. g } part oi apipiigprgatipn for holidays made I si - .. . ,... avai a e or env of nbse _____ _ 1443 Gmgicpyg ----—»- - ---~-----—---·--·—---·· 54 tiuusiievecfh pgutiug fgppmprislligu for 89 , . t a er ureau _,__ ,_ ,__,_______ 1 appropriation for public building .. 1372 l Governors Island, Mass., Got rough Lace lilac {nes, 1 tmnsferof Lovellslightdepot to, authorized. 535 on tree list prior tolanuary 1, 1911 ... 32 i Gowanus Bay, N. Y., Gottschall, Oscar M., appropriation for im rovement of Bay appointed on Board of Managers, Volunteer _ Ridge and Red glooktjhannels. . 728, 1405 Soldiers? Home . ... 876 preliminary examination oi, to be mgdg_ _ 953 S8740° —voL 36, PT 1-11--100